A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Sunday, March 31, 2019
1. I was running late for school. I had trouble finding my coat, and when I found it in the closet, it kept falling down and I'd lose it again. I was responsible for getting my two brothers ready for school as well. When I finally headed out the door, the bus I usually took drove by and I had to walk. As it turned out, I only lived a couple blocks from campus. The school was called Lathrup High (which I've never heard of in real life) and the buildings were a mix of modern and 19th century brick structures. As I approached the school, I was on a giant hill and people were falling down the steps, trying to get down it. I finally got to school near the end of homeroom period, which started every day. I had the class schedule on my wristwatch, but it was for the previous semester. I knew my first class was gym, so I went there. In the locker room, the boys and girls were getting physicals.
2 I was trying to get money out of an ATM, but my card somehow broke into several pieces in my wallet. I went into a bank and was issued a new card. To get money, you needed to insert a half of a black olive in one slot and then insert your card in another. After you entered your PIN, a music video played on a small screen and the tune was a very catchy New Orleans song by a brass band and singers. I got such a kick out of this, I demonstrated it for my wife.
3. This started out in front of either an office or college building. I was with our friend Randy and we discussed the fact that, even though everything appeared normal, we were actually underwater. We swam up to see where the surface was, but never really found it. I walked down the hall and could also swim if I wanted to. The dream morphed into me being with a camera crew taping several segments of people being interviewed. We discussed how later I would be playing guitar on a long jam that we'd set the footage to.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
1. I was in a large, multi-story department store riding an escalator up from floor to floor. It was crowded and on just about every floor, someone would stop me and introduce themselves and tell me they had worked with me, long ago.
2. I was helping some young kids participate in a balloon race. We were to release our balloon and the first one to arrive in the city of Hamramck would win a prize. Ours was attached to a large heavy wooden pole, so we removed it and sealed it with string. When I tested it, it fell immediately to the floor, so I told the kids I'd take it outside and release it. Since I knew it wasn't going anywhere, I put it in a trash can and was going to tell the kids that it must have gotten lost.
3. A bunch of us were on a bus heading to a bar. The bartender was with us and was dressed in a furry, beaver or raccoon costume. I mad a wisecrack like "Who's carding WHO?' Or "You're carding ME?"
4. Several of us were siting at a piano and our instructor announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the piano is made up of keys (notes)." I started at the high end of the piano and played the notes one at a time down the keyboard. A couple of the kids just sat there, however one girl started playing the notes from the lowest up to the highest ones.
Friday, March 29, 2019
1. There was a large rattle snake in a closet/cave and I was trying to kill it with a broom handle. It finally went away but then a couple miniature waterfowl appeared and I tried to smash them. Apparently I was going to paint the scene and wanted them out of the picture.
2. My wife, Wally, and I were in a giant indoor book mall. I was looking for a book called "Renoir's Coat" which was highly recommended. The first store didn't have it. The second one we went to had a lot of used library books but they didn't have it either. However the sales lady told me she saw the movie.
3. I got a job at an ad agency downtown and I was sharing my office with a couple junior writers. One of them left several clippings of her favorite poems and cartoons on my desk, which I didn't get. While walking down a hall with escalators, I realized I had recently gone to NYC but forgot to turn in an expense account.
4. I was in a Middle-Eastern grocery store. I brought the last milk carton up to the counter. It was banged up and when the clerk opened it, the milk was dried up and spoiled. I said to him, "You're out of milk, pomegranate juice, and pita. That makes you 0 for 3. Bye!" And I woke up.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
1. I was downtown at night during the Detroit Jazz Festival and it was pretty crowded. I bought a beer and by the time I finished it, it was so crowded I could barely move. Several of us agreed that it was "no longer enjoyable" and we were going to head out.
2. We were at a friend's apartment waiting for someone to drop off a dog that we were going to sit for. Another friend's son was in the bathroom I was waiting to use. At one point someone pointed out a photograph of Vermont and I pointed to a small chalet and joked that it was the capitol of the state.
3. We watched a group of giant men swinging on the vines of some huge trees, fighting. It was like being in a cartoon.
4. A couple of the giants and I were sitting at a bar and they were putting their faces on the bar and doing impressions of gangsters with high-pitched Italian accented voices. One of the men told a suicide bomber joke. The punchline had something to do with preferring to be a smoked omelette than a smoked...(something else I didn't catch).
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
1. Can't remember the first part of this long dream but it ended up at an outdoor mall where a bunch of musical instruments were set up in a large circle. A trio at the far end was playing jazz and I decided to play a snare drum quietly. One of the musicians yelled at me to stop and I yelled back, "Catso Durro!" I stormed out and a woman, holding a pair of binoculars followed me and told me one of the musicians wanted me to star in his movie.
2. I was in a large classroom and the students were leaving for the day. An old neighbor, Tom and I were going to spend the night there. Someone asked what we did when the attack dogs were let loose and I mentioned that we just call the police. Our neighbor Phil was seated at one of the desks. I had a large red rubber cup in may hand and I dipped it into a red powdery ink and made a print on a large sheet of paper--it was a three part flower. I told Phil he should stamp it on his forehead and call himself the Evil Trefoil.
3. I was at Phil's house and he was getting food and beers to take to another neighbor's house for dinner. He was down in the basement and he shook his finger and shouted "Shama" which somehow translated as "bad", but he couldn't remember the word for "good".
4. I was at our local elementary school and was returning a large black display monitor of some sort. I had recently watched a funny SNL-like skit on it and and was telling someone about it when one of Phil's students' rudely grabbed it and was going to play another skit on it. Before I could mention to Phil how rude his student was, a teacher assembled the students to make an announcement. I noticed I was wearing a purple women's down coat, right before I woke up.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
1. We had invested in "The Woodstock Dream" which was going to be a condo complex owned by a bunch of old hippies. The complex hadn't been built yet and someone described the general look of it on a school cafeteria table. We decided to sell our shares and back out of our investment.
2. A bunch of us were at my Uncle Mel's farm and we were looking at a collection of classical cds and were discussing classical music. I pointed out a box set of Beethoven's nine symphonies that I bought for $8. My brother mentioned that it was an excellent deal and I told him he could buy it for $6 or less at a used record store.
3. A bunch of us were driving up north in a big green station wagon. We stopped in Flint, Michigan and I got out of the car for some reason. When I got back in, the interior was dripping wet. No one had a good explanation for this and I figured it would eventually dry out. Our friend Frank had picked up a slutty looking young hitchhiker who was sitting in the back seat. As we drove through a rough part of town, I noticed a lot of the signs were in English and Arabic.
4. The back part of our garden received little direct sunlight, and I tried for years to plant shady flowers there, unsuccessfully. So I hired a bunch of people to dig it all up, save a few of the healthier plants, and then fill it all in. We ended up with a huge hole--30' x 40' or so, which had some brick structures that were falling apart. We eventually filled it all in. Then I discovered a color photo from a newspaper attached to a piece of slate and buried years ago. It looked beautiful and I saved it to be framed and hung up on a wall later. Somehow, the area we filled in was part of our family room and had a beautiful wood floor. As we walked around it, it began to settle and sink a few inches.
Monday, March 25, 2019
1. I was driving around in a semi, trying to figure out where the dock I was that I was supposed to deliver my cargo to. The information was on a chip that looked like a flash drive. I ran into an Indian man wearing a turban and I asked him if he happened to have a chip reader and he said of course. I nodded my head and said, "Of course you do.".
2. We were searching for a good Italian restaurant/hotel in Manhattan. One of the restaurants sent out a crew of wine stewards and they had wine samples in what looked like Coke bottles and we sampled one of them. It turned out to be an excellent Chianti.
3. I was staying in a house in Wine Country in California with a bunch of kids. It was early evening and my dad, mom, and grandpa informed us they were going out to dinner. I found my teddy bear, which I've had since I was a little kid. It had these odd, blue patches on its face. I asked the kids if they knew where it came from and told them it was from my Aunt Mary Jane when I was born and that maybe I should give it to her to keep for me. She just happened to be there.
4. I was an ump at a girls softball. The count went to 3-2 on the batter and the next pitch was about five feet wide of the plate and I yelled, "batter, take your base!"
Sunday, March 24, 2019
I only have a vague recollection of the tail end of a couple dreams.
1. A bunch of us were creating handbills for a rock concert. The process involved writing the name of the band onto a small piece of cardboard, then they were were mutilated by cutting them, shooting a staple gun at them, and crumpling them up into balls. A bunch of them would be included in a box and given/sent out.
2. My wife and I were giving someone a tour of our old neighborhood, which actually resembled my grandparents neighborhood on the west side of the city. We pointed out the church were we were married, It had moved a couple blocks and was now a baptist church and no longer had the Chinese female priest who married us We also passed by an beauty salon that specialized in facials.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
1. We were at a birthday party for our friend's daughter Katherine, in the lobby of the Detroit Opera House. There were three birthday cakes on a large table in the middle of the room that were being cut and served. I asked which one was the marzipan cake and was told it was a tiny one and was already gone The guests demolished the remaining cakes and by the time I was served there were basically crumbs left, which were totally dried out and pretty flavorless. I kept getting coffee at the bar. I helped myself to a tap that I thought was coffee, but it shot out soda water, which sprayed all over the place. The coffee was in urns in another part of the lobby. I kept returning to the bar and repeating the same thing. My wife mentioned to me that I was endearing myself to another guest who was drinking a lot of coffee. At one point, Katherine's brother Steve came up to me and showed me his plate. He had a couple slices from the bottom of the cake and told me I should make a cake sandwich like he did.
2. I don't remember much about this one except there were tiny round stickers with numbers on them all around the city. They were part of a "hydrometer" system and if they weren't replaced, the whole city (world?) would blow up.
3. I was driving in Amy's car and an older man was walking down the sidewalk drinking a root beer. He took a big swig and spit it at the side of our car and then walked into a bank building. I asked Amy to pull over because I wanted to have words with him. The bank's door was locked and the manager wouldn't open the door all the way so I shouted to the guy to explain himself, He said he just spit the pop out without thinking. I told him I didn't appreciate it, and as I walked away from him, I gave him the finger by rubbing my eye with my middle finger. When I told Amy the guy was an asshole, she rushed me and pointed to the back seat there there were two little kids. One was in a car seat and another little girl was crawling around. I was a little concerned that she wasn't buckled in, but figured it was her business and didn't say anything.
Friday, March 22, 2019
1. I was playing football in a huge, NFL stadium that had its wall covered in multi-colored Astroturf. I was on offense, and the plays were almost non-existent. At one point I was clear and caught a pass for a touchdown. I bored my teammates with stories about playing football back in the 8th grade.
2. This one started out on a construction site out in the country. I was going to work for my neighbor Erik and about 5 or 6 other workers. I was mainly going to be a gofer for the crew building a new home. We took a break and drove through a the city where I saw some old grade school friends. We ended up at a cliff, where several of the workers were jumping into the water which was a couple thousand feet below us. One of the drivers told me he needed to teach me how to drive his truck. We eventually stopped by someone's modern house. In the foyer, there was a brick floor--the bricks were actually made of a spongy material and when you stepped on them, you sank into a water tank. The homeowner's dogs would jump on the bricks, sink, and swim to the other side.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
1. I was going to undergo some medical procedure on my abdomen. I was sitting in a chair in a dark room. A nurse hooked me up to an IV which put me under. I slowly nodded off and a minute or two later I woke up and the operation was over with.
2. This dream took place in an outdoor courtyard at a shopping mall. A singer was performing. In the dream he sounded like Neil Finn of Crowded House but was a solo ac and was performing sitting down. There were a bunch of chairs in rows in front and in back of him, only there were just a handful of people in attendance. The small turnout was pretty sad. There were two young girls sitting next to me who were goofing around the whole time. My wife and daughters stopped by for his second set. When a lot more folks showed up to hear him play, he took his performance more seriously and stood up to perform.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
I had a series of dreams that were loosely connected--an old partner, Marge was the reoccurring character.
1. I was at an event that involved doing standup comedy about the various boroughs of NYC and then doing volunteer work in these boroughs. I ran into a friend Wally who now lives in the city and then Marge. I was supposed to team up with Marge and work with her the whole day, but I somehow forgot, and promised to work with her next year.
2. We were going to watch slides/a movie about Hawaii in the cafeteria of an ad agency where she worked. We eventually ended up at some posh, ultra modern house.
3. I volunteered to help her set up a huge number of blue tables and chairs on what looked like the tarmac at an air strip.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
1. J, a friend of mine stopped by my room on his way out to lunch. I showed him a white clothes chest a coworker had recently painted. The theme was some elderly British actor chasing a Bond girl. It was painted on all four sides and was quite attractive. J mentioned that he recently sold all his stock including his Apple stock and suggested I do the same.
2. A couple of gangster types, one of whom was wielding a sword, tried to hijack the SUV I was driving. I shoved him to the ground and ran him over. We then drove through several neighborhoods that had gravel roads behind the small, ranch homes. Eventually, my wife and I arrived at a miniature National Park that had bright reddish brown sand dunes. My wife got out of the vehicle and I could see her half way down a precipice.
3. I arrived in Florida on vacation. I was going to spend a few days in some city before joining my parents in Boca Raton. I realized that I didn't have my luggage or any credit cards or money with me. A middle-aged black woman was in the room with me and told me her daughters went to school with one of my daughters. She knew this because my last name sounded familiar.
Somehow, I arrived back home and drove down my old street. The home I grew up in had been torn down and we now lived on the next block. The keys to the small ranch house were near the back door, but the house was already unlocked. A friend and I looked through a bunch of maps, trying to locate exactly where my parents were, so I could call them to let them know what happened. The maps were of other countries including Norway, I finally found a map of Florida right before I woke up.
Monday, March 18, 2019
1. My daughter's was in the hospital about to give birth and I was hanging around her brother and we were discussing what he should take to the hospital.
2. This dream involved a discussion about the feeling you get when you pound down an NA beer.
3. In this dream, I was driving around our city in a work van. We ended up in a part of town that was unexpectedly in bad shape with lots of vacant property and abandoned houses.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
After a night of fuzzy dreams that I couldn't remember, I had several lucid dreams last night:
1. I was getting dressed to go to my Senior Prom and was with several female classmates. I was almost dressed and had trouble picking out the right necktie. We spent a great deal of time trying on tie after tie, until I finally settled on a grey and tan striped one. As we headed out, I woke up.
2. The dream sort of continued. We were going to attend our all-night party. As we reflected back, the night was such a blur we forgot almost everything about it the first time, but somehow, we had a chance to redo it. Once again, the evening was such a blur, the next morning we had only vague memories of what had occurred.
3. I was visiting a crew that was mowing the grass and trimming the edge of a small hill in the cemetery where I worked in college. I asked one of the workers if I could borrow his edger and posed for several photographs. I started talking to and befriending one of the workers who looked like pure evil, with all kinds of tattoos, but actually was nice guy.
4. I was staying at a guesthouse in San Francisco. The tile walkway outside had a bunch of ice on it and a friend and I were charged with cleaning it. I started scraping it but decided it would be easier to pour boiling water on it. I came out with a pan of steaming water and sent my friend inside to warm up. Someone mentioned that the water might freeze, but I noted that the air in the city was so dry, it would evaporate before it froze.
Friday, March 15, 2019
1. I was attending a weekend craft beer tasting event with my older daughter. We spent the first afternoon sampling various beers and noticed many of the participants were falling asleep. We wondered if they were going to get a second wind after napping and we decided to take a stroll to revive ourselves.
2. I had a miniature Model T and decided our family was going to take a trip out west ("The" Out West or western Michigan? Don't know). Not only was our car half size, we were too. And, we were dressed in 1920's outfits. As we embarked on our trip, we figured out that our vehicle could only do 25 or 30 mph tops, so we'd better stick to smaller roads and avoid highways. We got caught in some kind of commotion downtown (a festival of some sort), but eventually started heading out of town. The car broke down in Dearborn, and I woke up at this point.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
1. We were in a room with lots of windows and were under siege by some undefined enemy. We were scrambling to make sure all the openings were sealed up before we counter attacked.
2. My wife and I were downtown, near Greektown and my brother-in-law Bill was going to by us each a hamburger for $3. I searched the back of my minivan for some money. The van was filled with boxes of currency which was actually my vast collectible coin and currency collection. I kept pulling out coins which were things like silver dollars and rare quarters, or either foreign bills or silver certificates. I finally found a two dollar bill that I was willing to part with and a copper two part bullet shell that had a spring inside which somehow represented a dollar. I gave both of these to Bill to pay for the hamburger.
3. My wife and kids were in a truck that I was hauling with a golf cart. We were at the top of a skyscraper where there was an entrance to "Christmas World"-- a huge factory that produces all the artificial Christmas trees and ornaments for the entire planet. We kept driving around trying to find the exit. When we got to a comptrollers window, the person mentioned that it was the middle of a work shift and it might be difficult to exit at this time. I woke up.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
1. A bunch of my wife's friends and I somehow ended up back in middle school, even though we all had graduated from high school. After school, we were carpooling and discussing our classes.
2. I don't remember why we were there, but for some reason, I was sharing a room with two guys and a woman. We were trying to figure out the arrangements and the guy in the bed next to me thought we should share a blanket. I told him I didn't need it and the cover would be warm enough. The woman came into the room and discretely changed into her pajamas before getting under the covers.
3. My wife and I were walking down the street of a walled town with a friend who was terrifically hungover. We walked into a courtyard that was part of some religious order. They had a bunch of food stalls serving Middle Eastern food. My friend said maybe if he had something to eat, he might be up for doing some drinking.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
1. I was in a city (New Orleans, perhaps) and had taken a shower. After putting on a bathrobe, I was going to head up to my hotel room and get ready to go out for the evening. The elevator was this strange rusty sheet of metal, suspended by a couple of ropes. It looked pretty precarious, so I opted to take the stairs, which was crowded with folks who had the same idea. There was some confusion about which room was mine. It gets fairly fuzzy from here.
2. A bunch of us were gathered in a large room and preparing a giant ham, which actually looked more like a big honking meatloaf. I was decorating the top of it with strips of sautéed onions and cooked meat. My Aunt Kathy asked me to email her when the ham was ready to put into the oven, but I had problems sending the email.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Another night of mixed up dreams. The only two bits I recall are a scene of my wallet falling apart and all my credit cards spilling out. And a dream about planting poppy seeds. The seeds were in the bottom of a plastic milk jug and I was planting them in a bed next to our back door and was speculating whether I could get any opium out of them.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
A night of serious dreaming. There are only the ones I remember:
1. My wife and I were touring Southeastern England. We visited a number of cities and tourist offices along the way. At one point our friend Wally joined us for a visit of Tintagel--supposedly King Arthur's castle. I decided not to pay the entrance fee as I had seen the castle years ago. They ended up winning a national photo contest with a picture of them standing next to some ancient monument dressed in ancient Celtic or Roman costumes.
2. This one involved a bunch of us playing indoor soccer. Instead of a soccer ball, we were using a balloon. There was a main court and a door on either end. You had to open the door to shoot at the goal, which was a couple piles of shirts, to score. Our team was up two nil(as they like to say), when I woke up.
3. We visited two garden centers which were adjacent to each other on Mack Ave.-- the main street in our city. They were having Fall sales and were loading up tomato plants to ship off somewhere. One of the stores had a sale sign, and a smaller sight that read: "Our sign is bigger than theirs!" I asked one of the salespeople if I could take a few tomato plants home, and if I given enough artificial light they would grow any tomatoes.
4. I was riding my bike around the neighborhood and wondering if I should buy some beer for my wife to take to her book club that night.
5. This involved a round table discussing various topics about improving the city of Detroit. Chris Ilitch was at our table while we discussed the Tigers miserable season. He thanked the group, got up and left. We commented that he didn't even want to hear anything about how to improve the team and the leader of the session (who happened to look a lot like Mike Ilitch and had two different colored eyes) said, "What a dick!"
1. My wife and I were touring Southeastern England. We visited a number of cities and tourist offices along the way. At one point our friend Wally joined us for a visit of Tintagel--supposedly King Arthur's castle. I decided not to pay the entrance fee as I had seen the castle years ago. They ended up winning a national photo contest with a picture of them standing next to some ancient monument dressed in ancient Celtic or Roman costumes.
2. This one involved a bunch of us playing indoor soccer. Instead of a soccer ball, we were using a balloon. There was a main court and a door on either end. You had to open the door to shoot at the goal, which was a couple piles of shirts, to score. Our team was up two nil(as they like to say), when I woke up.
3. We visited two garden centers which were adjacent to each other on Mack Ave.-- the main street in our city. They were having Fall sales and were loading up tomato plants to ship off somewhere. One of the stores had a sale sign, and a smaller sight that read: "Our sign is bigger than theirs!" I asked one of the salespeople if I could take a few tomato plants home, and if I given enough artificial light they would grow any tomatoes.
4. I was riding my bike around the neighborhood and wondering if I should buy some beer for my wife to take to her book club that night.
5. This involved a round table discussing various topics about improving the city of Detroit. Chris Ilitch was at our table while we discussed the Tigers miserable season. He thanked the group, got up and left. We commented that he didn't even want to hear anything about how to improve the team and the leader of the session (who happened to look a lot like Mike Ilitch and had two different colored eyes) said, "What a dick!"
Saturday, March 9, 2019
1. We were at a beach house and were coming back from a day at the shore. A friend, "M", who I had mentored when she was just out of art school, was covered in sand, and I suggested she take a shower. I had to search high and low to find her a towel. I handed her one and she headed into our communal shower. Just then, a whole hoard of young friends of my daughters arrived and it was pure mayhem.
2. I don't remember much of this dream except that we were driving on a coastal road on one of the Hawaiian Islands in a four-seat sports car. Thad, an old grade school friend was driving, although he was sort of low riding and could barely see over the steering wheel.
Friday, March 8, 2019
1. I was on the set of "Murder She Wrote" only it was real life and was taking place at the police station. One of the detectives was going to contact some communists and he asked me if he could use my phone number. I told him I didn't want to get killed. We were going to meet someone and I asked him if I could stop by my home to do something (use the bathroom?). I entered the house, which was similar to one of our neighbors, and tried to find my bedroom. Every room in the house looked like a 18th Century French drawing room. There literally were no other rooms in the house.
2. This one took place in a house that was similar to the one I grew up in. I was getting ready to go to bed but figured I needed a glass of wine or two to get to sleep. I found a crumpled up plastic bottle of wine in the fridge which I stashed in my pocket. There was an opened can of cheap beer in the fridge which I guzzled. Then I went down in that basement and found a stack of photos on the floor and I suspected our cat put them there. I picked them up and when I returned, there was another stack of photos. When I went into the bathroom, I found a pile of shredded toilet paper, so I knew at this point it was indeed, the cat. I went into a small bedroom and when I opened the drawer to hide the wine, I found a half bottle of vodka. Then I noticed the bed was messed up and a friend of ours, "A" was with her girlfriend and was thanking our host for putting them up for the night.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
My wife and I met up with a couple of old friends for dinner. It was a casual place, perhaps a Mexican restaurant or a Coney Island. I decided to sit at a table with the woman, who I'll call "V", and my wife sat with her husband. I've know this woman since my late teens and I saw her occasionally over the years. We had this amazing conversation and came to the realization that we were true kindred spirits. In real life, we always got a kick out of the fact that our handwriting was almost identical--something we discovered when we worked in retail together. At one point we were trying to remember a favorite soup we both liked. (It was Chicken Tortilla Soup). V told me she had to tell me something important, but she had to use the rest room first. Before she came back, I woke up. (of course). If only...
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
I can't remember them all, but here are a couple from last night:
1. I was being chased by someone and ended up in the apartment of a high rise. For some reason I was naked and I rummaged through a dresser and found some clothes. Before I put them on, my pursuer broke into the apartment. I leapt out the window knowing I could fly. The apartment building was on the hill of a large city. With the clothes in my hands, I rode the air currents out of the city and into the country. On the way, I passed a balcony with two women having cocktails who were appalled that I was naked. I landed in a pick-your-own apple orchard which had a security fence around it. I found an opening and when someone chased me, I realized that I had some sort of protest sign which I started waving.
2. I was wandering around in a downtown area that looked a bit like Detroit. I ended up in a dental chair and my dad (who's deceased) was drilling one of my teeth through my cheek. It was excruciatingly painful and I woke up with a start.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Only remember bits and pieces of last night's dreams. In one, I was looking out the bedroom window of a house we were renting. Some friends were laughing at my bright blue gas-guzzling Mercury Grand Marquis in the driveway and commenting on how it probably only got two or three miles per gallon. I thought to myself, well, it's a company car, so who cares. Then I remembered that it wasn't a company car. In another dream, we were preparing a dinner for some guests, and I was showing my wife a business card with names I had jotted down on it of a few random advertising associates she might know. My wife was a photographer and was about to go on a long photo shoot.
Monday, March 4, 2019
A hodgepodge of golf related scenes--which is odd because I don't play golf. In the first part of the dream, I was on a golf course, which on a slight hill. It was on Belle Isle, an island in the middle of the Detroit River, near downtown Detroit. Someone had built a McMansion in the middle of the hole I was on and you had to play around the home. There was a makeshift hole which was only about 40 or 50 feet from the tee to the hole. A bunch of kids from a local college golf team joined me. My drive was about 30 feet from the hole and everyone got a kick out of that and were giving me the business about it. They all shot a two on the hole. I sunk a long put for a two. After much heckling, I asked them what they shot and they said, "a two." Yeah, that's what I shot too," I responded.
I woke up briefly and when I went back to sleep, the dream continued, although it was a bit fuzzy. I was on the golf course, which was attached to a theme park, with my family. I was going to play a hole or two, and then we were going to go on some rides together.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
1. An odd disease was affecting a number of our houseplants. Tiny holes, that looked like they were made by a paper punch, were appearing on the base leaves. They were especially noticeable on our jade plants (which we don't have). I discovered that a bumblebee type insect was causing the damage. When I found one of the bees flying around, I smacked it with a rolled up magazine. It didn't kill it, but the bug's wings fell off and I picked it up and tossed it outside.
2. As I walked into a store (Kroger's?), I noticed a drum set on display, It had a sign that said it was for sale for $299 and that it was used for the recent MC50 tour (A tribute band featuring former members of the legendary Detroit rock group, the MC5). I asked a rocker who was with the drums about it and he mentioned that he was the drummer on the tour. He let me play the drums, which featured one cymbal and drums that were made largely of styrofoam. I was pretty dubious about just how long the kit would last before crumbling.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
1. I can't recall this one very well, except that it was like a superhero action film, where the various punches were accented with a visual POW! and BAM!.
2. In this dream, I was riding bikes with a friend. We were getting tired and decided to rest. So we stopped at someones house, opened up the garage and my friend hung his bike on a ceiling mounted bike rack. Then he climbed up into the rafter and fell asleep. I went across the street and was about to hang my bike up when a woman drove up across the street. She came over to talk to me. It was obvious that she was new to the neighborhood because she didn't realize that I didn't live there. We chatted for a bit, then I rode off, hoping my friend wouldn't get caught.
Friday, March 1, 2019
This dream makes almost no sense. There was a tall, round condominium complex that had fallen into a state of disrepair--because of age or neglect. Most of the windows had fallen out but the basic structure remained intact. I had a picture of the building and a pile of small pieces of paper with images of the missing elements of the building on it. I carefully attached these to the larger picture with some tweezers and if I completed this task, the building would be reborn in real life. Hmmm...
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...