Monday, March 4, 2019


A hodgepodge of golf related scenes--which is odd because I don't play golf. In the first part of the dream, I was on a golf course, which on a slight hill. It was on Belle Isle, an island in the middle of the Detroit River, near downtown Detroit. Someone had built a McMansion in the middle of the hole I was on and you had to play around the home. There was a makeshift hole which was only about 40 or 50 feet from the tee to the hole. A bunch of kids from a local college golf team joined me. My drive was about 30 feet from the hole and everyone got a kick out of that and were giving me the business about it. They all shot a two on the hole. I sunk a long put for a two. After much heckling, I asked them what they shot and they said, "a two." Yeah, that's what I shot too," I responded.

I woke up briefly and when I went back to sleep, the dream continued, although it was a bit fuzzy. I was on the golf course, which was attached to a theme park, with my family. I was going to play a hole or two, and then we were going to go on some rides together.

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