Wednesday, March 27, 2019


1. Can't remember the first part of this long dream but it ended up at an outdoor mall where a bunch of musical instruments were set up in a large circle. A trio at the far end was playing jazz and I decided to play a snare drum quietly. One of the musicians yelled at me to stop and I yelled back, "Catso Durro!" I stormed out and a woman, holding a pair of binoculars followed me and told me one of the musicians wanted me to star in his movie.

2. I was in a large classroom and the students were leaving for the day. An old neighbor, Tom and I were going to spend the night there. Someone asked what we did when the attack dogs were let loose and I mentioned that we just call the police. Our neighbor Phil was seated at one of the desks. I had a large red rubber cup in may hand and I dipped it into a red powdery ink and made a print on a large sheet of paper--it was a three part flower. I told Phil he should stamp it on his forehead and call himself the Evil Trefoil.

3. I was at Phil's house and he was getting food and beers to take to another neighbor's house for dinner. He was down in the basement and he shook his finger and shouted "Shama" which somehow translated as "bad", but he couldn't remember the word for "good".

4. I was at our local elementary school and was returning a large black display monitor of some sort. I had recently watched a funny SNL-like skit on it and and was telling someone about it when one of Phil's students' rudely grabbed it and was going to play another skit on it. Before I could mention to Phil how rude his student was, a teacher assembled the students to make an announcement. I noticed I was wearing a purple women's down coat, right before I woke up.

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