Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I had a job at an art museum. I kept running into old colleagues, who were also working there and were somewhat embarrassed about their jobs. I saw M. who recently had back surgery (in real life), and she was trying to avoid me. I finally came up to her and told her I just wanted to give her a big hug and told her if she needed any help, I was there for her.

Monday, April 29, 2019


1. I was at a house that I had recently moved out of. I discovered a bunch of boxes that had my coin and baseball car collections. The new owners were already in the home/apt. and I quietly filled my pockets with a bunch of misc. ancient coins as I tried to figure out what to do with all the boxes.

2. Some guys had aired a commercial about a kid they were going to sell on the internet and we  were trying to stop them.

3. It was evening and we delivered a pizza to an older lady's house. Then we were in the car with her and she was driving us around an area that looked like Cape Cod or rural Maine. We stopped at an upscale hotel and she went in to order a pizza while we sat at a table waiting for her.

4. I was running down Fisher Rd. towards my old high school. I was surprised at how fast I could run without being out of breath. I was supposed to report to an old gym teacher and tell him I made up a class I missed. There were several kids just inside the front door who were guards. One of them recognized me and I pretended I remembered him. It turned out he was a friend of Marna's husband John. Then I figured out there must have been some kind of mixup about my makeup class. I was at a counter in the cafeteria and had a raspberry-flavored adult beverage. I poured it into a styrofoam coffee cup so I could be discreet about drinking it while walking home. I put the glass pint bottle in my pocket and noticed that the straws were odd looking. When I tried to drink it, almost nothing came out.

5. This dream was pretty vague. It had to do with delivering prescriptions out in a rural area in the 1930s. It might have been in black and white and had a "Bonnie & Clyde" feel to it. We discussed the term "reactive vs. redactive pricing"(?).


My daughter Sarah was at the home I grew up in shooting off fireworks. We followed her around the house and eventually ended up inside. There was a lunch counter with a white box filled with a huge cake made up of donuts. My wife said she was still full from the kielbasa she ate earlier, but I tore off a piece and started eating it right before I woke up.

Saturday, April 27, 2019


1. I'm in a section of an office building where I'm not supposed to be. An office manager finds out and she starts chasing me. I end up in a room that's being sealed off with pods made of aluminum foil. I hide in one and a worker comes up to the pod and starts taping it shut. I hold my breath to keep from laughing and getting caught. He's about two feet away from me and I finally start laughing and wake up.

2. This is one of those annoyingly repetitive dreams. I'm putting an endless supply of items in containers and some of them have special plugs on them!?!?

3. I was with two other guys and we were acting up. An older guy catches us and writes out what we think are tickets and hands them to us. It turns out they are actually prescriptions for anti-hallucinatory drugs and he includes a check to pay for the first drug order. One of the guys runs down a ski slope and climbs a tree. I call out for him and when he answers we run down to see what he's up to. He's having a vision of some dragon-like monster which we can also see. The older man mentions that my friend's sister Julie had demons in high school but her husband gave her the drugs and she recovered. I look at the papers he gave me and find a cheque for $950. The monster dying is the last thing I see before I wake up.

4. Using an electric saw, I cut a couple holes in a wall so we can install either light switches or electric outlets.

Friday, April 26, 2019


1. I don't recall the first part of the dream, but the last part involved preparing chicken to bake. There were a ton of pieces and I was dipping them in buttermilk, rolling them in seasoned flour and then placing them on racks. I placed these on cookie sheets, getting them ready to bung them in the oven.

2. I was at Peter and Patty D.'s for dinner and we were having a discussion about some special crystals you could dissolve in your mouth and would break down the food you were eating so your teeth wouldn't crack. Peter mentioned that there was a cheaper and more effective alternative. I went into a room where I had a stash of candy and broke off some chewy toffee from a large candy bar that had several rows of various flavors on it.

3. This was a long and involved dream. I was in the basement of a dorm in Ann Arbor and Jim F. was there. I had made some home brew, but since I gave up drinking, someone else drank it. Almost everyone living there had home-brews fermenting in their rooms. There was a water drinking contest and I saw a girl drink four quarts of water, one right after another. Terry A. decided to compete but gave up after drinking less than a quart. Two girls were there telling some absolutely crazy stories. I mentioned to them that they attended a meeting back in Grosse Pointe a while back.


1. A bunch of us were swimming in Lake St. Clair near the mouth of the Detroit River. There were huge swells that kept pushing us north until we finally ended up at the Grosse Pointe Farms city park. The police station was located there and we went in, waiting for Mr. Jensen to drive us home. The station was being remodeled and we walked around and checked out the work being done.

2. This is a reoccurring theme. I can slide down the stairs on my heels, sort of like sliding down the bannister. n this dream I was demonstrating it so some kids on the stairs and an escalator. One of the escalators was broken so I had to use the other one. I half woke up and wondered if I really could do this in real life.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


1. We heard that a terrorist had highjacked a plane and it was going to crash near our house. I looked out the window of my brother's room and could see it heading straight towards our home. We tried to seal up the windows and when it crashed, tons of smoke leaked through the cracks in the windows.

2. I was walking to class with some friends and we were talking politics. I saw Ken S. who I used to work with and made a snide remark about how someday he'd see the light and become a Democrat. Then I commented that we shouldn't discuss politics if we wanted to keep all our friends.

3. Our local Krogers grocery store had a dining area and I was sitting with my friend Jeff, discussing temptations I've had about drinking. I mentioned that I saw someone leaving the store with a 12-pack of craft beer and it made me want to start drinking again, just for a few days. He reminded me that it was a terrible idea. Then he mentioned that the store recently launched a buffet and we could dine for free. I joined him and checked out the spread, but told him I wasn't hungry.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


I was working in a meat processing facility at Costco. My job was to take flattened chickens out of a box, bend and break their rib cages and head them across the table where another worker would skin them and cut them into pieces. At one point, a large hog was removed from a box. Someone mentioned it was from Texas, and we joked that it was a huge Texas asshole.

Monday, April 22, 2019


1. Someone left a yellow pickup truck for me to drive home (from work?). I was staying at my Grandma Bruske's old home on the west side. She had a new place. There's some confusion here between her and my mother-in-law. I was going to walk a few blocks and asked if the neighborhood was safe.

2. I attended an advertising meeting and ran into Colleen and Kent who I used to work with. Then I drove a big truck to (can't read my notes here). After I grabbed a box of chocolates I was at an (apartment?) and I gave a dog some chocolate at a few bits of a broken biscotti.

3. I was at the ticket counter at an art museum and bought tickets for the museum and for some show opening the next day called "The Loop". My wife told me to be sure to get tickets to "The Loop" and I showed her my tickets. While walking away I said "We can go now, Honey" which was supposed to be a quote from our old friend Bess. I started to explain who Bess was when I woke up.

4. I had a Mexican dinner at our friends the Corbs. As I was leaving I noticed the kids were having a sleepover with the boys sleeping on the floor in one room and the girls in another room. As I was leaving,  I comment that the dinner was great and I'd be hearing it (passing gas) all night.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


1. There was a wall with the names of various countries on it. I could pick one and it would be the theme of my next dream.

2. My friend Jeff was in a race that involved riding a bike and driving a race car through a suburban neighborhood. For the bike portion of the race, he had to remove large strips of white tape from the eves of houses.

3. I was filming an old guy who looked like the actor Wilford Brimley, conversing with a young woman. He was the maker of a specialized part for race car engines. In the dream, he was smoking a fat stogie that kept going out. At one point, I played his role and got fed up with the cigar going out all the time. I finally, poured tap water over it and threw it in the trash.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


1. I was at my childhood friend Tom's house late in the evening. My wife handed me a beer which I took a couple sips from and set it down. A few minutes later I noticed she had finished it. I was getting sleepy and wanted to leave and pretended to fall asleep when my wife opened another beer.

2. I was with my friend Tom and his wife and we had just finished shopping at our local farmer's market. It was after closing time and the place was pretty deserted. Our car was parked at the end of a long alley. As we walked down the alleyway, we were mugged a couple times. We finally decided to go down a major street to get to the car. Just as we hopped into the car, a black Jeep, a mugger tried to open the door, which I had just locked. Our drive home included driving through a covered art space and we passed by a small men's choir rehearsing. We also saw an art studio. The streets were pretty desolate. I commented that this part of Detroit is going to take a long time to come back.

3. I had recently been hired by the FBI and was working in an office located in a public library. Our office was out in the open. A friend, Robert G., who actually was in the FBI stopped by to visit us. He went around to our small group and introduced himself. I kept telling the group how it was amazing that we weren't allowed to have any ID cards with the name FBI on it. "It's not like we're a secret undercover organization," I kept saying. At one point, an old art director , Sam M. stopped by.

Friday, April 19, 2019


1. I was in Warsaw and somehow ended up in the outskirts of he city. I went into a shop in a small village where they sold some sort of ancient art or artifacts. The owner had a shop in Detroit and we chatted for a while. I started to head back towards the downtown area, which I could see in the distance. I figured the best way to get there would be follow the canals. I saw a bishop in his Sunday best white robes and a mitre wading across the shallow part of a river. At this point another guy was with me. We were following a dried up riverbed and it was gated off. Some ruffians demanded money to unlock the gate and let us through. The leader asked if I had any bitcoins. I reached in my pocket and produced a handful of miscellaneous worthless coins. I told him I'd give them to him after he unlocked the gate. He did and I handed him the money and we ran for it. He followed us along the river's edge and ended up throwing a massive cow head down at me. I woke up before it hit me.

2. I was staying with a bunch of friends (the Corbs), in a large motel room which was adjacent to a town square. People were out dining and just hanging around. My dad was with some of his friends. His head was bandaged and he looked pretty frail. I noticed an older couple and the woman looked familiar. Apparently she was a Greek actress in town for the premier of her latest film. The guy was very protective of her and I told him I just wanted to say "Hi" to her and wouldn't bother her. I ended up back in the motel room, (actually it was more like an apartment), and was going to make bread for dinner. There were a bunch of glasses of beer on the kitchen counter.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


1. I returned to my former high school and we were supposed to report to our old homerooms. I found Mr. Button's classroom, but he was away teaching at a southern university. I sat in the back on a ledge and was given an attendance sheet. Names were already filled in and I was told to write in another name and pass it on. Apparently we were there to attend free adult education classes.

2. At the last minute, the priest at our church hired me to photograph a wedding that had already started. The bridal party had just met in the school cafeteria. I didn't have a camera or film and called my wife to bring them to me. She pulled up after the wedding party had headed to the church. I was only vaguely familiar with the camera and it already had film it it. As we drove to the church, I opened up the back of the camera and pulled out the film, knowing that the exposed film would be ruined. I ran into an old friend,"Doggo", who now worked for the church and was counseling a couple pf young women. I was in a total panic trying to load the film and get into the church to film the ceremony. I woke up with a start.

3. I was standing near some railroad tracks and asked someone if the tracks went downtown. I noticed a tall ship in the harbor and a train arrived that was about to embark on an exotic voyage. I asked a young kid if he'd take a picture of the scene and email it to me. After he took the photograph, I gave my email address to his mom, who was either Indian or Pakistani and didn't speak any English. I gestured to her that I'd look after her son.

4. My friend Jeff called me in the evening and told me I owed him a favor. He asked me if I'd pick him up from his house and drive him downtown to get a drink of water. I lived below Jefferson and it was quite a bit out of my way. I asked him if we'd be even after this and he said yes.

5. We owned some property at the end of our bloc and the neighbors were helping work on the site. As I headed down the block, a couple were hauling a huge piece of metal and I asked the person I was with if they were getting paid. He said they were doing it for free and just being helpful. The guy was quite tall and the girl seemed to be about eight or nine years old and pretty short. When I got to the site, I was amazed at how much work had already been done and was surprised to see a huge mound of dirt that had to be dealt with.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I was working for a Japanese company and they decided to provide a free brunch for all the employees. We had exactly 20 minutes to eat. I went up to the buffet table and noticed that the paper plates were about 3 inches wide. I eventually found a larger plastic plate and dug into one of the entrees. It was a large custard-like loaf with meatloaf underneath. I took two huge portions of it and set it down at a table then went back for dessert. After just three minutes, people were already finished eating and were scraping their plates and putting them in the trash. The president of the company was eating a cake that had tiny sprinkles in it, so I decided to take a piece of that one. There were several other huge cakes as well.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


1. Several of us were standing on a street corner holding a big tray with cube shaped objects on it. They represented possible future outcomes (?) and we were firing bullets at them.

2. This took place at a large outdoor event where people were seated at picnic tables eating. Someone suggested I see my brother Paul for something to eat. He had a half of a hamburger and some grilled salmon, but it didn't look very appealing so I told him I wasn't hungry.

3. I was at the starting line  of a multi-class sailboat race at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. I was milling around and spotted Dave W., an old grade school pal, and his older frumpy wife.

4. I was at a small town shopping area with upscale retail shops, much like Grosse Pointe. An older gentleman was inside a store validating parking tickets. He was going to retire, but had recently accepted another job. Someone commented: "You have an advantage. You're British. Americans love the accent."

Monday, April 15, 2019


1. After a Chernobyl type incident, I was sorting through packets of get well cards. They were written mainly in Polish and included colorful drawings. The packages also included white garbage ties and thin sheets of cellophane for some reason. There was a woman from some Slavic country and I amused her with the few Polish phrases I knew like Matku Boska (Mother of God) and Psha Klef Kolera (Dog's blood Cholera) which she gave me the modern definition of.

2. Marie D. and I were changing into bathing suits to sun tan.

3. I had a box of misc. baked goods and the box kept falling apart and the desserts kept falling out. I decided I should just eat most of the blueberry cake before all of it fell out. Someone mentioned that they were baked by some Kashoubs, so it didn't factor into their economy and I thought that it was a rather racist comment/observation to make.

4. My wife and I were staying at a hotel (in New Orleans?) and her company was picking up the tab. We started making out in the room when a couple maids came in to clean. One of them was rolling around on the carpet pretending to look for lint, and I was convinced they were wasting time and weren't going to leave any time soon. I huffed out and Diana asked me if I wanted to go with her into the French Quarter to get someone's autograph. I said no and went off on my own, mad that the maids spoiled the moment, and I was determined to stay out for as long as I could. I roamed around the hotel and at one point walked through a sports bar. I had to push my way through to get to the stairs that led to the elevators. When I got there, one of them was malfunctioning and was stuck between floors. When the next elevator car came, I got in and mentioned to the operator that she needed to report the malfunctioning elevator. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019


1. We had to make dinner for a bunch of kids. We bought several steaks that were wrapped in plastic and while riding the subway, I tried reading the labels to figure out what each one was marinating in. The second part of the dream involved fold some fabric that had the magic quality of being able to pass through other fabrics.

2. A whole crew assembled and were getting ready to drive somewhere to work on a project together (a movie?). Before we headed out, I had to use the bathroom one last time. We were in a caravan of various types of vehicles and the one I was in was an open shuttle type bus like they use at the zoo. Our driver drove our vehicle backwards through the city for a mile or two until we came to a major intersection. He then turned the vehicle around and drove forwards.


1. A bunch of families were staying in cabins out in the woods. I think were were there grieving together, but eventually we started having discussions about movies.

2. We were in a car driving on an overpass that had recently been shoveled and there was a news crew filming it because it was a great accomplishment for Trump. I commented, "Wow, this is is one of the great and only things he's done in two years!"

3. My dad and I were at a camp in southern France. My brother Paul was going to meet me and we were going to travel east and then to southern France together. At the golf course a bunch of guys were going to start a four-handed card game and I asked them what's normal to open the betting--I didn't have a lot of money.

Friday, April 12, 2019


1. I had enclosed $100,000 in cash in an envelope and put it in a cabinet in a hospital for my dad. When I realized how risky it was, I tried to figure out a way to get it back before someone stole it.

2. This was the first chasing dream I've had in a long time. It started out with a series of low flying planes spewing trails of black smoke. This, apparently contained some kind of substance that would turn us into zombies. Some of us hid inside a furniture store to avoid inhaling the chemicals. I hid in a furniture crate. When we emerged, state police started chasing us, and the rest of the dream was a series of one narrow escape after another.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


1. I was attending some kind of costume party. I was dressed as a clown minus the clown makeup. Dave S., an old high school friend was telling me that he had been on the wagon for years, but now that he was dating a girl who drank, he decided to start drinking for a little bit, but would quit down the road. The party moved outdoors where there was an unusual contest. Teams of three gathered at the top of a long driveway, and someone would run a pail of water up the hill and dump it. One person per team would use a broom and try to sweep as much water as possible down into a catch basin where it would be measured. I broomed all our water plus some that was off to the side and clearly we were going to be the winners.

2. I was playing a duet with Wally. He was playing the lute and I was playing this giant one-stringed bass that was attached to a harp. The string was quite loose and Wally asked me to tighten it up to improve the tone. Then, I was standing on a window ledge and the frame was coming away from the wall, and I yelled down to Wally who was on the driveway that it needed attention.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Played golf with my daughter's boyfriends dad. I teed off near the edge of a steep hill and my ball just made it over the edge. I hit it to the bottom of the hill in a bunch of gravel and dirt. There were a bunch of misshapen balls all around and I had trouble finding my #7 ball. My next shot went into the woods and people were returning after finishing their games. We anded up back at Paul's house. When I had to go to the bathroom badly, I went into a room that had this large white basin and I peed into it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


1. Someone set up an area outside a kitchen where, after you heat up some food you could participate in a live food blog.  A bunch of us were clowning around for the video camera. I had a large slice of pizza with eggplant parmigiana in the middle of it and was jokingly pretending I was going to fit the entire piece in my mouth. 

2. It was 2 or 3 in the morning and people were at my parents front door collecting for some charity. I yelled at them to beat it.

3. I was trying to screw a spark plug into a lawnmower and the socket wrench was made from an old, brittle log. It kept falling apart as I was using it and I figured if I applied enough pressure to it, it just might work.

Monday, April 8, 2019


1. May Aunt Mary Jane called me to tell me someone was trying to phone scam my Grandma.

2. Even though I had been let go from my job, I accidentally went to work. At around lunch time, I realized this and started to walk home. I was in front of my childhood church and could see my boss in the distance. To avoid him, I went the long way around to the back of the church towards the side street.

3. Another fuzzy one. In this dream someone was coated with a white powder and I made a joke out of it asking if it was talcum powder or powdered sugar.


This dream was pretty fuzzy. It involved watching a Turkish documentary about making gold leaf flowers. Can't remember any of the details.


A friend had some pizza delivered for dinner. I went into the kitchen and pounded down a beer. As I was pouring a second beer, my wife came in and glared at me. I poured the beer down the drain and rinsed the glass and said, "there, now are you happy?" She stormed upstairs and I could hear her brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed. I swore under my breath and she asked me what I said and I repeated it loudly. Part of the dream involved cleaning a silver ring (about four inches wide) over and over again. I had a feeling that every time I was going to go back to sleep, this part of the dream would keep reoccurring.


I had to run three different track and field events for gym class and each one had severable variables which I was trying to enter into my digital camera. I couldn't figure out how to adjust the settings and I gave up and decided to just run the perimeter of the field. Another runner caught up to me and we kept passing each other. I looked at the clock and it was almost quarter after the hour--which was when the class was ending. I woke apt just before 5:15--which was time to get up and get ready for a trip to NYC in real life.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


1. I try to wake up and write down a few words about my dreams so I can remember what they were about in the morning. However, I made a cryptic note that may some day come back to me last night. It simply read: Taking photo with my CD. I haven't a clue what that means.

2. I was walking down the street with a woman who was a friend of a friend from a previous job. She complained about how no Americans speak French. I engaged her in a conversation using  my basic comprehension of the language. She simplified her French and we actually communicated.

3. I had worked on a touristy pirate ship, which. My family came aboard for a visit and I showed them around. The dream segued into me at an ad agency where I had to rewrite a few spreads of a car catalog. The original writer, a young girl,  explained that her copy was short and to the point, but the client wanted more detailed copy. One of the spreads featured a keg of strong rum, and I was charged with coming up with a clever headline and body copy.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


1. I was speed skating down the halls of my old high school. I started skating in a style someone mentioned was the "Christian" skating style--hunched forward with one hand behind my back and the other swinging freely. I said I'd never heard of it called hat before and I was handed a couple documentary DVDs on the subject. I figured it had something to do with it being a public school and the separation of church and state, but I wasn't sure. I entered a room to tighten up my skates. A woman was holding two small children and she said she'd help me tighter up my laces after she put her kids down.

2. I was in my in-law's basement and was told to pick out some apples from a large cardboard box. There were only a couple apples left and I picked up two along with a bag of popcorn and a bag of pretzels. A couple women were upstairs waiting for me.

3. I was on a road trip and stopped at a gas station. I noticed a cart with a teddy bear that was just tike the one I had as a small child. I asked someone to take my picture of me with the bear before they took it away. I kept having trouble with the settings on the camera and the workers tried to complicate everything by trying to get in the picture and rearranging the bear on the cart. I got frustrated and yelled, "I just want a picture of me with the teddy bear! Howe hard is that?" They finally took a picture, that didn't turn out great.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


1. I was part of a beloved entertainment trio--something like Monty Python, and we were calling it quits, after many years. As a farewell gift, someone gave us three varieties of some herb. Oregano? They came in several strips that looked like sod and were about a foot long and maybe four inches wide and were in a dormant stage We were supposed to divide them up. One of us had decided to go ahead and use some of it to make a paint to decorate the wooden trim on antique furniture. The paint was dark red with streaks of gold in it.

2. I was out sailing on Lake St. Clair with a friend. We sailed around some small islands and when we ran aground, I hopped out and pushed the boat back into the water. We ran into some Indian sailors who were having a good time. Just when it looked like we were going to call it quits for the day, Paul, who owned the boat, ran into some folks who were spear fishing and he thought we should return to the slip and pick up some spear fishing equipment and head back out. When we got to shore, my cousin Lucy was telling stories to a crowd of people, and I knew I was stuck for the rest of the day and evening.

Monday, April 1, 2019


1. The entire dream is pretty fuzzy except the last two sentences.
Unknown speaker: My sister said she isn't going to make any more chicken.
Me: She knows what she's doing.

2. I was bumming around the country without any money, I.D. or belongings. I was in a movie theatre  watching a totally forgettable movie. When I left I was on some extremely busy railroad tracks. Trains from both directions kept coming by making it hard to walk any distance on them, (This is a reoccurring dream). Finally, my friend Jeff and I decided we needed to go through an underground tunnel to get into the city of Pittsburgh. We ended up getting caught just as were were about to open a door and enter the city. The tunnel was painted white and bright blue. There were a couple other guys with us and if we paid a fine of around $100, we would get a blueprint of some area of the tunnel. The guy ahead of me paid up and his blueprint was of the "wiring harnesses" inside the tunnel.

3. We were with our friend Randy and were pretending it was Halloween. The prizes were fireballs--hot cinnamon candies in two different sizes. We kept opening up packs of them and I stuffed them into the pocket of an apron I was wearing. Finally, someone said we should open up some packages of cookies, because we had enough of the fireballs already.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...