Monday, April 29, 2019


1. I was at a house that I had recently moved out of. I discovered a bunch of boxes that had my coin and baseball car collections. The new owners were already in the home/apt. and I quietly filled my pockets with a bunch of misc. ancient coins as I tried to figure out what to do with all the boxes.

2. Some guys had aired a commercial about a kid they were going to sell on the internet and we  were trying to stop them.

3. It was evening and we delivered a pizza to an older lady's house. Then we were in the car with her and she was driving us around an area that looked like Cape Cod or rural Maine. We stopped at an upscale hotel and she went in to order a pizza while we sat at a table waiting for her.

4. I was running down Fisher Rd. towards my old high school. I was surprised at how fast I could run without being out of breath. I was supposed to report to an old gym teacher and tell him I made up a class I missed. There were several kids just inside the front door who were guards. One of them recognized me and I pretended I remembered him. It turned out he was a friend of Marna's husband John. Then I figured out there must have been some kind of mixup about my makeup class. I was at a counter in the cafeteria and had a raspberry-flavored adult beverage. I poured it into a styrofoam coffee cup so I could be discreet about drinking it while walking home. I put the glass pint bottle in my pocket and noticed that the straws were odd looking. When I tried to drink it, almost nothing came out.

5. This dream was pretty vague. It had to do with delivering prescriptions out in a rural area in the 1930s. It might have been in black and white and had a "Bonnie & Clyde" feel to it. We discussed the term "reactive vs. redactive pricing"(?).

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