A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Monday, March 30, 2020
1. I was battling giant monsters/robots that were made from parts of erector sets.
2. I was living at home with my parents. My mom was going to go out for the evening and I decided I was going to have a few beers. There wasn't any alcohol in the house so I went out to the store. On a shelf there were some six-packs of Vernor's and a few different kinds of beer. I kept fumbling around with them, trying to decide if I wanted beer or just pop. Tom Campbell was working the counter. I was considering the beer but it was an 8-pack so I finally gave up on buying beer.
3. I was downtown with Sarah and Hannah. They were young girls at the time. We walked through the back room of a store and a secretary greeted us and told me my dad was the ring bearer at her wedding He name was something like Bialy and I asked her if she was Polish. She said she was Ukrainian. We were going to go out to lunch at a fancy restaurant. We went in and out of several fancy stores Then I lost them. I looked into several stores and finally entered a super high-end restaurant. The theme was gold--all the drapes and tablecloths were gold and everyone was talking in hushed voices. Someone was helping me find Sarah and Hannah but I woke up before I found them.
1. I was flying a jet over a playing field or playground. I was doing all kinds of stunts.
2. I was playing sax in a jazz group.
1. I was assisting a reporter and we were going to inter George Bush. There were three scenes. The first scene was a formal chat where a couple of us were sitting around with Bush. Then we were in the kitchen of a restaurant. George came in and he was super friendly and casual. Our friend Deb showed up with some pizza. He sampled some of hers and tok some along with part of another one the restaurant had prepared. I can't recall the third scene.
2. I spent the night out with a couple women. One of us wore an expensive blue dress that belonged to someone else. It was all wrinkled and we were trying to figure out how to make it look like it hadn't been worn and put in back into the plastic bag it came in.
I was at some event and met a striking blonde named Alicia. It was in a building like the Renaissance Center and she worked for the hotel. She invited me up. I got onto an elevator which zoomed quickly past the first 10 floors, then rose slowly up the next 40 or 50 floors. I was a little nervous about being up so high. When I got out of the elevator, it was the lobby of the hotel and I spotted her.
1. Something happened and all my facial hair was gone except for my should patch. I was looking in the mirror and trying to decide if I should shave that off too.
2. I got a job freelancing at a small shop with almost no employees. Tom U., a guy I used to work with got hired in and he brought a ton of workers with him. I walked around the place and all the desks were occupied and I was thinking of quitting. They were all going to work on one small pitch.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
1. I was at a arty and decided to drink. I had several beers and got pretty loaded. Joe knew about it and didn't seem to mind, knowing that it was just an occasional thing. I felt lousy about it and figuredI wouldn't do it again for quite a while.
2. I went to East Lansing for this big event. It involved sliding down a huge ski slope. I had to climb up the back side of the mountain, which was quite strenuous. When I got to the top, there was a shelter. I looked out the window and noticed it was a huge slope. A bunch of people of all ages were sliding down the slope on their backs. By the time I was ready to go for it, they had closed the slope. It was gone and there were just a bunch of rooms in its place. I walked down a hall and was going to head back to Detroit I was pretty mad at myself for waiting so long.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
1. I'm with a bunch of guys. we're possibly in a class together. We're given samples of a Basque drink that's like buttermilk. I've had it before so only take a small cup and sip of it. Everyone downs whole glasses of it. I explain about they mysteries of the Basque people and their language and go on to mention other mysterious European languages like Lithuanian. Everyone starts to puke orange liquid and we and up in the bathroom, trying to clean the vomit off our clothes.
2. Jeff and Tom are going to help me with a project at my dad's place. It involves cleaning up some concrete blocks. Jeff has to call his mom to tell her about it and he get's her secretary, who puts him on hold and Tom and I get a kick out of this. Jeff has written 1"-1/2 hours" on his wrist. We end up on bikes.
1. I'm at Nick & Ann's and some kids come in that back door. They're going to be picked up. A woman comes in the front door and looks around. I explain about Greeks living in Asia Minor.
2. My brother Paul is with me in Istanbul. We figure while we're there, we might as well check out the Blue Mosque which we can see in the distance.
3. I'm in a tiny car heading west on I-94 towards Ann Arbor. I small, plastic VW minivan enters the freeway and I cut him off. Then we're in Toledo in a food court. I go up to the window of a bakery and ask about some special, local bread/dessert I've had before. The woman gives me a sample slice of cake. It's like white bread with some powdered sugar on it. She's trying to figure out what I[m inquiring about and tells me a couple different names that sound French or Dutch.
4. Nebbie and Louie are fighting.
5. I spot Mickey using the mens bathroom and I'm gong to ask her about that.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
I was hanging out with Tony Ruda. He had just come from a gig with a small combo. In his group was a beautiful young singer who I was totally smitten with. I kept asking him questions about her. I went into a large dining room and saw a table that was set for a formal lunch or dinner. There were full wine glasses at each setting, and I filled up a glass of water for myself. I looked around and several of the places had crumpled napkins, indicating that they were already taken. I picked a seat that hadn't been taken, figuring maybe the young singer would sit next me.
I was at Y&R, my old workplace, and I was wandering around going from office to office, chatting with my coworkers. I went into the lunchroom, and in the sink were 5 large glasses with clever sayings on them. Then I tried to get Jim Campbell & Chris Forrest to meet, for some reason.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
1. I was at the DSO for a concert. I was wearing shorts and a sport coat. I was drinking a glass of Scotch which Joe was okay with. I was just going to have one or two. Before the concert I was talking to Tony Ruda.
2. Before running a marathon, we were going to read poems we had written. I was with Doggo, who was too shy to read his own poem so I volunteered to read it for him. I couldn't remember his name so I just said I was going to read a friend's poem. I was going to read mine first but it was pretty illegible, so I passed. Then I ws going to read his and kept looking through all the papers and notebooks in front of me, but couldn't find it. I finally gave up and said I'd read them after the race.
3. I'm at a party and a shot woman who looks a bit like my old friend Bess is doing impressions of her voice. She does a pretty good job. I run into her daughter Dorian and she agrees that her impressions are good.
1. I'm attending a play about advertising being performed in someone's garage. After the first act, there's a long break. A ton of advertising people turn up to mooch the food and drinks. There's going to be a long break before the second act starts.
2. I'm on a bus heading downtown. The fare is a dollar. The number of the bus had changed from 620 to 330 which was a bit confusing. When we were downtown, I considered staying on it and going back home.
3. I have a neighbor who leaves his house at exactly 12:50 every day to go to the beer store. This one day he leaves later in the afternoon. There are a bunch of cardboard bar cases in his dumpster. At first I think they're PBR, but when I look closer, they're some kind of craft beer.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
1. I'm in NYC. It's icy out and I have clear plastic bowls strapped to my feet. I can sort of ice skate with them. At first I'm a little unsteady on me feet, but after a bit, I can glide effortlessly. And with one kick, I can glide for long distances. Maurya and Howard are there and I demonstrate this to them. As I go into a building, Kathy Boyd walks past me and smiles.
2. I'm observing someone being put to sleep before having surgery. Then I become that person and everything is very foggy. I strain to say I'm still awake and can still feel.
3. Zubes has a pin just under the skin on her scalp. It seems to be a reoccurring problem. I'm asked to remove it. It's about an inch long and looks like a sewing needle. I tell her to brace herself and yank it out. I ask her how this happened.
1. We're going to have a jam session. A bunch of people show up with a cat. Tom and Ann Campbell come up the stairs and Tom taunts Nebbie by pushing the cat towards him. As he walks down the stairs, I mouth the word "asshole" to Ann and she nods her head. Joe is getting ready to take a shower. I look at the clock and it's 9:45 and I have to get my hair cut at 10 and need to jump into the shower and get a move on.
2. I have to make a presentation and am not prepared at all. A guy t the hardware store is going to drive me to the convention center.
Monday, March 16, 2020
1. Im at a big party/bbq out on a fram. It's possibly Uncle Mel's. There's lots of drinking going on and they[re serving these huge brats, the size of ones arm.
2. At the end of a European trip, we gather in a hall to look at the photo displays from each couple. For each display, there are ten photos lined up and a bunch of smaller ones surrounding them. I meet Jeanne Dolson's younger sister and Joe takes a pic of us. She tells me that Jeanne is retiring.
1. We were at the Ohare's cottage. It was a different arrangement, where the cottages were around a small park. In the middle of the park was a huge black pipe sticking out of the ground It was some sort of AC unit and made so much noise, we couldn't hear the kids who were putting on a talent show. When I got to the cottage, a bunch of kids were running around. I looked for a magazine to read because I was bored. Marna and Cheryl were there. Kent showed up but he had to catch a train to go look at some property he was interested in buying.
2. There was a wall map with the various kielbasa and ham regions of Poland on it. I had a package of ham and was trying to figure out where it was from.
3. I'm a writer for a race car team. A hot little two-seater arrives and a couple drivers take it out for a spin. They tell us they'll take me out later.
I was standing around a deli counter with several guys. We were having a serious discussion about making pizza. I chimed in that the key to a great pizza was using provolone cheese.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
This is one of those frustrating dreams. Joe and I are trying to drive hoe from downtown I-94 is closed so we have to take surface roads. We're on a road heading north, and suddenly it turns into a small lane/trail going through some backyards. We get back onto a main road and the same thing happens. I observe that nothing looks familiar and I wonder where we are exactly. My wife tells me that we're on the south side of "Black Bottom."
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
1. In this dream I was getting totally drunk.
2. I was composing a still life and kept moving the fruit around to fill the entire canvas.
3. I was with a couple of guys and we were on a sail boat. We were cruising don the streets in Grosse Pointe Woods, except they were canals.
1. This was a painting dream where I was trying to paint fingers and make them look like they were frozen.
2. One of my old bosses had this ridiculous haircut. It was bright orange in the front and went straight up. I told him he looked like Howdy Doody and he said it was supposed to look like some other character. We walked through the office space and there were a bunch of coffee stations.
3. Several of us were on a mountain top and there was a river down below. We thought the river was full of piranhas. A young girl dove into the water and swam the short distance to shore. We all followed suit.
1. A bunch of us had just finished a big meal in a Spanish restaurant. I was going to put the tab on my credit card. The total was 1,000 Euros and they didn't take credit cards. So the bill was 691 Euros cash. I had this big bag of money. There were all kinds of bills and coins in the bag, and most of the bills had odd writing on them and no numbers. One of the waiters sat with me and helped me figure it out.
2. I was visiting Max at Kent Drugs where I used to work. We were joking around using fake scientific terms describing assembling something. We thought it would be fun to make a fake video with all made-up terms and show it to new engineering students. We were laughing our asses off making up the dialogue.
I was giving out funny awards to my niece Caroline for singing? Acting? Art? The prizes were things like cookie sheets and pie pans.
Friday, March 6, 2020
1. I was at someone's house and we were going to have a barbecue. Everyone was panicking because they thought it was going to rain. I kept saying it was going to blow over. At one point, some dark clouds were on the horizon and rapidly approached. But they blew over and I was right.
2. A large group had gathered possibly for a wake for my dad. My brothers were sitting at my table and a bunch of my cousins were there. Then my dad appeared. He looked as old as he did at the end of his life, but he was walking around just fine. He started to run and I told hi to take it easy, because I didn't want anything to happen to him
1. I was attending a movie with a bunch of students. The movie theatre as pretty small and the movie was being shown in two parts. At the intermission, there was a boring lecture so most of us went to the Wendy's next door. I made an Arnod Palmer and was considering using the more expensive, fresh-squeezed lemonade, but figured it was cheating. My brother Paul was with me. When we went back into the theatre, most of the students had skipped out.
2. I was working at an ad agency and Jamie had just gotten back from a recording session. I had the scripts he was supposed to use all typed up. He had some sheet of paper with hand-written scribble on them. Our boss said that we'll go with Jamie's scripts. I resigned myself to the fact that I'd have to type all his up.
1. This one involved going to Baseball Days at Greenfield Village. I don't remember much of it, just that there were a bunch of activities going on.
2. I was having a meal at Jacoby's Restaurant and Charlie Bishop was there. He ordered a $15 drink and I made a comment that I could have had a whole meal for that amount of money. I ran into Bob Packlaian and said the same thing to him.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
A bunch of us were standing around having an intense conversation about the New Yorker magazine. We we discussing the fact that there were two typos in the magazines in recent months. Someone had a big board that featured an assortment of covers and articles. I mentioned that I'd been reading the magazine since high school and had never sen a typo in the magazine and they they had the best proofreaders in the world.
Monday, March 2, 2020
1. Wally, Joe, and I are at the Detroit Jazz Festival. Everything is way behind schedule. The festival is taking place in Grosse Pointe Park. Wally wants to attend a seminar and goes into a building that's super crowded. Joe and I was through a field where a concert is supposed to take place. There are a bunch of people sitting in lawn chairs. The band is no where to be seen. We end up in a house and Joe wants to go out for Mexican. The door opens and my dad comes in. He's wearing a polo shirt and looks a bit demented. He's using a walker. Just then, I wake up.
2. I sign up for an educational program in the Navy. I'm supposed to go to South America where a revolution is taking place. I get on a freighter and talk to the captain. He checks his logs and there's no record for me being part of the program.
1. I'm hauling a turkey around. It's inside a large, fatty skin that also has a large leg bone. I take into a kitchen to have it trimmed and there are a couple of smaller cooked turkeys that are nicely browned.
2. I'm making a documentary about gas/oil exploration in the Mideast. I see a soldier who's wearing a tiara. I tell him to take it off, and then pretend to call HQ to report him. I tell him it's a $1,000 fine for wearing it, and he takes it off.
3. We're staying in a small town in Canada. I go out jogging and end up in a pub. I have a pint of ale and chat up a pretty girl. Then I jog back into town. I stop into a Brewers Retail and se a guy putting together a case of beer. He hands me one and I take a sip of it. I know I'm not supposed to be drinking so I put it down.
Diana, Sarah, and I are walking around Grand Central. We're up on the second level which is a bunch of shops. We keep getting separated and then find each other. Sarah shows me an app that lets us track each other.
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...