Sunday, September 29, 2019


1. I was listening to the band The MC5 and my wife was telling me from the other room how terrible they were. I told her, "You don't understand. It's all about the energy."

2. It was after dinner and my dad wanted me to look up a recipe for duck. I thought he wanted me to cook it up to eat that evening. Finally he said no, we can cook it up and freeze it for later in the week. I felt like an idiot.

3. I was riding bikes with my mom and dad. We were riding through PA returning from a vacation. Our route took us up steep hills, on sidewalks and at one point we rode by a barbwire fence. We rode through a mansion and saw a butler who would become a famous actor. "I'm from the future," he said.

Friday, September 27, 2019


1. A young woman gave us some gifts that were in a white paper bag. Mine was a couple bottles of flavored brandy. The bottles were tall and skinny. I mentioned that I don't drink and we decided that someone would enjoy them.

2. We were at a small grocery store at closing time. I grabbed a package of vegetables and noticed that the middle section had green beans in it. I took some scissors and cut them out and a bunch of them fell on the floor. I mentioned to Sarah that we already had a lot of them at home and would she like them? I grabbed some tiny fish fillets and brought them to the register. They kept falling on the floor.

3. Diana and I were cleaning out this huge aquarium. It had a bunch of stuff in it including a couple pairs of black dress shoes. I commented that if we were smart, we'd fill it up on the back of this black pickup truck and transport it to our home. Just then, a Jeep raced by us, and I thought it might crash since the road was snowy and icy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


This dream was all over the map. I kept waking up and it kept evolving. It started out with me in a partially frozen lake, that was actually on someones front lawn. There were these naturally formed ice sculptures and I was trying to take photos of various sections of them. But the ice I was standing on was turning to slush and I had to move to shore. Then I was driving around on the west side with a couple of young black kids. They assumed to know the are well and told me where to go. We were driving in a small blue 1940 or 50s era car. At one point we were driving down an alley that was so wide, there were a couple lanes in each direction.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


1. I posted something accidentally on the internet using my friend Tom's aliases and it got him into trouble. I went to his house and had to apologize to him.

2. For some reason, I was chosen to give a guest lecture to some college students. I was given the notes to speak from. The were printed on blue paper. As I read through them, they didn[t make any sense. Then I realized that there were two pages of notes and some of the passages were underlined and had numbers. I got more nervous and just before I was to go on, I woke up.


1. I was spying on our old cat "Smike" from outside our house. As I went from window to window, he could sense where I was going and would appear right as I got there.

2. I noticed several spots of blood on my bedspread. So I picked it up and sprayed a bunch of "Shout" on it to get it ready to go into the wash.


A guy a worked with, Ken, told me about a manx. I commented that it was a sort of cat, wasn't it? (In real life, I looked at my iPod earlier that evening, and noticed the musician, Harry Manx and was considering playing him.) Then I told him about birds that ate whole meals.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


A reoccurring theme in my dreams is the ability to skate wearing boots. The beginning of this dream is a bit fuzzy, but I was smitten with this girl. She was talking to someone on the street, a couple blocks from where ai live. I started skating home on the sidewalk that only had a bit of snow in it I slowed down and then backtracked a bit so she could catch up with me, and so I could show her how to skate wearing shoes/boots.

Friday, September 20, 2019


1. I was in a cafe in Spain and trying to order a ham sandwich.

2. I got a new cell phone which I promptly lost. I had someone call it and could hear it ringing in a closet. I found it in a sports coat and was still in its original package. When I opened it up. it was a big flip phone. My brother-in-law Bill pointed out that I already had all my contact info in my old phone.

3. I was in a class taking a mulit-part test that I was totally unprepared for. There were slots on the wall where you put the completed tests, which were small 3 x 5 cards. I got up and took someone else's completed test and copied the answers. Then I had to take the second part and I figured I'd just answer the multiple choice questions randomly.

4. I was in someone's attic and was looking for my sax. There were a bunch of jazz musicians hanging around and I eventually found my old sax, but it was missing its reed. I told them that once I found a reed I was going to blow my ass off!


1. I was carefully painting a blue drop shadow on the word "Tosca." The word was vertical, rather than horizontal.

2. I was at a party on someone's patio and I was eating some sort of meat dish/stew that had a layer of filo over it. There was a rail thin blonde there who made a comment about it, and I explained that it was like the filo used to make baklava. She had never heard of baklava and I explained in great detail how to make it. At one point my father used the word "spic" and we were shocked because we'd never heard him make a racist comment. We figured maybe it was a sign of Alzheimers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I was agg a party and poured myself a beer into a blue plastic tumbler. A friend, Marna came up to me and saw, You know, there's NA beer here. And it tastes really good." The I told a joke that went like this: So there was this singer. Before his performance he told his assistant that he had a big, ice cold glass of Faygo Black Cherry pop waiting for him for after his performance. He told his assistant to bring it out on stage after the applause died down. His assistant said, "Do you want that before or after they shout 'Encore?'" I guess it was supposed to be funny.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


1. My friend Jeff invited me and a guest who hadn't arrived yet for dinner. He served a bottle of white wine which puzzled me. He does interventions and has been in AA for ages and I wondered if it was an NA wine. I had a small ham and cheese croissant and some of the filling fell on the ground. I picked it up, wiped it off, and put it back into the sandwich.

2. I was in an art gallery that had a ton of my paintings in it including a bunch of old t-shirts I used to own.

3. I was in the dorm at an art school and I had just taken a shower. There weren't any towels so I covered my privates with my hand and wandered around the halls looking for room number 180.

4. I was in Terry's office and his wife and kids were there. His kids were on the ground and I said it would make a great photo. When I tried to take the pic, they wouldn't cooperate and I gave up, His wife had a high-end purse shop in his office.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


A night of seriously disturbing dreams. Here are the two I remembered.

1. I was in bed with a neighbor and my daughter walked in on us. I spent the whole rest of the dream trying to get my wife alone so I could explain how it didn't mean anything.

2. I opened a couple of beers, took a few gulps and then hid them. My wife came downstairs and I kept trying to figure out how to get at them. I could hear a fire burning and went over to the fireplace and looked into it. Only the fire was in another room, so it was obvious that I was faking it. I kept doing sneaky things to try to get to the beers.

Friday, September 13, 2019


1. I had an office at Grosse Pointe South High School only I was in advertising. Ed Berger, an old colleague visited and he commented on my beard. I told him I wanted to look like him and that's why I had a folding table in my office, just like the one he had.

2. I was trying to take a selfie in front of the White House. Before I could turn on the camera, a cat walked down the driveway holding another cat above his head. Then I could hear Ronald Reagan's voice in the background. The house was smallish and was on a Washington St. in Grosse Pointe City. I couldn't get the phone to work and it had numerous screens on it that were displaying videos. I threw it to the ground just as Amy H. picked me up in her sports car.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


1. I was driving to work at Kent Drugs with Frank T. He parked in front of the store, then kept backing up and trying to do a better park job. I finally yelled at him, "Just park the f*^#ing car!" I got out and went into the store. I said "Hi" to everyone and then looked for someplace to change my clothes. There were piles of goods everywhere and people kept walking around so I could't find a place to change. For some reason I had a change of clothes along with a bath mat and a towel.

2. I was driving around the Cabbage Patch with Wally and we were looking for my daughter Sarah's place. It looked a lot like Brooklyn.

3. We were living in my old house in Mt. Clemens. A neighbor who was dressed in yellow scrubs came by and introduced himself as Dr. (Didn't catch his last name which he mumbled.). Then he abruptly left.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


1. I'm at a party and my old boss is there. I start muttering about how the company screwed me and notice that he's trying to avoid me.

2. A traffic  person is routing an ad that has a stupid subhead and when I comment on it, he/she says that I signed off on it. When I ask to see my signature, I notice someone spelled out my name rather than initialize it, which I point out.


1. An old friend, Sue Stoll stops by at 3:30 in the morning and starts to watch MST3K on the tv. I tell her to go to bed. Then a ton of people stop by to party. I have to kick them out and as time goes on, I get nastier and nastier with them.

2. I'm in the kitchen with y dad and we're cooking dinner which includes pasta and homemade kielbasa.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


1. The street had flooded and we were trying to work out way upstream to repair a boat.

2. I was a soldier after WWII. We're part of a crew in charge of salvaging herbs and spices to distribute to the local population. We've set up a shop which is a bunch of bunk beds outside on a raised platform. I go through the jars of spices and take some garlic powder, oregano and black pepper along with an onion which is half rotten. I was planning on cooking something while the rest of the crew is away.

3. An old partner and I are walking down the hallway of a school I had recently suggested she get recognized for her accomplishments. I mentioned to her we both know why she's been undervalued until now (racism). The we were outside and she was doing some project with young kids. I noticed how much weight she had lost and complimented her on it.

4. I'm in and Eastern Rite church Before the service a video plays with funny mistakes the priest and alter boys have made. There's a short ceremony then we're served food. I get a small paper tray with a big breaded and fried steak along with some smaller nuggets. An old co-worker Brian sits next to me and wants my big piece of steak. I tell him to take a couple smaller pieces because a few other people will be joining us. The food is coated with honey which gets all over our fingers.


1. In the dream there's an announcement: "You've reached a certain point in the dream. D you want to proceed or do you want to accept the 'Grant Stick'"? A giant, moss-covered stick appears floating in the air.

2. I fell asleep in some ice. My right leg has some blue patches on it and there is a layer of fat on the surface which looks like raw chicken fat. As my leg warms up, it begins to melt.

3. Went to a movie with Mike and Rita and Andy and Deb. We saw the first half of the movie then went back to Mike & Rita's for dinner. Their house was mid-century modern and we ate on the floor of the living room. They served us NA beverages and a vegetarian meal. I spilled some sour cream on their shag carpeting and tried to rub it on so no one would notice.

4. I was giving a jazz seminar to a bunch of kids. They asked me to play something on the piano and I told them I couldn't play at all and that I thought I made that clear. I know all about the history of jazz and the local music scene, but couldn't play a lick on the piano.

Friday, September 6, 2019


I was in a Metro Park with my brother Paul and we were looking for the nature trails. We went into a high school library and I pulled out a map and asked the librarian for directions. It was a huge park and the whole northern end of the park was a high school and various sports facilities. I went outside to get the car which was in a parking structure. I had lost my phone and I spotted my brother on one of the upper floors. Then my friend Pounder picked me up and we were going to go to one of the trails but it was getting dark. He said he had a surprise for me. We went to a sound stage that was near our house and there was going to be a surprise birthday party for the owner. Several people came up and said "hi" to me, but I couldn't remember their names. At one point I thought it was going to be an evening of drinking, but then I remembered that I no longer drank and was thinking about what kind of pop I was going to have. An old neighbor who is now a photographer came up and greeted me. She was with her two children and was talking about going to Vegas and driving around there. When I asked her if she was going to drive out there, I woke up.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


1. I was looking in the mirror and notice a small stick poking out between my two lower teeth. So I gently pulled it out and it ended up being about six inches long.

2. I was at a fruit and vegetable market with several friends. Lee-Lee kept trying to round everyone up but we kept getting separated. One of the farmers had some rare berries that he was letting us sample. I mentioned that he had an outrageously priced half pint of some rare blackberries recently. I tasted one of the berries and it was super bitter. My friend The Hawk showed me how you had to open it up and just eat the middle of the berry. There were a couple of blackberries which I sampled and were super sweet.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


In this dream I lived in a modern, ranch home up on a hill. Unannounced, a bunch of people decided they were going to stop by and party at our house. They just kept on coming and coming. And they were all people I didn't know. I started kicking them out. And as the evening wore on, I kept getting nastier and nastier to them. At one point I noticed a guy who had a huge metal tray and it had small logs in it and it was filled with oil. When I told him he had to leave, he poured the oil onto the carpet against a wall. I got really pissed and yelled and threatened him. He was standing behind a support beam and I was going to grab an arm on either side of it and yank him towards me.

Sunday, September 1, 2019


1. This one was a bit fuzzy and I'm relying on the notes I took in a last dream state: I was writing out boarding passes and itineraries for someone. I was taking the information from various sheets.

2. Hannah was showing me how to easily peal an avocado. You slam it down and its hard(?) outer shell cracks and you peel this layer off. Then the brown layer comes off easily. But it left a bunch of brown residue on the sheets below it, and I commented that we needed to scrape it off and put the sheets in the wash.

3. I was at a library and the librarian put a small stack of cookies from a larger stack, out on a napkin for the patrons. A tall woman who looked like a man grabbed all the cookies. I told her off and said that she was an inconsiderate and selfish pig. My wife took a cookie from the large stack and I went over to get one as well. The cookies were bright blue and pink with colorful M&Ms or gumdrops on top. Then we were outside in a city (Chicago) and she commented on how refreshing it was that so many new book stores and record stores were opening up.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...