Sunday, September 8, 2019


1. The street had flooded and we were trying to work out way upstream to repair a boat.

2. I was a soldier after WWII. We're part of a crew in charge of salvaging herbs and spices to distribute to the local population. We've set up a shop which is a bunch of bunk beds outside on a raised platform. I go through the jars of spices and take some garlic powder, oregano and black pepper along with an onion which is half rotten. I was planning on cooking something while the rest of the crew is away.

3. An old partner and I are walking down the hallway of a school I had recently suggested she get recognized for her accomplishments. I mentioned to her we both know why she's been undervalued until now (racism). The we were outside and she was doing some project with young kids. I noticed how much weight she had lost and complimented her on it.

4. I'm in and Eastern Rite church Before the service a video plays with funny mistakes the priest and alter boys have made. There's a short ceremony then we're served food. I get a small paper tray with a big breaded and fried steak along with some smaller nuggets. An old co-worker Brian sits next to me and wants my big piece of steak. I tell him to take a couple smaller pieces because a few other people will be joining us. The food is coated with honey which gets all over our fingers.

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