Friday, September 27, 2019


1. A young woman gave us some gifts that were in a white paper bag. Mine was a couple bottles of flavored brandy. The bottles were tall and skinny. I mentioned that I don't drink and we decided that someone would enjoy them.

2. We were at a small grocery store at closing time. I grabbed a package of vegetables and noticed that the middle section had green beans in it. I took some scissors and cut them out and a bunch of them fell on the floor. I mentioned to Sarah that we already had a lot of them at home and would she like them? I grabbed some tiny fish fillets and brought them to the register. They kept falling on the floor.

3. Diana and I were cleaning out this huge aquarium. It had a bunch of stuff in it including a couple pairs of black dress shoes. I commented that if we were smart, we'd fill it up on the back of this black pickup truck and transport it to our home. Just then, a Jeep raced by us, and I thought it might crash since the road was snowy and icy.

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