Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Not sure if these were separate dreams or two parts of the same one. In the first part, I was in a classroom. Someone was putting a poisonous powder in peoples glasses of water. Drinking it turned them into monsters and I tried to warn everyone about this. The I noticed these scab/scales on my legs. I scraped them off the bugs started crawling out of the holes.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


1. I pour beer from several pitchers into bottles. I pour and drink a couple pints while I'm doing this. I feel a little buzzed. We go to a bar and head out back. It's nighttime and some of our friends are there. Joe knows I've had a couple and she's okay because she knows I'll go back on the wagon. I run into Jeff there and he suspects I've been drinking. As he leaves, he gives me a hug, which I know he does to smell my breath.

2. It's the end of the school year. I've missed some assignments and am pretty sure Im going to get an incomplete in this one course. I turn in a folder with a couple assignments in it to a nun. Then I go into the gym, where a bunch of chairs are set up for commencement. A nun comes up to me and gives me a special "Angelos" ring. I know I don't deserve it and they're giving it to me because I'm related to Uncle Angelos. He's there and I show him the ring. It's like a class ring, only it's quite heavy.

3. I'm having dinner at a restaurant with Pounder. An acquaintance of his stops by our table. I do a Russian accent and tell his friend how we did a bank job together. Pounder is cracking up but trying to hide it from the guy.

Monday, April 27, 2020


I was in the bathroom with my younger daughter and her cat. She was brushing her teeth and said, "Remember, cats only have one master." Her cat had his back paws on the bathtub and front paws on the sink, checking out what she was doing. I put my head close to him and he started purring and rubbed his head against mine, affectionately.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


1. The focus of this dream is a sheet of red paper with white dots on it that are slowly circling around with blurry tails.

2. I'm on the patio of a bar (Rustic Cabins) and The Sun Messengers are going to play for an advertising crown. I ask Rick if I can sit in on sax and do a crazy avant-garde solo. He says maybe later on. As the band gets ready to play, the owner, who is sitting at one of the benches starts paying his stereo loudly. I mutter, "Turn the music down, asshole." He gets up and looks around to see wo said it. The band gets pissed off and starts packing up.


1. It's my last day on the job. I want to go around and say goodbye to some of the people I've worked with but almost everyone has left work early. The place is almost deserted. I do run into a woman I barely remember working with and we exchange phone numbers.

2. I'm downtown with my friend The Hawk. He's just gotten a job downtown and I want to sho him around and show him how to get the bus home.We walk around and go into a couple of seedy, mostly deserted bars and restaurants. I find a ticket window for what I think is the bus company. It turns out we get information about a train that comes in from Ann Arbor. We finally end up back on Jefferson Ave. and I show him where to catch the bus.

Friday, April 24, 2020


I was at a seaside town for an Indian music festival. The Friday night performance ended with an Indian musician walking into the crowd, picking someone out, and giving him an Indian name. The next day I was attending a lecture with my dad. They started playing some music and my dad wanted to leave I told him to give it a chance, and the music shifted a bit and was absolutely beautiful. He decided he liked it. Someone ahead of me had a colorful poster-sized sheet of paper that explained the various songs and I asked her where she got it. She told me they were all gone but to ask a librarian about them. The librarian was at a desk at the back of the room. When I asked about the poster, he found an envelope with a couple of them it and he gave me one.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


1. I think this one was inspired by the movie "Minority Report". In the dream, everyone was driving around in driverless cars. Just zooming around having a great time.

2. I'm in a restaurant with Art Mitchell and Dave Hetu and we're talking about what we'll do when we're retired. I say that I'll volunteer to patrol areas where rare species of bugs and butterflies are discovered. Especially around the Cabbage Patch. I'll be the guy who kicks people out.

3. Two guys decide to play tennis. I tell the I'll be the third and we can play Canadian Doubles, but they tell me that they hate playing with three people.

4. We're at a small home in the Cabbage Patch in a home we recently bought from Andy and Deb. Everyone's drinking except me and they're almost out of booze.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I was in a science class of some sort. The teacher was conducting an experiment that involved a glass terrarium, and lots of smoke. He mentioned that it was a two-hour class. I though that was really cool because I'd only had one-hour classes up to this point. I figured you needed that amount of time to do more complicated experiments and I was going to look into taking longer classes from now on.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


1. I made a bunch of cakes and frosting for someone in the Farms. I ran into an old neighbor who I had a crush on, Ann C. and almost start having an affair with her. We talk about it and at first decide it's not a great idea and I should leave. Then she invites me into the foyer of her house for a hug. I leave with the understanding that we'll probably get together, even though we're both married.

2. As I leave a restaurant in Rochester, I see Molly and Brian in the waiting room, waiting for a table. I jump up above the divider and shout "hi" to Molly. Then I go outside where a bunch of us are waiting for busses to take us downtown for a sporting event. I really have to take a leak and I head inside, knowing that I might miss the bus.

3. I'm at Dave Stoll's old house with Deb. We're waiting for Damberg and Mageau to to show up. Deb hops in the shower. She gets out and I look the other way while she walks down the hall to get a towel. I strip and get ready to get into the shower when I see Damberg's car pull up.

Monday, April 20, 2020


I'm in a classroom and the history teacher has just announced a pop quiz. It's an essay quiz and the question is, what would you do to combat the Germans during WWII? I don't have a note pad or any blank sheets paper. So I write my answers in the blank spaces on various pages of notes, I explain the problem to the teacher right before I wake up.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


1. I'm at Kroger's in the produce section and a worker keeps throwing bags of carrots and grapefruit at me because I asked if they had any other varieties of carrots. I show him a show on my phone and give him a lecture about there are 17,000 species of carrots. (I actually recently read that there were over 17,000 species of apples in the U.S. at one time.

2. There's a new Russian store downtown. Its's called Zukowskis and it's sort of like the mega store GUM in Moscow. I go inside and the ground floor is made up of these huge rooms that only have a few giant statues in them. The employees keep asking me to sample various foods. I finally sit down at a counter and a woman pours me a shot of some amber colored liquor. I slug most of it back only it tastes pretty awful. She gives me a dirty look for not finishing it, so I knock back the rest of it. Diana's cousins Laura asks me if I'd like a bar and I told her I'm still on the wagon.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


I was working downtown it a huge skyscraper. I had to take the elevator to the 420th floor. The elevator stopped at the 400th floor and we had to catch another one for the rest of the way. The floors were renumbered starting at 1. I was at an advertising agency. My old boss had rehired me and I wasn't sure what I was going to be working on. at one point, I followed him down the hall and on various routs to get out of the building. I pointed out that it was simple, just take one elevator down and get out at street level. The the area transitioned to me meeting a bunch of folks I'd worked with over the years. I ran into Karen Fishman who's face looked like a porcelain Chinese tool mask.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


I was working on a script and my aunt Mary Jane was babysitting next door. She was doing the typing for me and I had a few changes for her to make. I gave her a call and told her that perhaps she should just email it to me and aI could make the changes Then a band started warming up and I was trying to figure out how to make piano sounds with the keyboard on my laptop.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


This dream involved boxes. Lots of boxes. A couple guys came by (to my parent's house?) to put up a bunch of Christmas decorations. When they were done, I had to haul all the empty boxes down into the basement. Then my dad came home from the store. There were tons of boxes in the hallway that I now had to deal with.

Monday, April 13, 2020


1. I'm in a pub in Ireland and I have a camera that takes Polaroid and 35mm photos. I take several Polaroids of people in a row and watch them develop. I decide I'll take Polaroids of people and give them to them, but use the 35mm for photos of my trip. I'm going to do some baking with Una and them go to a concert with Wally (to hear the symphony?). I decide I'll probably skip the concert and just bake.

2. I'm trying to drive home from mid-town. I end up on a one-way street which turns into an onramp to the Lodge freeway. The road is under construction and ends up as a dead end. I have to figure out how to turn the car around. I'm back t home with the kids and all the bedrooms are torn up with piles of concrete in on the floors. I try to figure out where we're going to sleep.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


1. M., my first real girlfriend comes to town with her husband and two daughters. Her marriage is on the rocks and she implies that we might get back together. I'm in a diner and have just eaten. There a plate  with steak on it that I haven't eaten yet. Then M. orders a place of various shredded meats on it. I sample them and they're incredible tasty but I'm totally stuffed and I figure I'll eat it later. We're going to work on some project together. She's very aloof and doesn't say much.

2. This may be part of the same dream. Not sure. I'm sitting in a work cube and John Lapp is there. He says goodbye to me and almost gives me a bro hug, but stops himself--he doesn't want to show show any emotion. We both smile at this. His son is there and he does the same thing with him.

3. I drive Sarah to work and meet a couple judges she works with. We're in a courtroom. One of the judges is wearing a black leather hat that looks like a mushroom cap.

4. My dad is going to drive us somewhere. He's wearing a white dress shirt and goes into the house to put s sport coat on. I hold the door open for him and tell him he holds a place of honor with us.


1. Some creature has crawled under the skin on my thigh. It's shaped like a tiny rat with a long black tail. I soak my leg in hot water and it starts to come out. I squeeze it and it finally drops to the floor. A cat starts jumping on it and the creature tries to jump back up on my leg to burrow under my skin again.

2. I'm at a party and a local rock station is playing. It goes off the air. A band takes the stage and starts playing "Kick out the Jams" by the MC5.

3. I'm at the grocery store in the pet food isle. At the end of the isle there's a small potato chip section. I notice a half eaten bag of chips and wonder out loud who would open a bag of chips in the store eat most of them, then leave the bag? I notice a few of the bags have a corona virus theme to them, and I figure I should buy a few and put them away. They'll be collectors items and will be worth some money some day.


I'm at some function and I decide to have just one beer. After I drink about half of a glass, I decide that's it. But when I wake up in the morning, all kinds of crazy things have transpired. I did all sorts of weird things. I run into Mary Grams and she tells me that I proposed to her. I make a comment that someone must have slipped some acid in my beer, because I don[t remember any of the things I supposedly did.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


I was at a hotel, not sure what city I was in. I asked about getting a cab to the airport, which was halfway home. Diana was going to b=pick me up there. It turns out a cab would cost over $300 so I canceled it and arranged to take the shuttle bus to the airport, which was a lot cheaper.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


1. This dream is in two parts. In the first part, I'm working at D'Arcy. There are a bunch of characters and everything seems to be going okay. At one point, I'm assigned a crappy desk that faces a wall and I know I won't be working there a lot longer. However I stay on and I realize I haven't filled out a time sheet in ages. I wonder if management hasn't simply forgotten about me.

In the second part of the dream, there's a sort of D'Arcy reunion. A bunch of us return and talk about what a weird place it was to work. Some of the old timers are still there.

2. I'm hanging out at the flagpole at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. There's some sort of flag raising ceremony and the American flag is at half mast in response to some recent death or tragedy. There's a dramatic sky and I start taking photos of it. I notice the sky is reflected in a large pool of water. I'm going to use the shots for reference, perhaps for paintings. A woman approaches me and wants to interview me about shooting wedding photographs.


1. I'm hanging out with a guy who tells me his brother is famous and can I guess who it is. He's tells me it's Sting and in fact, that's actually their last name. We hear that there are a bunch of new books at the library. We go to the new book section and it turns out that they[re "Jeeves" books. I explain the whole Jeeves dynamic and tell him how great they are.

2. I'm walking from one of the western Detroit suburbs (maybe Livonia?) to Ann Arbor for the Ann Arbor Art Fair. I'm with Rod Thompson and we walk through several quaint midwestern towns.


I'm on the stage at a rehearsal. I'm attempting to play the piano behind my back and I'm going to play duets with a woman named Angela Wegela.

Saturday, April 4, 2020


1. I'm at the Ohare's cottage hanging out with the old folks. We have a special book. It has cloth pages and you can write something like "Sunshine State" in it, put it in the washer for a few minutes and it'll draw a map of florida. We're trying to figure out the hand gesture that goes with a certain phrase. We're all attempting it by using various combinations of fingers.

2. We're at Trader Joe's. We're trying to get to the registers and there are several people on the left side of the aisle, taking their time. I come up with the phrase, "You can't be serious about food if you're in the left hand lane at Trader Joe's." Everyone gets a big laugh out of this.


1. I'm in the auditorium at my old high school listening to a traditional jazz band. After the set, they announce the players. One of them is Greg Ritoli who I haven't seen in ages. As I head back stage to find him I run into Nancy Morrison, who I also haven't seen in ages. When I greet her she doesn't want to talk to me.

2. It's back to school days at the high school. here are a bunch of freshmen milling around. They are all wearing red & whit striped shirts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


1. I get a contract to make models of young women to be used in a movie. They're made of hamburger meat, which I roll up into 6 or 7 inch logs. Apparently, through CGI, they'll be transformed into characters in the film.

2. I'm participating in some kind of Christmas ritual with Hannah and Ashley Mearschart. It involves carrying a small bunch of pine branches and walking around this darkly lit hallway, silently. The hall is round like a cyclotron. After going around once, Ashley says, This isn't any fun." I respond, "What do you want me to do, tell jokes?"

3. I'm in a pet store in a mall. I buy a fish and the employee keeps adding things that I need for the fish. At one point she tries to sell me some expensive medication to add to the water. I tell her that's enough, it's only a $6 fish and it's not worth spending all that money!


1. I'm downtown with my friend Jeff. His leg is messed up and he has one of those rolling braces for it. We're near the Renaissance Center and there's a big soap opera convention going on with hundreds of fans milling about. He's trying to catch a bus home and I explain the various options. I tell him the 610 and 515 busses are Kercheval busses and the 620 and 625 busses are Charlevoix busses. He spots a double decker bus and starts going for it. I tell him it's not the right bus and he ends up getting on a 626 bus.

2. I'm in a town in Ohio with John Lapp, Bill Biliti, and some young kid who's trying to get into advertising. He's about 20 years old and is pretty portly. We end up going into a burger joint for dinner. I have two empty coffee mugs with me and I order another coffee. The waitress brings us a menu, but it has the list of bands on it, and we're supposed to choose some music to be played in the restaurant. It's all electronic music and I don't recognize any of the bands. They all have names made up of either two letters or a letter and a number. I tell the young kid to pick out some music. I ask Biliti, why John is helping this kid from Ohio when he's always been a Michigan guy. He tells me that John secretly went to OSU, which shocks me.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...