Wednesday, April 1, 2020


1. I get a contract to make models of young women to be used in a movie. They're made of hamburger meat, which I roll up into 6 or 7 inch logs. Apparently, through CGI, they'll be transformed into characters in the film.

2. I'm participating in some kind of Christmas ritual with Hannah and Ashley Mearschart. It involves carrying a small bunch of pine branches and walking around this darkly lit hallway, silently. The hall is round like a cyclotron. After going around once, Ashley says, This isn't any fun." I respond, "What do you want me to do, tell jokes?"

3. I'm in a pet store in a mall. I buy a fish and the employee keeps adding things that I need for the fish. At one point she tries to sell me some expensive medication to add to the water. I tell her that's enough, it's only a $6 fish and it's not worth spending all that money!

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