A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Saturday, August 31, 2019
We had a giant cheeseball and if we buried it in the ground for a while, it would bring us good fortune.
Friday, August 30, 2019
This is another one of those dreams that's hard to describe. In it there were these miniature cats that were tasked to cheer people up. There were four sculpted plastic chairs from the 60s that they were going to sit in. There was a lead cat who had his own special chair.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
I was walking down the street and a rough hewn log with a rope tied to it was following me. It just sort of floated behind me. When I was about a block from the house I grew up in, it darted ahead of me and beat me home.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
1. I stopped by my old friend Rick Anzinger's house. Johnny Winter was outside on his back porch doing an extensive guitar solo. I went into his house and picked up one of Rick's guitars and started doing a solo too. My daughter Sarah came in and I introduced her to Johnny, who thought I was Rick. He gave be a big "bro" hug.
2. It was the end of WWII and we were in Austria and our mission was to return household items that were seized by the U.S. Army to their rightful owners. The items were in piles on a flatbed car of a train. One guy had sheet of rare coins and he said he really wanted to return them to the owner, who was a famous rare coin collector. I saw a photo of him and he had a long beard and looked like Walt Whitman. I grabbed a large tray that had a china tea set and some lit candles on it. Someone grabbed a second tray and we were going to return it to an older couple. My sister-in-law Sue's mom was with us, (maybe because she speaks German?) At the door I could see the couple inside.
Monday, August 26, 2019
I was at some kind of a celebratory lunch at a Big Boy restaurant. There were a bunch of tables set up which formed a large square At each place setting there were slices of pizza, sandwiches, and other entrees. After the meal we were given shopping bags and were told we could take the leftovers. I noticed that someone had helped himself to just about all the food, so I grabbed a small barbecued suckling pig and put it in my bag. The pig was in two pieces, the head and the body, attached by some kind of internal organ. I could smell the BBQ sauce and the smoked meat. I felt a little guilty about taking the whole thing, but figured I deserved it since someone else "hogged" all the rest of the food. In the dream I thought it was funny that I referred to him as a pig.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
We were on a vacation with my in-laws, driving their Lincoln. While filing up, we noticed that it was taking an unusual amount of gas and we saw that the back seat was getting wet. It looked like the gas tank was leaking and was filling the trunk with gas. So we ran away, fearing an explosion but the car just collapsed from the weight. I was lamenting the fact that my camera was in the luggage, and how ordinarily, it never left my side. I thought I'd have to get another Ricoh because it automatically uploaded photos to the cloud. Then I remembered that it was the function of my iPhone ad I could get whatever brand of camera I wanted. Then I remembered that I already had a couple of Nikons and wouldn't need to buy another camera. The Albanian gas station owner said they'd tow the car and figure out a replacement the next day. As we were figuring out the motel arrangements, I woke up.
Friday, August 23, 2019
1. I was falling for this young girl L, who I used to work with. We were sitting together and she mentioned that her husband was close to my age and that he had cancer. I bought some smoked fish and I was carrying the pieces around in my hand and at one point dropped them. They broke into a couple pieces and I asked a woman at a gift counter for a bag. We then picked up her sister, a tall blonde about my age, and her friends at the airport. Then some cats smelled the fish and started jumping up on me to get at it. I figured that eventually, they'd get the fish. I kept shooing them away but they jumped up and dug their claws into my clothes and skin.
2. I was staying at a private club with Brian B. and we were about to go downstairs to a real Grosse Pointey party. He grabbed his blue blazer and put it on. I mentioned that there was nothing GP like a blue blazer and that I wanted to wear it. We joked about how there was nothing GP like buttoning the collar of a shirt, or unbuttoning the top two buttons, etc. etc. Then I said that there was nothing GP like going down to Hudson's and buying a blue blazer and then returning it after the party!
Thursday, August 22, 2019
1. I was taking a history test and my answers were several pages long. I explained to the teacher it's like, who attacked Rome in 1672. I could have just answered "The Germans." But it really needed explanation like, it was a response to the economic sanctions...etc. etc. I noticed that some of the pages in my hand were from other students.
2. I was hanging around with my friend Tom and I was playing a cd for him. I wanted to play a cassette of "Duke Ellington at Newport" so I did a fade out of the cd and a fade up of the tape. It was in the middle of the concert and some other group was playing. Then we had a discussion about what a waste of money waterproofing a basement was, and how you didn't get any pleasure out of it, unlike redoing a living room or kitchen. Tom's mom joined us and they joked about how his dad would run around with pots and pans when it was raining to collect the dripping water.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
I was at the old Tiger Stadium for an event. We were walking around outside a special section below the bleachers. I was talking to a woman and I mentioned how this was so much better than the new ballpark. She started telling baseball stories involving Babe Ruth and I noticed the door was open so I walked in. My family was seated a little ways away and my wife pointed out to my daughters that I had snuck into the special section.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
My dad and I were on the front lawn of someone's house in the next block. My dad was hitting golf balls with a driver. I teed off first and then he proceeded to hit ball after ball, analyzing each shot. I couldn't help but admire the passion he had for the game. But I also grew impatient with him, hoping he'd pick one of the shots and start playing a round of golf with me.
Monday, August 19, 2019
1. We were in a small French village. Our kids were doing to a couple different events and we were going to drive. Someone was coming after us and we squeezed into this impossibly small car and drove off. The road was wet and we zoomed through this absolutely huge puddle next to a river.
2. I had a job near University Rd. and Mack Ave. photographing flowers. A friend, Steve O. was going to take over my job but I didn't really want to give it up. I was supposed to change back into my street clothes but instead of having lockers with our clothes in them, we had to choose from items in a common area. I found an old beat up pair of brown work shoes with missing laces that sort of fit. On the way out of the factory, there was a huge display of stuff we could take for a small donation. It included commemorative medals and a huge pile of world maps. To leave, I had to climb up a small hill covered in ice that led to the cab of a truck. I opened the door to get out and it turns out, the cab was about 20 feet in the air and I had to figure out a way to get down to street level.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
I had a school assignment to create a couple small pieces of art ad one large one. I was being defiant and wasn't going to do it. At the last minute I decided to work on the art. I tried doing a cut and paste of a face and was going to add it to an image of the sun, but I couldn't figure out how to move the face from one layer to another.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
David Bowie was going to perform this evening and someone said I was in charge of helping him relax and get ready for the show. We went to a pub and I was pushing a kid in a stroller. It fell over and the kid fell out, but he was old enough to climb back in. A bunch of folks were sitting around a table and one of them had bright red hair and lots of bright blue eyeliner. I thought it was Bowie, but when she spoke, I figured out it was a woman. Then I met Bowie and started talking to him. We discussed horror movies and directors at great length. Afterwards, I thought to myself, that conversation wasn't going to help calm him down.
Friday, August 16, 2019
I woke up at 4 a.m. and read my friend, Mike Z's latest novel for a while. When I went back to sleep, I was at his house and there was a giant feast going on. There was a ton of food laid out. A couple guys carried sucking pigs through the house to be slaughtered out back. I thought they looked so cute and felt bad that they were going to meet their maker soon.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Someone was explaining how, when you go to the movies, part of you admission involved ingesting this wire with a small electronic device attached to it. The device contained a chip that stayed in your body forever. It's purpose was to allow you to be tracked and so that businesses like restaurants near the theatre would know how many people were attending the show and could prepare accordingly.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Early in the dream, I was telling my friend Mink about how he was naked and in a ditch in a dream from the night before. Then I was in front of a mirror trying to fix my hair. It was tangled and wet and I noticed huge bald spots. When I brushed it and it started to dry, it looked a lot more normal I was getting ready for a party for Kathus and Randy, her dad noticed the same thing about his hair.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
1. Even though it was my last year at Wayne State University, I volunteered to help with the yearbook. I said that I could write or take pictures. I felt bad that I hadn't worked on the yearbook for al four years of college. Someone handed me a hybrid camera--it was a large Nikon SLR that could instantly print out Polaroid photos. I tried to take a few pictures at a basketball game but couldn't get it to work properly. Then I ran into an old friend, Mink, who was standing buck naked in a 3 or 4 foot ditch and talked to him for a while. His penis was erect and looked like a skinny carrot.
2. I entered a theatre where Cassie was handing out free suckers. She had a contraption like cigarette girl in Britain, and the tray was full of colorful brochures and various advertising pieces she had developed. I sat down in one of the front rows waiting for the show to start.
Monday, August 12, 2019
1. I was in a lost and found where there was a ton of clothing that new college students had lost. I was rummaging around for something.
2. I was in front of a mirror. The hair on the left side of my head was sticking out and I was using a hot comb to try to straighten it out. It finally got to the point where it was only a little wavy.
3. I was a spokesman doing a commercial for a company that used to make everything for the home. I was in a basement filled with all kinds of appliances and I'd pick up what few objects were still made in the U.S. by this company and say," (Name of company), we've got you covered."
I had just been hired by J Walter Thompson and was going to work in the Renaissance Center. I went up the one of the upper floors and Mike B. and his partner were sitting at a long, lunchroom-type table. It looked like they were going to head up a brochure account and they had several of them on the table. I looked under the table and there were tons of brochures on the bench. They weren't sure what their jobs were going to be and it looked like it didn't have a lot of potential. I went down to the second floor where I met a ton of people I used to work with. They were going to be working on catalogs and it looked like a great place to work. K. Fishman and M. Grahams were both there. I gave Mary a kiss on the cheek and wondered if my beard (which I'm attempting in real life) scratched her face. As I was leaving I noticed there were several glamorous models hanging around. My car was parked in building #5 and when I went to leave, I noticed all these great new restaurants in the atrium.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
1. This dream was in two parts. In the first part, I was taking an oral SAT-type test. I had to quickly come up with the answers. In the second part, someone would give me three words and I had to come up with a fourth word that was part of the secuence.
2. There was some flooding on my parents driveway. There were spots on the lawn where some neighbors had peed on it. My wife was complaining about how we needed to get flood insurance. I was about to put on some waders when I woke up.
3. I was trying to put some lettuce in a bowl for a salad and it kept falling out. I noticed some really crappy John Lee Hooker guitar playing in the background. I had never noticed what a lousy guitar player he was but then I reminded myself that way back in the day, the Rolling Stones really admired him.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
1. I was working at an art studio with a bunch of other artists. It was 12 or 1 in the morning and as I left to go to my car I though about how productive I was late at night, but wondered if my wife was suspicious of me having an affair. The studio was in a crappy neighborhood and when I got to my vehicle, a beat up red Dodge minivan, I notice that it had been vandalized. Not only was the outside smashed up, the seats had been ripped out. I wondered if I could drive it standing up.
2. I had just read a book and was attending a book club meeting where I was to present a paper on the book. It was outdoors with a magnificent view of San Fransisco Bay. As I sat down in a circle of other readers, I woke up.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
I remember snippets of various dreams, or it could have been one long dream. I was in Ann Arbor and considering a game of golf. There were people hitting golf balls at targets, sort of like shooting hoops for prizes at a carnival. There was a scaled down hole on someone's lawn that I was going to play. Then I was with my friend Dave S's brother Scotty and I wanted to get Dave's phone number so we could discuss best methods for staying sober. Then we took a bus to some dorms and were trying to figure out what rooms the women had and which ones the men were assigned to. Or if co-ed was an option.
Monday, August 5, 2019
My daughter Sarah was starting a job at a law firm and my friend Andy was in town and we were all going to meet for lunch. I parked my car in this huge muddy parking lot surrounding buildings that looked like CCS (a Detroit art school). I was given some sox to put on and one of them was a full sock while the other one only covered my ankle and shins.
Friday, August 2, 2019
I was with a bunch of folks and we were walking somewhere. A Rabbi and his wife had never seen the movie "The Producers" and I was explaining the plot to them and sang the song "Springtime for Hitler."
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...