A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
I was visiting an old high school friend and neighbor, Linda Minella. She live sort of out in the country. She was having a dinner party and I was sort of surprised that no one was drinking. Then she and a bunch of friends put on a play/musical. The stage was behind glass and it was sort of a dinner theatre setup. The room was huge and it was totally packed. The diners were talking and pretty much ignoring the play. The sound was piped into the room and I went out to check out how loud it was.
Monday, June 29, 2020
1. I'm at my old high school and the end of lunch bell rings. I'm having a hard time figuring out where my next class is. I know were my last class of the day is and concentrate to figure it out. I wander around the campus a bit and figure it out. I enter the science class and my end-of-the-year project, which was some sort of diorama, didn't do the well.The teacher explains what was wrong with it.
2. I was at a concert in a big arena and someone asks me to be the sound guy for Weird Al. I do a rest job and when the concert's over, someone offers to give me a ride home. Just as I'm about to get into his car I remember I left my jacket in y seat. In order to get to my seat, they have to lower various sections of seats for me to climb up and get to it. Some of the crew compliment me on what a great job I did with the sound.
It was the last day of school and we were taking our final exam. There were a bunch of symbols on cookie sheets and we had to circle the four correct ones, which were worth 25 points each. after the test, my teacher showed me a photo he/she had of my Busha.
1. My brother Paul and I are hanging out in front of a big NYC bookstore. He had just bought Jim Bouton's book and the author was inside signing autographs. T|You were supposed to get a number and wait in line. But the session was over and as Bouton left, he came up to Paul and signed his book.
2. I was in a photo studio and a shoot was going on. I noticed the model was Patty Leonard, and when they were done shooting, I went up to her and we gave each other a big hug.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
1. Andy and Deb move back to Detroit. We have them over for dinner along with Bill & Merry. As they're leaving Deb tells us she's doing pottery again and they got their old phone number too. I guess it, 882-0888 and she says that's right! (actually I think that was Jeff's old number).
2. I visit the downtown brand of the Detroit Public Library. I go down into the basement and it's a huge room with everything for sale. I wander around the various sections--books, CDs, and DVDs. I find a couple empty cd cases and I'm going to turn them into the librarian. There are a bunch of kids running around. When I go up to the librarian, she has a bunch of different desserts for sale. There are koulourakia for 10 cents each along with some funds and slices of chocolate cake. I'm having trouble deciding what to buy and I know I'm going get get a ton of desserts.
1. This was one of this repetitive dreams. I was typing in a complicated user name and password over and over again. It was exhausting.
2. I'm in a car with my wife and I see a car coming straight towards me. The accident happens in slow motion and the car sideswipes me. I get out and the entire side of the car has been town off. The woman gets out of her car to explain what happened. She's Hispanic and she's driving a dark green Jaguar. I'm so angry I can't even talk to her so I walk away and let Diana deal with her. Then we get in our car and I throw it in reverse. We back into a wall. I put it into forward and the car crashes into a wall at high speed. The brakes don't work and as we hit the wall I wake up.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
1. I was on the grounds of St. Paul's. I went into the church but it was empty, and then I realized I was totally naked. I covered up my face with my hands and ran out of there.
2. I was attending a big feast at a German or Italian restaurant. When it came time for dessert, I wanted to have the same cake I had the last time. It had some spices in it and some pieces of dried fruit. I had it with vanilla ice cream and the combination was incredible. The waitress brought out huge trays of desserts including slices of apple pie. I got into an argument with my dad about the cake. The I spied John Meerschart slice off the crust of a slice of apple pie and eat it. I thought that was kind of rude but didn't say anything.
Monday, June 22, 2020
1. I accidentally started shaving my beard and mustache. Then I pretended that I did it on purpose and finished shaving, figuring it would grow back quickly enough.
2. I went to lunch at a fancy restaurant. I was with a bunch of advertising folks I was working with and we were seated in a private room. The meal was being served in courses and I went out to get a can of pop. When I got back, I saw Marge sitting at another table with some people she was working with from a studio. I told her I wanted to give her a hug, but because of social distancing, it would have to wait. She felt a little guilty that she wasn't working for an agency but had "sold out" and was working for a studio. I had an in-depth conversation with my coworkers about some ad agencies like Doner had an in-house studio that were actually full-service agencies within the agency.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
I'm waiting to use an ATM to get some cash. They're located inside elevators. As the doors open, people from in back come forward and go into the elevators. Apparently they've been waiting since before I got there. It turns into a shitshow, but eventually I enter an elevator. It turns out there isn't an ATM in the car and it takes me to a lower floor. I get out and stand in front of a grand piano and rifle through my wallet looking for my ATM card. There are a bunch of little pieces of paper in my wallet and I can't find my card. People keep coming up to me and hand me documents. They've obviously mistaken me for someone else.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
1. I get a job at a stereo shop that's located at 9 & Mack. Tom gets a job across Mack As we're driving to work I comment: "Who would have thought that at our ages we'd get such crappy jobs." After work I get in my car to go pick him up. There are a bunch of one-way streets and I can't go directly to where he works and end up getting lost. The drivers are driving crazy and darting out into the intersection.
2. I'm at the Country Club with Jeff and we're having lunch.
3. I wander around town with Pounder. He has a mini recorder of some sort and he's recording our conversation. We end up at some kind of hall where they're serving an assortment of desserts. I comment that one of the desserts looks like a "bobcha". Paul comes up to me and hands me a long pastry for me to sample. I ask him if he wants it back, but since he's a germ freak, she says no.
Monday, June 15, 2020
1. I'm in a space suit on the moon. I'm in a deep crevice and am narrating my steps as I climb back up to the surface. Then I direct Marge/Schmengie out of a crevice.
2. I'm spending the day with two attractive younger women, a blonde and a brunette. We're in a place that looks like Grand Central Station and we check the time. We're surprised that it's only 2:30 in the afternoon. At one point, we went into an empty classroom but got kicked out. We're trying to figure out what to do to pass the time. We go into a baker and they buy a couple boxes of fantastic-looking donuts. Then we sit down and start talking about new music. I tell them I recently read about Phoebe Bridgers and discovered that I had downloaded her first album a couple years ago but hadn't listened to it. I describe her as having a beautiful voice but her lyrics are crazy. We're sort of waiting around for Joey to get off work at 5.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
1. I give Dave Stoll an old Minolta or Miranda camera kit that included a couple lenses and filters. It looks real complicated and the two of us try to figure out how to use it. He lives in a big mansion and it's at night. Several girls, dressed in black stop by to visit. They're going to sing for us.
2. I'm at a race track and they're setting up for a race. The course is in miniature, sort of like slot cars. There's a beer tent and I can see the bartender pouring some tap beer into a big metal bucket. The race starts and it's extremely loud, except the cars are only the size of toasters.
3. I'm in a mall somewhere in Ohio. We spot a sandwich shop and are informed that it's closing in 15 minutes. She go upstairs and see a pizza shop (some franchise like Sbarro's) and a girl wearing an old fashion white paper ice cream shop waiter's hat tells us the crust at the pizza shop is lip smacking good, and does the kissing her fingers thing.
Friday, June 12, 2020
1. I'm at the bank and am using my ATM card to withdraw some money. The machine spits out my card onto the floor. The teller tells me the account is closed and they're investigating.
2. I'm at Yorkshire Market which is now located downtown. My cousin Jimmy was working there because his wife was working downtown. They were closing up and I headed out, first for the bus stop, then, realizing I drove downtown, headed for the parking lot. On my way there, I noticed a bunch of guys rolling up a carpeting outside the court building and I helped them carry it inside and up several flights of stairs. I briefly caught a glimpse of Thad, a guy I went to grade school with.
3. This was such a happy dream. I was on our front lawn playing with my cat in the snow. It was like Kaline but was more of a calico cat. There was sort of a piece of lint floating in the air behind me, and when I ran it would follow me. It created a shadow which the cat found fascinating. He would roll around in the snow, and scratch his paws on one of the trees.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Almost every square inch of our home was decorated with Christmas stuff. I asked Hannah if I should take a video of it to document it. She said, only if I ask nicely. I reminded her it was my house and I could do what I wanted and started shooting with my iPhone.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
1. I was taking my morning vitamins. One of them was really large (fish oil?), and it kept getting stuck in my throat. I could swallow, but I could feel it stuck about half way down.
2. I was in NYC at a restaurant. Wally was buying and he handed me a menu with only desserts on it. He told me not to order anything expensive. Then we were in an office setting. He was working on a musical. He walked me through the whole think, song by song. He wanted me to come up with a bunch of catchy slogans for the various acts. I told him I was in advertising and that's what I did for a living.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Not sure if this was two dreams or two parts of the same dream.
I'm out in the country and someone is explaining how this farm in front of me was once owned by s famous hippy (someone like Joni Mitchell). They were explaining the property line which came right up to the edge of the road and there were small apple trees on the side. They told me how she was eccentric and used old world farming methods. The it was night and I was outside a hall. There was some kind of sporting event going on inside--perhaps a NCAA basketball final? I didn't want to go in so I waited outside. I was going to meet Joe and Marna at our car. I headed out to the lot and there was a huge cliff I had to climb. Marna started coming town the cliff and I told her to be careful.
Monday, June 8, 2020
My daughter's friend Emily and I decide we're going to get married. We're hanging out in the Cabbage Patch and I mention that we should tell her parents. And I suggest we should at least give her mom a call. Then a New Orleans food truck stops by and a couple we know grab two huge plates of food and sit down to eat. Emily gets a plate and puts a couple shrimp on it and we sit down to talk about our plans.
I'm in a large hall filled with people. There are long tables with bottles of wine for sale on them. My mother-in-law beckons me to the front of the line. She tells me there are some nice bottles of French wines there. I look and theres a bottle of strawberry, peach and apple wine and i pick a bottle of the strawberry. She comments "Oh, I see you like sweet wine". I don't tell her that I don't drink anymore.
I'm at a presentation and Gretchen Valade announces some of the performers who will be playing at the Detroit Jazz Festival. She says one of the groups will be me on piano, Paul Keller on bass and some outstanding drummer whose name I don't remember. I plead with her that I can't play the piano. She says I'm just being modest. Then I explain that I took lessons when I was a kid but haven't played in years. Finally she agrees with me.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
1. I'm at the drug store where I used to work. A young girl is trying to buy a pint of whiskey and she has a handful of change. The kids working there aren't sure what to do and I tell them just to take her money and let her go. I suggest they call Max to confirm it. He agrees with me. We start to sort out the money and I notice she rare coins in the small pile and try to take a couple of them.
2. I get a free-lance job back at Y&R editing some dealer commercials. I walk around the place and don't recognize most of he people there. Then Greg Marsh walks in. He's lost a bunch of weight and is wearing a sporty gray pinstripe suit. Several of us mention that we thought he had died after his heart attack. I see my old partner Schmengie and we both discuss him.
1. I'm with Donald Trump and he's demonstrating how you can cup your hand and it'll hold water. I get a piece of plastic and line my hand with it and show that's it's easier to do it that way.
2. I'm at the Farber's house for something. Then I decide to walk home, but I have to cross Alter Road to get back into Grosse Pointe. Then I start getting some kind of signals from Joe's work.
3. Someone tells me about a new wine from the Blind Lemon Skeleton Estate (?!)
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...