A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
I was attending some kind of reunion dinner. It was at night at a yacht club on the lake. My old mentor John L. was in attendance.
I was jogging home from downtown in the morning. I skipped out of work and realized that I hadn't filled out a time sheet in a while, but it was okay since I was going to be let go soon anyway. I passed by someone playing the opera loudly. Then I passed by a Chinese restaurant. There were two women and a guy. He was asked if he was a partner and he said he was switching between two jobs. I realized I left y car downtown so I was going to jug to the city limits, then go back and get it.
Monday, October 28, 2019
1. I was at a seaside town in England with my old mentor John Lapp. My wife kept bugging me to remember some old saying/song. I finally remembered it and sang it in sort of a southern minstrelly way. The verse was: Da river goes up. Da river goes down. Laws da river is deep. The we saw a guy who was blocking the door to a pub and I said we should beat the crap out of him.
2. I was part of a jazz mentoring program and I was a pianist. Our patron suggested I switch to guitar, which I can't play at all. While my wife and I were packing our bags in the hotel room, I mentioned that maybe I should make the switch to drums, since I could probably fake it on drums.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
I was on a ski slope with my daughter's boyfriend and his dad. I described how when I was a kid, I was afraid to slalom and went straight down the slope. Then I proceeded to go down the hill, slaloming aggressively. I saw a friend, Marge and invited her over. We were in some kind of gym. We were going to workout on some ellipticals only the numbers were too small to read. Then I had a hot bbq grille and emptied the ashes on some guy's lawn and ran down the street, which was snowy and icy.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
1. My cousin Dana was in town visiting. We went down to Lakeshore Dr. and she had a big Cadillac and I had a motorized tricycle. We saw a bald eagle that turned out to be an osprey. Back at our house she mentioned that she wanted to get some exercise, maybe golf. My wife came home from taking her mom for surgery. The doctors opened her up and then didn't do it.
2. I was at work for my last day on the job and my boss was preparing for a big presentation. A big package arrived for me. It was wrapped in brown paper and inside was a clay pot with a meal inside. There was also an instrument that looked like an accordion only it was made of paper. A guy in a turban came in to my office and he was amused.
3. I had lent Kent a history book (on London? NYC?) and when he returned it it was not only full of papers, but he had marked the book up. I told him how dispensed I was and I thought books were sacred.
4. I was in an office and was supposed t take a client out for happy hour at a local bar. Since I quit drinking I was trying to figure out what to order that wouldn't seem so obvious.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
1. I was painting an overhead scene of a blue chair. It was sort of abstract and only had a few ines to it.
2. I was barbecuing with a few neighbors. Rob had his girl set up at the end of the block, even though he ives in the middle of the block. And I was grilling at Chris's in the middle of the block. I kept going back and forth between the two houses.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
1. We were driving around Midtown Detroit east of Woodward and a lot of the roads were flooded. We drove down one street and the water was up to the hood of the car. As we back up, I mentioned that they should have yardstick in the road so people could tell how deep the water was.
2. I was driving a bus down Mack Avenue. As I turned down Woodward I noticed a bunch of stuffed dummies f black people hanging from telephone lines. They were supposed to be a reminder of lynchings back in the day.
3. I was babysitting a bunch of kids. There were two little boys who were incredibly bratty. I told them to lay down, close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing. I was giving them a lesson in mindfulness.
I was at a party and my friend Tom said that Sue Barrass used to talked like a guy named Steve who was on the package of Fritos. There was an 800 number on the package. We called it and heard a recording of Steve's voice and he had an English accent. We all laughed and thought it was hilarious.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Our friends were visiting from Texas. I snuck a couple glasses of wine and my younger daughter was giving me a big lecture about it. In the dining room, some petals from artificial flowers fell on the ground along with some water. My friend and I were trying to clean up the mess but kept making it worse. I was trying to concentrate, but the wine was making me crazy. At one point he pulled the rug over the water. His wife came in and commented on how incompetent we were. I decided to just go up to bed. There was a stepladder in the living room, and when I climbed it, I realized it just ended at the ceiling in the middle of the room. I was looking for the back stairway when I woke up
1. There were two parallel trails that went off in the distance and then curved to the right near the end. I thought they'd make an interesting painting and was trying to figure out how to paint them. There were three versions of the trails and I was trying to figure out which was the correct one (?).
2. This was a complex dream and a bit hard to describe The first part involved playing a game. There were images on a board with corresponding blanks below them. When you filled in the correct letters, it formed a bad pun. Then the dream shifted to the Metropolitan Opera House in NYC. I was there with a student who had been in the city a lot. I was talking to my friend Wally through the vents in the floor, even though I though I was talking to him with my phone. A guitars was playing on the counter of the coat check area. He was the son of a famous actor. I saw him walk away and it looked like a pair of pants walking. Turns out he was a midget and it was a costume he was wearing. It was his signature outfit!
Thursday, October 17, 2019
1. A couple goes on a weekend getaway. The guy figures out the woman is just using him so they end the trip early. While checking out, the woman is already off looking for another guy. He notices she left her purse and a couple bags on the checkout counter and tells the clerk to put them behind the counter.
2. I was wearing some ridiculous white plaid pants to go out shopping.
3. I was up north hanging out at a brewpub and talking to some of the patrons about craft beer. There was a poster on the wall that the owner pointed out to me. It was for a local beer called something like Povow. or Pikow. I said that it was a good Polish name. Then I asked her if she knew that Detroit once had 80 or 90 breweries before Prohibition?
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
I was cooking a bunch of huge beets. Only instead of a pot, I was cooking them in the drawer of a dresser. I pulled the drawer out and it looked like all the water boiled off so I poured some more in. After, someone said it wasn't dry, the liquid just was in the back of the drawer.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
1. I was on a tropical island for a baby shower. I was sitting outside a gift shop that sold stuff from Thailand. One of the items hanging in the window was a paper shadow puppet. The owned looked at me and gave me a dirty look. I figured he was probably looking at someone else. I tested the water and it was super warm. and our friend Randy was holding a baby (his grandson?) and Lisa was swimming. She climbed up onto a small rocky island that was just offshore. I was going to change to go for a swim.
2. I was spraying and cleaning the windows inside a bathroom stall and old friend, Ed Berger showed up. He was doing volunteer work washing (mirrors) in bathrooms just for fun. We hugged since we hadn't seen each other in years. He was about seven feet tall in the dream. His younger girlfriend was there with him.
3. It was Christmastime at night and a little kid (baby?) fell off this bridge and drowned. Then I saw Ray Charles climb to the peak of the bridge, tumble down, and fall in the water. I dove in and saved him.
4. I was driving in a souped up car with my wife's cousin John. He had been drinking and as we drove past a cop car I told him to be careful. Instead, he sped up and of course the cops chased after us. He turned down an alley and quickly lost them. He parked the car and we got out.
1. We lived in St. Clair Shores and my friend Pounder was visiting. We were going to go out to lunch with two of my wife's friends. He had just gotten back from running an errand and I put on a pair of green high-top Converse All Stars and a blue button down shirt. There was a bit of friction between the two of us.
2. This is a recurring dream. Crystals form in my mouth, a little like grains of sand I spit them out and scrape some of them off my tongue. When I put them on the counter they start to meld together to form larger crystals. On the counter there are several tiny ones, some medium sized ones, and larger ones the size of cigarette cartons. Someone asks me if he can have some, and I give him some of the medium size ones before they can form a larger structure. On the counter they've formed two large pyramids that are glass-like structures with somewhat cloudy water inside and tiny fighting creatures inside.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
I was banging on the side of our next door neighbor's house when iI notice the dad's car in the driveway. I concocted a lie in case he asked me what I was doing. I was going to tell him I saw a bunch of wasps and I was scaring them away. I've had this dream at least once before.
1. I walked into an art gallery near Greektown and noticed a woman with long hair. I knew it was my old partner Marge and I gave her hair a tug. She turned around startled and we gave each other a bg long hug and said how much we missed each other and how we were soulmates. The artist was explaining how he did his work which was short glass tumblers that looked like they were lied with somewhat cloudy water.
2. I was listening to some headphones. I unplugged them and could still hear the music. I was amazed at the new technology (Bluetooth?) where you could hear music through headphones and speakers without cords.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
1. Diana and I were in The Village in Grosse Pointe and we drinks which we put down on the ground to get later. When we came back it had snowed a bit and our drinks were gone. It's was the day after Thanksgiving and the local parade was going to take place the next day.
2. I was riding my bike on these obscure streets around Harvard and Mack. I could see this large complex of medieval university buildings and a cathedral that looked like Notre Dame. I found a gravel road/ally that went by the back of the building I rode down it and looked up at the buildings which are several hundred feet high.
3. I was hanging out in some's apartment watching a movie and drinking coffee. The door opened and a little blond girl entered. She said, "You're John." I told her no and then she told me that I was Mark. A little boy came in with a couple of Scandinavian women. I asked them how the girl knew my name. I offered them d a drink or some coffee and asked if they'd like to see the end of the movie. The whole scene and conversation had a very Bergmanesque quality to it.
1. I was slaloming down a mountain. There wasn't any snow and I was wearing hiking boots instead of skis.
2. I was staying at a French camp on an upper floor in a dorm. I asked when my script would be filled and Dave A. said it can take up to two days. Then I got ready to take a shower.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
1. I was at our front door. As I slowly opened it, my daughter's dog Louie ran out Just then, I jerked awake.
2. I was setting off fireworks at the back door of y Busha's tiny house. I was holding a tube and Roman candles shot out. Then came the Grande Finale. After the fireworks, we had to put a bunch of chairs back in the dining room.
Monday, October 7, 2019
1. Someone showed me how to send out an email/text to see if the person was interested in buying some stock. On the sheet there was a Yes/No check box. Then they sent back a confirmation for $109 which was my cut in the profit. I got two of them back.
2. We had a meting with a broker, whose name I couldn't remember. Diana was writing out a cheque to him and them I introduced her, hoping he'd mention his name when he shook her hand--which he didn't do.
3. We stopped by my nephew Paul's house for his birthday party. There was a wiener dog that they had to have put down because he grabbed one of Paul's t-shirts and was going to rip it apart. We had to leave early so we were given a pair of sox with the color theme of the party--pink, powder blue and yellow. I put the sox on and they went up to the top of my thighs, which drew a bunch of laughs.
4. The dream started with a discussion of nude photography. There were three other gentlemen in the group and one of them thought it was absolutely obscene to photograph nude women. I argued what was the difference between a nude painting and a nude photograph? It was all art. Then Pounder and I left and we continued the discussion in his car. We had to stop by a Detroit Public School building and pulled up in the alley. There were a bunch of guys dressed in police/SWAT uniforms and they had to inspect his car. I didn't mention that he worked for the FBI on purpose because I knew that local authorities would give him an even harder time. He had to go into the building and get some kind of waiver because his daughter was going to a local charter school. I wondered why he didn't mention that she was in school here.
I was let go from my advertising job but was allowed to stay on for a while. Then, a bunch of folks from my first job were hired and started showing up. Bob, S. came by and he was still a dick. Then I noticed Carmen's name on a door, only they spelled it with a "K". I gave him a recap of my career and he said he had done some things he wasn't proud of and almost started crying. His wife came in and rubbed my beard and said, "Where did this come from?" She had a bunch of her grand kids with her and put a little boy on my lap. I mentioned that I wasn't a kid person, and the boy sensed it and jumped down.
I was cutting the lawn when I hit a super thick patch of grass. This caused the lawn mower to stall and the engine assembly fall out of the bottom. I was trying to explain to someone (my dad?) what had happened.
Friday, October 4, 2019
A bunch of us had gathered to work on a project. We were building the tallest structure in the area made of potatoes of various sizes and colors.
There was this old hippy on the corner giving out free tickets to a concert. I told him about a show I had just seen in Ann Arbor and he mentioned that he had never been to Ann Arbor. I told him how much he'd like it. Then I described the show I had seen, but had to keep running across the street and back to describe each song I had heard.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
I was in a store and my wife mentioned that she was going to ride in a Memorial Bike Ride for the victims of some Japanese disaster. I said I didn't feel up to it and she said she figured I was going to bail. She was looking for a commemorative/votive candle for the 2nd anniversary of the event.
1. I was working on a still-life painting and the objects (fruit bowl) were going to be hovering above the table. I thought it would look like a Magritte painting.
2. I was inside a barn with a bunch of pig stalls. A whole bunch of naked girls were running around. I mentioned that I saw a hockey game that was taking place in one of the stalls and it was being played in slo-mo.
I was playing in the outfield at the All-Star Game at Tiger Stadium and made this amazing catch. I was running towards the outfield wall and put my glove out and caught the ball that was coming straight down.
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...