A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Saturday, May 30, 2020
1. I 'm hanging out with one of the Dosch daughters and we end up back at her parents house on Cadieux. I greet her dad as Mr. Dosch and give Kris a big hug. He tells me that he's getting into classical music and I mention that there's so much to explore. He's watching something on tv that's classical music related. I sit down on a couch and a dog starts scratching my arm. Kris comes over to take a look at it and there are a couple sores/scratches that have some pus on them and she says she needs to treat them.
2. There's a huge family gathering/weekend at Paul & Teagan's. There are a ton of kids there and they're all playing and goofing off. Paul decides he needs to be a responsible grownup and starts to vacuum. There are cords and hoses everywhere. I go outside to hose the place around and there's a huge tangle of electric cords and garden hoses everywhere and as I start to untangle them I wake up.
1. I tell Lindsey L. about writing a totally generic car dealership commercial. Then I recite it to her as best as I can remember it and we get a laugh out of it. Then I'm at an outdoor recording studio on Harper in St. Clair Shores. There are a bunch of picnic tables and a parking structure next to it. I go to get my car and then remember that I forgot to get my ticket validated. I try to call Y&R but the number buttons on the phone are not in order and placed all over the phone. I'm having trouble figuring it out.
2. I'm downtown for a haircut. I'm wandering around and there are a bunch of hippies all around.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
1. I'm on the Hill in a store--probably The League Shop. This guy and I are looking at the GPS tower through binoculars. I tell him about a stargazing app and tell him he should download it to his phone.
2. I'm at Bousza's and my cousin Carol and I are planning a trip to Poland We start trading swear words in various languages. I mention Boze blogoslaw Nasz dom to her and she points to the framed picture with it on it. (It means God bless our home in Polish)
This was one of those epic dreams. It took place over a long period of time. I don't remember the details but it was an evening in an Italian restaurant. A ton of people were there including my dad.
I have a floppy disc and it's important that I play it. It has fur on it and a cat keeps jumping up trying to claw it away from me.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
1. I'm having a creative brainstorm and I come up with a whole bunch of ad campaigns. There's some sort of agency in the house next door and I pitch my ideas to someone (a Creative Director) there. One of them has to do with people's fascination with innocent movies from the 1950s.
2. I go to work and my desk is a mess. There's a cart with a bunch of manilla envelopes on it, but it's work I don't really need anymore. I need to log in with my phone (or laptop?) and I realized that my workstation has been moved to another building. I notice a champagne flute on my desk and thought I'd hang around for whatever the celebration was going to be.
I had borrowed a white Lexus from some rich guy. I was driving home from downtown, and took Gratiot Ave. The street was flooded and the water was six or seven feet deep. I had to swim and the car turned into a bike, which I had to drag behind me. By the time I hit East Detroit, the water had receded. The area had turned hip and but some of the old landmarks were still there. I saw my dad's old dental practice and it was now some cool bar or restaurant. The owner of the Lexus wasn't mad about the car/bike getting wrecked and he thought it was a valuable lesson for his spoiled kids.
Friday, May 22, 2020
1. Kathy Grady hands me a silver tray of pork cracklins. They're for Paul and Max who are playing a gig at Bon Secours. I taste one and it's incredible. A dog keeps trying to get them and he licks some on the edge. I try to find some place up hight where he can't get to them. I make some excuse for not going to he gig. Kathy hands a teenage girl a big joint and she puts it in a cigarette box that a bunch of other ones.
2. I'm hanging out with Maria Schneider and some bearded guitarist. We're discussing obscure bands. I mention Bark Psychosis and describe them as the best band no one has ever heard of. The guitarist mentions one of the guitarists n the band and I say there were several over the years.
3. My brother Paul and I are visiting Kargs. She lives out in the country near Northville. There's some problem with Paul's car and I have to run from the city out to her house several times. I think to myself that I'll be in amazing shape when this is all over. I think we're having dinner with her and her mom. When I get to her house, Paul is inside chatting her up. I see her and her sister at the door. I think we brought a cake for dessert.
1. I write a book in a language I made up. I'm going to be on a tv show. Then I'm lying in the street explaining it to Jeff.
2. I'm walking out to a car with Paul McCartney. I make small talk with him and sort of pretend I don't know who he is. Then I approach a car with a girl in it. I goof around and try to make her laugh. Her mom is there. She's been contacted to make lunch for some British lads and she doesn't know it's for the Beatles. She hands me a key with and address on it. It's for her home in Liverpool.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My in-laws are having a party. Their house is near the Woods park and I keep having to go to the store to have an ice bucket refilled. Finally, I mention that we should buy a couple big bags of ice so we don't have to keep running to the store. Nick's co-worker Terry shows up and buys a ton of stuff. I grab several bags and they're so full I can barely carry them. I notice that he bought a lot of Bud Light which I'm pretty disappointed about.
1. I get a job at Hudson's working in the advertising department. The whole dream involves someone showing me around the place and introducing me to my co-workers. Just about the whole staff is women.
2. I get a job working for a company that rebuilds race cars. The area looks like a junkyard. The office and kitchen are in an old, converted bus. I go into the lunchroom to have something to eat and realize that at the end of the day I'm going to reek of grease and racing fuel and it'll take a long shower to get rid of the smell.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
I riding bike with Lisa Repicky and it's sort of like the Slow Roll. We end up at a theatre for some kind of play. Lisa has rot go downstairs to sit with the school kids. I end up looking for a seat in the balcony. Somehow, I end up with Randy's cat, which is like a Maine Coon Cat. He's antsy and is trying to get away. I look around and find Randy and am about to give him his cat back when I wake up.
I go to my old high school to take a trip down memory lane. I ind up hanging out with this teenage boy. It's really awkward and before I split, I give him a knuckle bump. He ends up showing me the new cool handshake.
1. I go to a meeting in a school and I call Tod. I hang around for almost an hour and he calls back and asks where am I? I tell him I forgot to go to the church and meet him and that I totally screwed up and I feel really bad about it. Rod Thompson is there.
2. I'm sitting in a taverna, possibly in Greektown. I go to by ice cream but the large door to the shop is locked--the place is closed. I'm in a back hallway to a bunch of of Greek restaurants. I notice a photograph of various displays with types on them circled. They're from signage in various Greek restaurants.
2. I watch a movie about a girl who supposed to go to Europe. She ends up missing the tour and ends up going on her own. At the end of the movie, the same thing happens to another girl. It's one of those "aha!" moments.
This was one of those tedious, repetitive dreams I'm laying tile in a medieval church. I just keep doing the same thing, over and over again.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
1. I met up with the Tonemeister in a big park in MN. He was super skinny and gave me a big hug. Then he gave Pounder a hug and end up knocking him to the ground. Pounder's son was there and he was a little slow. He talked bout a wrestling video he made.
2. I was in Nick & Ann's backyard and it was evening. Some J'Wits were walking down the street towards the lake. I commented that if we were quiet, they'd keep on going and wouldn't bug us.
Monday, May 11, 2020
1. I star to climb the stairs in the home I grew up in only there are ladders and tarps in the way. My dad and brother (who are both dead) are painting the stairwell and hallway. My brother has short hair (which is odd for him) and although I thought he was dead, I think maybe he's just been away for a long time. The hallway is being painted white and I tell them it looks great. I'm going to show Dave my paintings.
2. I'm in Greece in a city on the ocean. There are a bunch of tavernas along the shore and I walk through them I end up in a restaurant famous for its lobster (Joe Muer's?) I sit down and look at the menu. I know the place is famous for its lobster, but I've heard it's not their best dish. I look around to check out what other people are eating and see my dad seated in a both near the entrance of the restaurant.
3. I'm at a minor league baseball game. I'm explaining about how some of the games between teams in different divisions are called "friendlies". And I explain how I went to a couple games where they releases a bunch of honey bees out beyond the outfield fence and the bees flew around then went back to the hive. It was some sort of educational demonstration for kids.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
1. I'm on the roof of a house. Below me, wave after wave of some kind of monsters are hatching and trying to jump up and attack me.
2. I'm driving with Sam Minella in some northern suburb. It's a city that looks like downtown Birmingham and the whole place is being built overnight. We drive past a couple of old barns, nestled among the new buildings and I know they're going to be town down. I ask Sam to pull over so I can take a picture of them so I can paint them later. I get out and walk back to the barns but it takes me forever to cross the busy intersection. At one point, I try to cross against the light, but people keep making left hand turns in from of me and an old guy in a Lincoln Town Car almost hits me. I end up in a jewelry store where Angela, who Sam and I know somehow is working. She show me some designs she's working on. I finally leave and go back to the car--a white Lincoln MKZ like we own. It's double parked and Sam has covered the car with plastic trash bags to keep it cooler. He's sleeping and I wake him up and ask him to drive back to the barns. He says we need to stop at a bathroom first. As we pull into the parking lot, I wake up.
I'm at the top of a ski slope and am about to ski down the hill. Even though I haven't skied since I was a kid, I know I'm going to be great going downhill.
1. I'm working on a painting. It's a blue background and there are row after row of cigars on it.
2. I'm in a crappy part of mid-town and Paul Kerber is going to go get the car which he parked somewhere else. I'm with Sarah and Alex. We start walking and end up downtown. We're under an Amtrak bridge that's collapsed.
3. I'm in the parking lot of St. Paul's making some sort of dessert with my Aunt Mary Jane. It's made up of eggs, bread, raisins, and rum. We mix it all together and are going to bake it.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
I had a goldfish in a small jar. When I poured him into a larger bowl, there were suddenly 3 or 4 baby fish in there. Apparently she was about to give birth! Then I tried putting them in a large fountain that was almost overflowing. I grabbed a glass and started emptying some of the water out of it. The dream shifted to me telling someone about flying to Houston to receive the Emmett Till Award for the Best Promising Young Pitcher. While I was there I ran into Charlie Bishop wo asked me what I was doing on Sunday. When I told him I didn't have plans, he said he'd fly me down there to babysit for him.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
These are some snippets of dreams:
1. I'm in a record store and some Indian music is playing in the background. I ask the salesperson if she could recommend some good Indian music and I tell her I'm a big fan of Najma and a few other Indian musicians.
2. I'm giving a speech. It's the second one of the evening and some of the crowd from before are in the audience. They hackle me about repeating myself, and I tell them I warned them about that. It's a speech about my life and sort of like my speech at Sarah's wedding.
3. I run into Andy who's living in a yurt out in the middle of a field. We're about to go somewhere.
4. I'm in the hallway of some office building. It's Paul's last day at work. He's in an office saying goodbye to someone. Then I see him in the hall and he says "goodbye". I tell him to come here for a hug.
5. I'm with someone and we keep spotting huge Monarch butterflies landing on flowers in the garden.
I was going to go on our usual Monday morning hike in the woods. But ended up at a Versailles type palace. I was at the ticket counter trying to figure out if I wanted to do the tour of the inside of the palace or go out into the grounds where there would be more photo ops for potential paintings. The tour was starting and I could hear the leader starting his lecture. Then I ended up in a parking garage and could se Paul Cassens sitting in a car. I ws going to sneak up and surprise him. I noticed he had white hair and a full white beard.
Monday, May 4, 2020
1. I'm hanging around some guys who are suiting up to play hockey. I make the observation: You guys fight. So you wear gloves to protect your hands. Why not just not fight and you can skip wearing gloves?
2. I'm at a bowling alley, which is like the feather bowling lanes at the Cadieux Cafe. On the wall are arty b&w posters of bowling pins. I explain to someone that they're explanations for the scoring method for various sports including bowling.
I go to see a movie called "The Musician." It's about a young female composer who's working on a score for a movie. There's a guy in the movie who is a total sellout. In the very last scene in the movie, she's in the living room with a bunch of teenage boys. They're all playing various pianos and keyboards. She starts noodling out a tune which is the beginning of the hit "MBOP." The dream cuts to a couple days later. I'm walking through the ad agency where I work. I tell several people about the movie. I fi'm trying to figure out where I sit. There's a common area with a large dest and a bunch of people sitting at it. I figure this is my work station. I sit down next to Carol Cainstraight. I tell everyone how they should see the movie. The star show up. She's a young, cute blonde, and I'm not sure if I'm her friend or boyfriend. Someone announces that she's been selected to be the honorary head of security for some big event--which is a huge deal.
We're on a driving trip to California. My daughters F-I-L decides we should stop and play golf. It's sort of a miniature course, and each hole is about fifty feet apart, in a straight line. I joke about how I'm only going to use a nine iron. After a bit, it starts to rain and gets foggy, and the rest of my party is way ahead of me. I get lost.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Some friend's of Heather Ohare's are coming to visit. I know one of the guys because we have a mutual love of some prog-rock group--maybe Gong? I tell him about seeing them live. Then we pile into an old pickup truck and head over to Canada to visit the cottage. I remember that I don[t have my passport, but then I figure, I[m in Canada already and don't have to worry about it until I he'd back across the border and my drivers license will probably work.
1. I'm the head of the GP school system and Im holding a press conference. I speak about the goals I have for the schools.
2. I'm stacking our Chinese bowls. Then I pour soup into them.
3. I'm wandering around a shopping mall in Upstate NY. The shops are all family run businesses. At one point I se a stack of thick magazines for sale for 50 cents apiece. They regional guides. Then I see a camera store with tables set up outside the store. I[m looking for cameras to paint and don[t want to spend much money on them.
4. I'm working on an ad for blackberry ice cream. The idea I come up with is a page with four quadrants. At the top, there's a picture of some cream, an equal sign and then some ice cream. Then under it is a hand with a bunch of berries in it, an equal sign and a pint of blackberry ice cream.
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...