Wednesday, July 31, 2019


This dream makes no sense outside of the dream world. Some small creatures were trapped in a net and they were protesting (The bomb?). I was pleading with them that if they went free, they could continue to protest and could actually accomplish something. But if they remained in the net, they would die in vain. They all went free except one, who stuck to his principles.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


1. I'm singing this song over and over. It goes something like this: I can hear the sunrise, from any direction. I can hear the sunrise, Carter Central Connection." Someone overhears me and suggests I record it because it has the potential of becoming a major hit.

2. I was about to fry some chicken for dinner. A friend, Maureen stops by and gives me a piece of chicken she just fried. It was delicious, but it was this huge breast and I was a bit irked because now I'd be full before dinner.

3. A bunch of us were ice skating down at our park. I was doing these fancy ice dancing moves where I was bent over so far backwards the back of my head was almost touching the ice. We commented that the ice was only good right after the Zamboni cleaned it, because then it was too soft.

4. Several of us were hanging out talking about our jobs. Marie D. was showing us this huge plan she had designed for a new neighborhood plan.

Monday, July 29, 2019


1. The first part of this dream is a reoccurring theme. There are a bunch of wires stuck in my teeth, and I keep puling them out. Then I delivered a small wheel of orange cheese to David,  the former owner of Hirt's at Eastern Market. He was pretty happy and I was possibly going to be his main supplier of cheese on Mack Ave.

2. A small group of us were going to create a multi-media performance to the Emerson, Lake & Palmer tune "Lucky Man." We were at someone's house and the dad took us into a room filled with stereo equipment. He played a version of the song on an LP and he had a machine that automatically transcribed the song and could print it out. He told us the song was way to complicated to perform and I said it was a live version of the song and the studio version was way better. During the dream, I kept singing the song, which was pretty much in my vocal range and I sang it perfectly. When I got to the parts of the song I didn't exactly remember, I faked the words.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Another weird one--aren't they all? I was watching tv when a young woman came on the screen. First she lifted up her top to expose her breasts. Then she pulled down her shorts and began to masterbate. I made a comment that it was pretty unusual fare for broadcast tv. The person I was with was trying to figure out how to tape the show. He had a bunch of vis tapes but no recorder. Hmmm...

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I was in a car and we were looking for someplace to eat. I spotted a restaurant that I had reviewed for a magazine. It looked a bit run down, but it was supposed to have the best fried chicken in town. Inside, people were being served family style, and the dish in the middle of the table was filled with massive fried chicken breasts. Our order came with these tiny wings, however. When we were getting ready to leave, we were given styrofoam boxes filled with leftovers. Mine started leaking on my pants.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


1. I was at a pep rally for a college football team and there was a police raid. They had surrounded us and were going to take us down to the police station and book us.

2. There were several snakes in a large frying pan. They kept going around and around along the edge of the pan and one of them kept trying to slither up my wife's sleeve as she was sort of stirring them with a wooden spoon.

3. I was getting ready to mow the lawn. I decided to get a cup of coffee before I started. I went into my parents old house and the coffee was still brewing. I yanked the pot, figuring I could pour a cup quickly and put it back. The coffee maker stopped brewing but when I put the pot back, the water poured out clear. I was making a complete mess of it and water was pouring everywhere. An actor came into the kitchen and said he was leaving to do a commercial shoot.

Monday, July 22, 2019


1. I was supposed to meet Howie at a play at 7:30 but was in an art class. I had two projects to complete before I could leave. One involved placing a disc made of a soft black metal over a form and pounding it with a small hammer to create a bas relief. It was made up of ancient characters. The next project was rolling some clay over a form to create an arm. On the hand were some symbols that stood for the word "love". I couldn't find a black disc to complete to project and was running late.

2. My brother Paul and I were at a Korean restaurant. There were several large bottles of sauce and Paul kept adding some extremely hot ingredient that looked like white wasabi. I said, why don't you see how hot the food was before adding the hot sauce. So he added a bunch of it to a small container for his meal. We went up to the counter to order our food.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


A bunch of us were at a seaport watching a demonstration to see which cars floated the best. A Ford vehicle was dropped into the water, floated, and came in third place. The cars that followed all sank rather quickly. I mentioned that as a publicity stunt, if Ford came in first, the company president (Walter O'Malley?) could have gone out and walked on water--via some submerged planks in the water. Everyone though it was a brilliant idea.


I was playing in a football game and caught  long pass. In order for the goal to count, we had to open up a car door and toss in the football. Then, we were gong to try for a point after but there were a bunch of soccer nets along the goal line. We started moving them aside together ready to score.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


1. I was in a meat market and asked for a two pound piece of meat for a roast. The butcher handed me a package that was on the small size and I told him that it wouldn't be big enough for four people.

2. I was at a party and someone described a movie about a young guitarist but couldn't remember its name. "Sweet and Low Down," I guessed correctly. Then we tried to figure out the lead actor. Eventually most of the people cleared out and I looked around for some wine to drink. Almost all the bottles were pretty empty. I grabbed a large wine goblet and poured a bunch of white wine into it. It turned out to be olive oil, which I poured back. I started to wipe out the glass when I woke up.


1. My Uncle Dan arrived in his truck and brought a bunch of heavy equipment down from up north. It was from his tool & die shop and he wanted to know if we wanted any of it. At one point there was an older cat and a young kitten sitting on a window sill. I told my uncle that my daughter's friends brother Jacob could use a punch press to make gauges with it.

2. I was heading downtown to Cobo Hall. There were three different events being held there at the same time: An auto show, a school science fair, and I can't remember the third one, except the streets around the center were extremely crowded.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


I was sitting at a table at some special occasion (a wedding?) and ordered a fancy drink. It was served in a martini glass and came with a small pitcher of a redish liquid. The waitress told me it took so long because it had powdered rice crispies in it. It tasted a little bland and my wife said that it had a little vinegar in it. I believe it was an NA champagne cocktail.

Monday, July 15, 2019


A rather unusual dream. It involved a war among cans of tuna. There was a wall of cans of tuna on their sides. It was made up of some traditional brand. Some upstart company's cans were attacking them, either by shooting at them or by banging into them. It was on the side of a hill and I was one of the spectators.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


1. A reoccurring theme in my dreams is my ability to slide around on me feet, without moving any part of my body. I can do it by wiggling my feet, even though it doesn't look like they're moving. I'm in a large public space like Grand Central and I'm doing this across a large expanse of floor. I decide that perhaps I should start doing this as a performance artist. The station starts getting more crowded because it's approaching rush hour and I start bumping into people while sliding across the room.

2. I'm in a rocky area overlooking what looks like my old neighborhood. I'm to feed a bunch of cats who are owned by a cripple who can't make it that day to feed them. Somehow, he left trays of food for them including steaks, whole fish and various vegetables including some kind of spongy looking plant. The cats are all hungry and come to me to be fed. A group of guys show up who intend to take the cats away and they look like they're going to destroy the cats.

3. I'm in a jewelry store and notice the saleswoman is giving out gifts including gift card to potential customers. I tell her I'm looking for  wedding rings (even though we already have them) hoping to get some free stuff. The woman pulls out a package with rings made of pink gold. I tell her I need to call Diana and check on what kind of rings she had in mind.


We were in Cuba listening to live jazz in a bar/restaurant. Someone gave us phones and told usour numbers were now listed in the newly printed phone books. We discussed how that was a good and bad thing.

Friday, July 12, 2019


I'm in rehab at Bon Secours hospital. My wife and Lauren T. are in the same room with me. A comedian (Robin Williams?) is making the rounds and doing standup in some of the rooms. He stops by our room and begins his bit by telling us about visiting Viet Nam. I interrupt him and he stops for a minute. Then he continues his monologue. Diana and Lauren are having a conversation about hiding joints in a small pouch and finally the comedian says, "Thank you, you've been a great audience!" He leaves. Then I'm on the phone trying to find out when I'm going to be released. I try to tell the nurse I wasn't that bad when I first came in but she tells me I could barely walk and needed to use a wheelchair. At this point, I walk over to another bed and take off the shawl I'm wearing. I scrape it on a metal part of the side of the bed and parmesan shavings keep coming off. They make a pile on the floor and I try to hide it in an empty box. But I accidentally put some of the shavings into a box of needles. I cover it with the empty box. Then I put the shawl on and notice how much lighter it is.


I'm standing on a distant planet and someone (the Creator?) is hitting baseballs from the sun out to me. One of them lands near me and is half buried in the dirt. I should have caught it. In the dream, I decide I should do a painting of it. In another part of the dream, I'm throwing small chestnuts at someone.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


1. I was ice dancing and was sort of winging it. My partner and I did an amazing job, considering we were total amateurs. I fell in love with her and after the session, I waited for her outside. People were going to parties and I didn't see her leave. I woke up before I found her.

2. I was in a dorm room with an old friend Linda M. and we were talking about movies. I kept telling her to visit my movie blog. We both brought up our favorite movies of all time.

3. A bunch of us were oceanside on the beach. We were sitting in a large inflatable swimming pool. Some strangers started sitting in the pool, but I didn't mind since we weren't really using it.

4. I was at a car dealership. Everyone including me was talking like Joey Botafucco acting like gangsters. An older gentleman wheeled himself down a hallway. He had a plastic head of a woman next to him that I assumed was modeled after his dead wife. Another older guy picked it up and made fun of it and threw it on the ground. It cracked open and there were various mementos inside of it that spilled out. I felt bad for the guy and pointed out that it probably was a sculpture of his wife.


I was on top of this giant structure that was made up of dresser drawers. The structure was on some kind of body of water and we were working on filling up the drawers from the bottom up.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


I mentioned to my friend Jeff that I had just played Woodstock and to prove it, I showed him my new passport that had "Helmsworth" stamped in it. The passport was red instead of the usual blue U.S. passport.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


1. This one only made sense while dreaming. It somehow involved shipping bodies (dead or alive? I'm not sure) away to have some sort of electric current run through them. When they returned to Turkey, they could be put on large black slabs of rock and have some sort of yellow line painted on them.

2. This was a very long and involved dream. We went out to Cranbrook, where we boarded a bus for a field trip to downtown Detroit. Our teacher asked us if we wanted to visit some sort of abandoned store or club, which I've visited in previous dreams. My wife brought a big jug of gin with her so she could make gin & tins. I think we said no and proceeded to the museum, which was much like the Henry Ford Museum, only it was located on the river, in Detroit. It was a narrow building. We visited a couple of the exhibition rooms and then it was time to go. Before I left I ran into a seedy looking guy who wanted to quit drinking and I told him he could call me and I'd give him some information about SMART recovery. The bus was already pulling out and we tried like mad to catch up to it. I hd a wrist phone and was going to use it to call the bus driver. It didn't make sense to ride the bus all the way out to Bloomfield Hills, because then we'd have to drive right back to the east side of Detroit.

Friday, July 5, 2019


My dad's parents were hosting Christmas in their tiny house. There were a couple of trays of cookies on a table that were almost all eaten. My uncle Ted kept coming into the room and grabbing a cookie and then commenting about how almost all the cookies were gone.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


I noticed that the 3 or 4 goldfish were laying on their sides at the bottom of the fishbowl. I figured they were dead and when I went to pour them down the drain, they had given birth to a number of black and gold fish. So they were just in labor!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


I was giving lectures about psychology and going from classroom to classroom at South high school. My remarks were routinely witty. Thing like: we're all striving to be the ideal person. But does that person even exist? And since we can[t attain this, we're either all ideal or all flawed. I remember each remark had some sort of clever punchline to it.


I was walking around a bookstore and ran into Pobutnick, and old friend. He had a handbag that somehow had 30 bottles of wine in it. There was one for each saint's day, and he named each saint off as he pulled out the bottles out of his bag.

Monday, July 1, 2019


1. After going through customs at the Canadian-U.S. border, I had to pay the toll. I didn't have any change, so I pulled my car into a small lot in front of a party store. After I got change, I noticed my car had been towed. I though it was quite a ruse. I figured I was out at least $100 for the towing. The car was returned to me behind the store and I noticed I wasn't the only victim. However, there was no charge for towing our vehicles!

2. This dream was sort of vague. It involved a guy (me?) who had a dream of operating a food truck. But at the end of the day, he only had $7 in earnings to turn over to his wife. This happened a couple times before I woke up.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...