Monday, July 29, 2019


1. The first part of this dream is a reoccurring theme. There are a bunch of wires stuck in my teeth, and I keep puling them out. Then I delivered a small wheel of orange cheese to David,  the former owner of Hirt's at Eastern Market. He was pretty happy and I was possibly going to be his main supplier of cheese on Mack Ave.

2. A small group of us were going to create a multi-media performance to the Emerson, Lake & Palmer tune "Lucky Man." We were at someone's house and the dad took us into a room filled with stereo equipment. He played a version of the song on an LP and he had a machine that automatically transcribed the song and could print it out. He told us the song was way to complicated to perform and I said it was a live version of the song and the studio version was way better. During the dream, I kept singing the song, which was pretty much in my vocal range and I sang it perfectly. When I got to the parts of the song I didn't exactly remember, I faked the words.

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