Zubes buys a shirt that has a hole in it. Instead of returning it right away she wears it and washes it a couple times. I get into an argument with a Japanese guy about it. We start yelling t each other. Then I get really dressed up to go out. There's a spot that's on a hill and I have to walk down some slippery rocks/steps. I run into my dad who's wearing a tux and playing cards.
A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Monday, February 28, 2022
I'm at a composer's house and it's almost dinnertime. I go swimming with his son in their pool. After I get out I look around for some pants to wear. A young girls helps me find some. When I put them on they look like Joe's exercise shorts.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
I go to Ann Arbor and meet up with John Lapp. Then I try to find my way home. It's one of those frustrating dreams where I keep driving around looking for a sign for I-94 and can't find one!
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Tom Campbell and a friend are at the War Memorial. They're both kids. I'm looking after them and I keep telling him he needs to call his mom to come and pick him up or we need to start walking home. Finally I start walking and they follow me.
I'm on some sort of school field trip. We're on a boat and I'm working on a painting the whole time. Then we stop into DaEduardo's restaurant. There are several pans of leftover pizza from the school group that was there before us. We grab plates and fill them up. I put some on a plate and go sit in a booth. The girl who's sitting across from me has a pastry that's shaped like a giant human head. I ask her what it's filled with and she turns it around so it's facing me. I look into the eye sockets and it's filled with hot dogs and sausages. I start laughing uncontrollably and she turns it around to see and she starts laughing as well. I wake up laughing to myself.
My dad is taking pictures of us with a Polaroid camera.
I'm in a booth in a restaurant. we're having a meeting for writers. There's a big woman already sitting in the booth and she's waiting for a carry out order. I tell her to stay. Then Wally shows up.
I'm in a basketball game. I score a couple baskets. Then the buzzer goes off and we head to the locker room. We complain about the 8 second shot clock and how we're so busy looking at the clock we can't concentrate on the game.
I go into a fast food restaurant that sells something called "Big White". I ask Hawk if I can borrow some money. His sister Denise is there and she lends me two quarters and a penny. I drop them. When I go to pick them up I find a dime. I go to the counter and order one. It comes wrapped in plastic along with some fries.
There's a big swimming pool. I jump in. The Hawk is there and he's wearing a bathing cap.
I'm in West Virginia. I'm near the river, and two hillbillies come on shore. A third one is in a boat and there's some sort of shady deal going on. Back at the house there are a ton of cameras. Some guy is running a photo printing service. I can't find my Nikon and someone says it'll turn up. My brother Dave gets a job there. He better produce or he'll get fired. Someone says he got the job because of me.
Friday, February 11, 2022
We're having a barbecue for Father's Day and we're at some log cabin/cottage. Someone has started roasting sever huge pork loins that are tied together. There's another area where we're going to do the actual grilling. I move a rickety Weber grill around and there's a larger cast iron one near it. There are a few coals in each one, but there's a huge pile of briquettes starting to glow in a fire pit. I realize that we only have one bunch of asparagus and I need to go into town to buy more.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
I'm running on Lakeshore Drive and there are a bunch of pavers along a path. There are also meadows, sort of like a public park. A bunch of people are there picnicking. I lay down and there's a woman with her young girls next to me. A baby jumps up on me and I pick her up and put her down. The lady is pissed and she and her girls leave. I'm mad that I don't have my phone with me because I wanted to take some photos.
I go to a plant sale out in Farmington Hills with Marge. I put some plants on a tray and I also steel some. A guy says Have your credit cards ready," He uses a cube to charge them. We take a shuttle to the car. It looks like downtown Birmingham. We run into an older couple we used to see on Slow Rolls. We go into their condo which is ultra modern and take an elevator up to the parking deck. It's a long way up.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
'm in line at a cafeteria. I don't want to eat meat so I put a pile of sauerkraut on my tray. It falls on the floor so I pick it up and put it into the trash. I'm seated and on my tray is some multicolored boat rope. I pour some sauce over it and cut it up to eat it. Charlie Bishop is there and he says he's going to visit Mitchell. I ask, "Mary Mitchell?" And he says, "No, Chuck".1/29/22
I'm in a room with an insane Nazi soldier. He's going to shoot someone. I close my eyes and hope he doesn't shoot me. I'm breathing heavily and realize I'm snoring and wake up.
I'm at Brownell and complain that only the same 5 girls get to play in basketball games. The cross country coach agrees with me. He asks me to help coach and I agree as long a people don't get the wrong idea about me. Then girl jumps up into my arms and gives me a hug.
I'm in high school. We get our yearbooks and it's full of generic photos--none of them are of South students. We form a group to redo the whole book.
I'm trimming the ivy on my parent's home I pull them off and some of them have grown into the dining room. I tug at them and a valuable painting on wood falls onto the floor and falls apart. My dad is real pissed.
I call my cousin Carol about getting together. She asks me if I feel okay and I tell her Feel fine.
I'm at Emily Shaheedy's wedding. It's in the lobby of an office building. There's a camera show going on. They want me to dance the Hora. I wander around and look at the cameras. The next stop is going to be Mount Clemens. I look for my coat. Aunt Freda falls down.
I do a stand up comedy bit involving taking over the country of Eritrea. Then I'm chosen to be a speaker at a huge event. I need to write down some notes. The copy machines all have paper loaded into them that's already printed on both sides. The event is in a huge arena and it's a retirement party for Al Hoeg.
Hannah gives me an afro haircut. I think to myself, now I'll know what it's like to go into a store and be treated like shit by the employees.
I'm eating an ice cream cone. It's coconut ice cream and I take huge bites out of it.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...