Wednesday, February 23, 2022


I'm in a small town in Maine with Dan Mosier. We've been there for six days. It used to be a quaint little town. The main street is still nice but it's completely surrounded by new condos and homes. The main street is flooded because it's high tide. We see a gas station on the edge of town and I mention that my da took our car to have it repaired when we visited when we were kids. We step into a crowded record store and Dan asks me if I've ever heard of The Cream. He picks out a record by them and I tell him it isn't their best one--he should look for "Fresh Cream". While looking through the bins I spot a double cd by the MC5. When I go back and look for it again it's gone. We leave and then I realize that I accidentally walked out with a couple cds. I ask Dan if he's ever heard of them and he says they're folk-rock. He tells me I cn borrow anything from his collection and I tell him I have more music than I can ever listen to  

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