A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
1. I was at work and the HR person came up to me and told me I could retire any time I wanted. And I told her I liked working. They were trying to force me out of the company. I them met an ex wife of Frank T. and she was absolutely beautiful. We decided we were going to have lunch together. She was super flirty. There was a flashback to their wedding reception. She was flirting with everyone there and Frank left by himself, and we all knew that a divorce was forthcoming.
2. This dream involved me arranging a bunch of asparagus on a black enamel pizza pan. I was wither going to photograph it or painting it.
3. A bunch of us were hiking in the desert, out west. All of a sudden, as we went over a ridge, we could see this beautiful city, nestled in the foothills of some mountains. I took several photos of the scene, but the camera had some odd settings that I couldn't figure out.
I was in a rock band with Dave Stoll, an old pal. We were going to make some popular Irish tune a huge hit and when it came time to practice the song, I forgot most of the words. We then were at a meeting of the clans, which included a bunch of hillbillies. Everyone took turns singing their favorite tunes When it was out turn, Dave had morphed not a kid and had this crapy voice. After everyone took their turns, we broke up into groups and were going to eat. I went to my car and looked around for the sheet music to the song.
1. I was with John Schulte, a grade school chum. He wanted me to get something out of his locker, but I could figure out the combination for it.
2. I was in the Tool & Die area near downtown Detroit and had just seen Scott Gwinell's jazz group perform I went out into the night, trying to figure out where I asked my car. I looked around the deserted streets and finally found my car. It was wedged in a tiny space on the side of a brick building, on the edge of drop-off. I was totally frustrated and figured it was going to take several hours to get the car out.
Friday, January 24, 2020
We were driving around in a big, late 60's car and ran into Bernie Sanders. Then another Senator came up to us and told us he was going to filibuster so Bernie couldn't get the nomination Later, we ran into Bernie and told him about the senator's plans, but we couldn't remember his name.
I was at a work party at a big hall and was hanging with Lindsay. There were tables with cupcakes on them and some kind of game with maps on it with repeating highway numbers on it.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
1. We were down in the islands and were going to buy a boat. The marina was crowded so the boat was moored somewhere else and we had to go look for it. Sarah, I and someone else went around the rocky coast of the island on floating rocks, which we paddled along with our hands. We finally got back to the marina and the boat had been located. Before going out we got in line to use the public bathroom. Some guy in line commented that a kid had peed on the toilet seat.
2. I was downtown where I used to work. Pak, Chuck, and Sam asked if I wanted to go to lunch with them. I said sure but they weren't going to come back to the office so I went out by myself. I drove down Jefferson looking for a restaurant. I went into one, sat down and looked at the menu. I waited for a while and finally gave up and left. I went back to the office and was either going to skip lunch or just go to McDonald's.
3. I was handed two small white ceramic tubs, two black ribbons and some tiles with letters on them. I had to figure out what phrase they spelled. I put the tubs on the top and arranged the ribbons under them. The letters spelled "Production Line."
I'm rocking a newborn baby (mine?). I encourage her to speak. She says "baby". Then she says "Daddy". After a couple of days she's speaking in complete sentences. It's an absolute miracle. At about three or four months she's a couple of feet tall and is walking.
1. A friend of ours (Randy?) asked us if we could figure out what was different about him. We kept looking at him and I finally figured out he had shaved off his beard and mustache.
2. I'm in Hamtramck with my dad. He swipes a box of butter cookies and I drive away trying to escape. I get lost and eventually hop out of the car and start running. I fall into a river which is filled with toxins. I get out, climb over a fence and roll around in the snow to wipe off the toxins.
3. I have a couple photos with proof that there are aliens. I'm being chased. I go into a building and hide the photos in a small blue printing press.
Friday, January 17, 2020
I board a bus that's headed for downtown Philadelphia. It's dirty and grim and almost deserted. The stop I want is near a prison and some of the guys on the bus look like jailbirds. I do a Brooklyn accent to entertain everyone but then switch back to my normal voice. The driver tells me how much the fare is, which is around a dollar. I hand him a five and hi puts it into a machine. When I don[t get any change, I ask him about it. He tells me he figured out I'd need return fare. I tell him I'm only riding the bus once and I want my change.
1. I was at a high-tech ad agency. Everything was white and bright. I was about to be let go, bot was introduced to one of the top account people, who had the office next to mine. He took me around the agency and showed me the hall where the New York Phil played. Apparently they were one of the agency's biggest accounts.
2. I was cuddling with a woman and we were both naked. We were discussing sex when a haggard looking hillbilly woman and her crazy son come into the home. The son had a rifle and he was going to shoot us. So I picked up the naked woman and we started running. The guy chased after us. He pretends he's shooting at us and I spot a bunch of sign-carrying protestors. I ran towards them and yelled, "He has a gun!"
3. I was going to go to Lansing for some kind of political meting/hearing. I started to ride my bike but realized it had a flat tire. So I was gong to take Diana's bike. I ended up driving. After the meeting we went in to a room where there was a big box of chocolates. One guy kept coming back and taking a couple at a time so I figured I was going to get my share. In the box were chocolate cookies with chocolate in the middle. They were various sizes and were cigar shaped. A couple of them looked like small loaves of bread.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
1. I was at a party and we were discussing the upcoming Detroit Jazz Festival. Someone mentioned that there was a sailboat race on the Thursday of the festival and some of the folks were going to do that. It was for the "Flying J" class of boats. Some people were drinking coffee, but there was a special blend being served in small paper cups. Since it was so rare, the cups were only 1/4 filled. I got a cup and set it down. When I got back to it, someone had taken it. I made this big scene telling everyone how much I was looking forward to drinking it and the person knew it was special and wasn't theirs when they took it. Then I said, "End of lecture, let's move on and talk about something else!"
2. We had a bunch of kids over and asked them what they wanted to eat. They opted for hot dogs so we went to the mall to buy some. At the door, a greeter was handing out 4-packs of cooked hot dogs with various unusual toppings on them. I grabbed one and started eating them. It was time to leave so I took the last hot dog out of the bun and stuffed it in my mouth.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
I was going to meet my wife in Philadelphia for a funeral. I hitched a ride from a couple. While we were driving they mentioned that they were going to a funeral as well. When we got there, I realized they were attending the same funeral. I introduced the woman to my wife but messed up her name. The funeral was for some well-known Jewish professor or something. Eventually we ended up on a commercially developed section of a river. Someone had a joke and he asked me if I wanted him to text it to me. He asked me what my hash tag was. I tried to figure it out and was wondering if he could just email it to me. My phone wasn't getting a signal so I was going to go into a building and go up to the upper floor of it.
I was observing some guys playing cards--DSO friends Jeff and Dave. The game was sort of like a cross between poker and euchre. I decided to play a hand and after the cards were dealt, someone called the suit, Sapphire. I had a one and three of sapphire and lead with a one.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
1. I was n Italy and Vicky had just cut my hair. It looked absolutely horrible. The sides and back of my head were shaved off and it made me look old and bald.
2. I was traveling around London with Jeff and someone else in a car. Jeff was taking a ton of pictures and he was absolutely enthralled with the city. I was pretty nonchalant. At one point we were in a distant suburb and could see The City in the distance. We came across this tacky recreation of Nelson's Column done in chrome. It looked ridiculous.
3. I was hiking around England with a couple blokes. We went into a pub and I ordered a tonic water. They got a couple of cappuccinos. The waitress brought them and on the tray were slices of bastruma. One of the guys was telling us how he hardly got any sleep because he practiced soccer with his kids until two in the morning every night. I tried to make a camera out of a small piece of glass and an empty cardboard matchbox.
I was having a huge crisis. It was near the end of the semester in college. I had taken an ancient history class and I think I skipped wither taking the final or writing the final paper. I was in a quandary about whether to fail the class, take and Incomplete, or do a pass/fail.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
We visited a Brewing Musing on Belle Isle. My mother-in-law joined our family to tour the museum. Just as we suspected, it was a tourist trap. The ground floor of the small building was a gift shop. When we went up to the second floor. there wasn't much to see.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
1. I was at St. Paul's Church. In various pews, there were bundles of blankets and a mass was going on. But instead of a priest saying mass, it was a recording being played over the speaker system. A priest did show up to give out communion and it was at that point that I realized the bundles of blankets were actually homeless people sleeping.
2. I was making coffee. But it was a weird contraption where you poured the coffee as it was being brewed out of a spigot into a small pot. John Lennon was there and he wanted me to make some espresso for him.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
I'm drinking a glass of white wine out of a clear plastic cup on Mack Ave. I remember that I'm not drinking, so I take a couple small sips and put it down. Then we're staying with the Corbins in Chicago. I want to buy tickets to a concert. People are milling around in front of the theatre. The concert is for a band called Lemon _____? We start to form a line but some woman tells us not to, and to just mill around and then we're going to form a line. Then she comes out and gives tickets #125 and #126 to some woman because they're her lucky numbers?
1. I was elected to go to acting camp. I was out in the country in what seemed like mid-19th century America. A bunch of the actors were on a horse-drawn cart and I was running to c atcha up with them.
2. I'm in greek bakery looking to buy something sweet. The owner hacks off a piece of poppyseed cake from a huge loaf. It's not really sweet. The two of us are trying to communicate, but he doesn't speak English and I only know a few words of Greek. A woman comes in to buy an almond croissant loaf which is also huge. She decides not to buy it and I indicate that I'll take it along with the poppyseed cake.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
1. I was in a classroom. The bell had just wrung and most of the students left. I stayed behind to explain to the teacher all the things that were going wrong. I didn't have a permanent desk. I didn't have the school books. My locker didn't work. I didn't have a schedule. I woke up in the middle of explaining this.
2. I was preparing some food. I was marinating some meat and a big hunk of salmon. Quick cut to Donald Trump who was explaining how he couldn't eat the salmon because it came in contact with the meat. He had a coaster of his face and he rubbed a big hole in the middle of it with the eraser of a pencil.
1. I'm involved in building a stairwell from the top down. Finally, one person (me?) gets near the bottom and a whole bunch of it collapses.
2. I'm wandering around an Oriental Trading Company warehouse with Hannah and Joe. I take a ton of pictures. I lose the two of them for a while. I see a bunch of white girls dressed up in Chinese bridal outfits. Hannah tells us what she's going to have for lunch.
3. I was at work at my previous place of employment knowing that I was going to be fired. It dawns on my that I hadn't filled out a time sheet in ages, but I don't care because of my being fired.
4. Wally had died and I was at a service for him. There were 3 or 4 guys who looked almost exactly like him, and I was trying to figure out which one was actually him. I figured he faked his death as a practical joke
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...