Wednesday, November 27, 2019


1. I'm at some kind of diversity camp and need to take a shower. I walk around the building, which looks like a floor in the Renaissance e Center, and there are a number of showers already being used. They all have clear glass and you can watch people showering. I finally find a huge conference room that has a shower but I can't figure out how to turn it on. I try the knobs of a stove and other appliances and someone finally turns it on for me. The water comes out of the ceiling in the middle of the room. I take a shower while wearing Bermuda shorts.

2. I'm out in the suburbs of some city and were waiting for the Fourth of July fireworks to start. Occasionally one goes off. Diana is mingling with a bunch of guys who tell us what radios stations they work for (mainly in Indiana and Ohio cities). I have nothing to talk to them about and we're supposed to go back to our room to get something. I'm thinking of staying back since I''m not really interested in making small talk with these guys.


1. I'm in a school and am part of a team that has to move a bunch of chairs from one room to an auditorium. I suggest we find a cart to take a bunch at a time, but we can't find one and take them two at a time.

2. This is a dream fragment. My wedding band is super tight and I take it off and slip it into the pocket of my light blue dress shirt.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Vicky E. lends me a rare and collectible French cookbook. I'm not sure if I lost to or not. but while in a used bookstore, I find a copy of it in the remainders bin for 50 cents. I buy it for her. I see her at Tiger Stadium where she's sitting in a near empty stadium with a couple friends. They're about to move into better seats since the game is almost over. I hand her the book, but there's nothing in my hand. She asks me what that's all about and I tell her about buying the book for her. It's at home along with another copy for her.


1. I was hired by Darcy, an ad agency I used to work for. I'm not sure what department I'm going to work in. As I wander around I run into Marge, who I used to work with. I end up riding a low-rider bike home.

2. I'm back at GP South high school an am taking an English test. There are these simple sentences that are part of the oral test and some kid keeps interrupting. I finally give up and walk out of the classroom. I'm in one of the remote buildings of the campus and walk to and through the main building. Outside I spot wWally who is driving a huge red SUV. We drive away and he stops to pick something out of a trash can.

3. It was the morning after a weekend with my wife's family. There was a huge drunken orgy the night before which I can't remember much of. Someone hands me a polaroid from the night before. I only get a quick glance at it before stashing it in my pocket. I can see some naked flesh. As we're packing up the car to leave, I can sense that Mrs. Joe is really pissed at me.

Friday, November 22, 2019


I was on a hill overlooking a harbor/marina. Down below there were a couple of boats. There were shaped like blowup swimming pools, around 20 feet across and made of concrete.


1. I'm out on a country road with my Grandma Bruske. We enter a small town and my grandma asks me if she can buy me a glass of wine and I tell her I don't drink anymore.

2. I''m loading the dishwasher after a meal cooked by a person who's a cross between Gerry and Maureen. She tells me that I need to load it in alphabetic order.

3. We were on our last stop on a tour of Africa. I was a chaperone for a girls choir that Sarah was part of. We were on a mountain peak  and were going to load the bus for the trip down to the city for the concert. The girls were climbing the rocks and we were trying to get them into the bus. I could see a magnificent tree down below. It was the "Joshua Tree" and we were going to visit it after the concert.


1. I'm in my parents kitchen looking for a drink. There are a bunch of beer bottles and liquor bottles but they're all empty. My parents had gone on a gin kick and there are several empty bottles of Gordon's gin around that are pretty much empty except for a slice of lime at the bottom. I smell it nd can smell the juniper in it.

2. I'm at the hospital where the accidentally put a guy in a cast . It takes us six hours to convince them that there's a mistake and he shouldn't be in a cast.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


1. I was mixing shrimp and feta together to make a pasta.

2. I parked in a lot in the Village. What I came out the lot was empty and I had a ticket on the car. There were signs that said the lot was going to be repaved and no parking was allowed. I complained to my friend Randy.

3.  I was being processed and getting an ID card to be a spy.

4. I was leaving someone's house at night. We had to put a bunch of packages in the car and I was given a big, flat package that was supposed to go to someone named John. The hosts were being secretive with me for some reason. When I left the house, I noticed it was a long way down to the curb.


1. Nothing much happened in this dream. We were just hanging around Sarah and Alex's place.

2. An old friend Nino was telling me about how he was gong to buy this flash memory card. I told him to save his money because I had a bunch of them at home and would give him one. We were at a mall and he handed me the box that contained it. I opened it and noticed that it had a huge amount of memory. Then my wife told me that she wanted to shop for a dress.

3. I parked my car outside of Tiger Stadium. A game was in progress and I walked through the stadium, remarking how happy I was that they preserved it. I ended up in a section where all the ushers hung out. Then I left the stadium and needed to get back to my car but was on the opposite side of the park.

4. My dad was hitting me for getting bad grades on my report card.

5. I accidentally peed in my pants. They wee kakis so the stain was quite obvious. I went into the bathroom and was siting on the toilet drying myself off with some toilet paper. Someone walked in just as the door swung out and he saw what I was doing.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


It's a sunny weekend afternoon and I go out for a brisk walk. It turns into a run and I[m following a tall blonde about my age. I tell her I'm not following her. We end up going into a large community center and sit down at a table. She has some McVittie's digestives and a half a baguette which she says she needs to wash off and leaves. I spot a huge African string instrument against the wall. It's about 40 feet tall and is made of dark brown wood. 


1. I'm at a race track. Two old guys who used to work on cars get into an argument. They decide to have a drag race. It becomes this huge production/event. I can hear a marching band in the distance and say to myself, "Can we just get this thing over with?"

2. I'm at our friend's, the Corbin's, house. I see a girl who looks like Evie A. I say, "Do you know what Evie means?" Then I explain how Lisa used to own a garden center.


My friend Wally and I are hanging with a bunch of high school stoner girls. We're just chatting and I end up leaving. I tell him if he wants to do something, to let me know.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


1. There was a large rattle snake in our basement. I kept throwing food down to it, but there were qa couple of small lizards that ate the food before the snake could get it. He finally came up the stairs and was trying to bite my hand. I tried to put a softball in its mouth so he couldn't bite me.

2. I was at a sporting event and stood for the national anthem. Then I realized I had a hat on, so I took it off and put my hand over my heart. I could see the shadow of several people behind me who were still wearing hats.

3. My friend The Hawk was trying to give me a cd player. It was this huge thing in two parts and I told him I  didn't really need it and had enough music to last me a long time.

4. I was in a restaurant in Italy with Jim and Margo. Margo ordered a couple of pizzas which were several yards around! I noticed a coaster on the bar which told the story of a German couple who settled in Napa and were producing some great wines.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


I was in some sort of dress for success class. The teacher went around the room and commented on what we were wearing. When she got to me she mentioned that she didn't like running shoes on guys. I said that now that I wasn't working, I didn't have much in the way of formal outfits. I said I had two pairs of dress shoes, two dress shirts, two dress pants, and two jackets. The guy next to me made a comment about us 30 somethings. I thought that was funny that he thought I was around the same age as him.


1. I drank almost a whole bottle of vodka in one sitting. I think it was Absolut because I remember it being a clear bottle with blue writing on it. I hardly felt it at all. Someone dropped a car off for me and I decided I should go right home before the vodka kicked in. It was at night and I drove very cautiously.

2. I had to make a presentation to a client and I was totally unprepared. I rode my bike to the presentation. Right before it started, I was handed a key fob with a slogan on it and I was to make the whole pitch with just that as a prop. I think it was for a pizza chain  or some other fast food franchise.


I can't remember too many specifics about this dream except that it had a red and pink theme. There was a reddish river and red and pink colored boats on it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


1. I'm in a large room and there's a contest to se how many pests you can identify. There are wasps, yellow jackets, rats, etc. wandering around the perimeter of the room. I get bit by a yellow jacket and comment that I didn't think you had to get bit by them all to enter the contest! There's a bum/drunk crawling around on the floor. I tell him he should watch out for the pests.

2. I'm running in a sort of indoor marathon. I complete the 10k part of the race and look at my watch. I ran from around noon until 2. Someone tells me I finished in 3 hours and I tell them, according to my watch it was 2 hours.

3. I'm gathering information to write an article about a car dealership. At one point I[m driving on Gratiot Ave. and some woman is going the wrong way on a turnaround. I talk to a manager at the dealership on the phone and he tells my he has a ton of information for my article. He was planning on calling me over the weekend only it's Ukrainian Christmas on Saturday and he was going to go out to the Cadieux Cafe. I tell him "Merry Christmas" in Polish and he says it's a different phrase in Ukrainian.


1. I'm walking through a radio station. Several of the rooms are vintage 1940s, with old radios and broadcast equipment. I tell someone they should turn it into a museum and they say they are.

2. I'm shooting baskets in the backyard of the home where I grew up. The net was real low and when I go to raise it on the trunk of a tree, I notice there's a huge tree fort in the middle of the tree. It's a cavernous area carved out of the tree trunk.

3. I check into a hotel room with my friend Wally. We wander around and he asks what is everyone up for? One guy says  smoking pot. He responds, "You don't drink?"

4. We're in a pub called "The Pit & Decorum." The logo on the sign is a bunch of blue grapes and black olives.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


This is a reoccurring dream. I'm skiing without skis. Just shoes. I'm jumping over moguls, taking sharp turns, and in general, having a blast!


I was exploring downtown with my wife and kids. We got separated and ended up in Chinatown. I ran into a white-haired friend of Diana's and couldn't't remember her name. Then I got on a bus and got a text from Zubes to meet at the lighting headquarters.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


1. I'm viewing a colorful grid made up of lines. I follow along the lines as if I was an arial movie camera.

2. I was in a cul-de-sac in the winter. A car speeds down the street. We yell "Slow Down!" to the two teens who were in the front seat. We straw some snowballs at them. The snow was fluffy and it was hard to make snowballs out of it. They switch cars and drove away in an old black Lincoln Town Car. Someone was having a party in one of the houses and I decided to skip it and walk home.

3. I was sitting on a sofa hanging out with a bunch of high school kids, mainly girls. We were talking about various high school rock bands and I was going to text my daughter and ask hee the name of her friend's band and the name of the sister of one of he musicians who was still at South High School.

4. I was about halfway up in a tall building. I could see a couple people walking around outside near the top of a huge black skyscraper that looked a little like the Sears Tower in Chicago.

5. We had a grey tiger cat that had gone missing. I found it under a bed and it was acting strange. I picked it up and it tried to get away. The cat finally calmed down and I went outside to show my two daughters. I put the cat on my head and told my daughters to look at me. They looked in my general direction but didn't see the cat. They finally noticed it.

6. I'm sitting in someone's kitchen and a friend of mine pours me a glass of white wine in a juice glass. I take a sip and remember that I'm not drinking so I put it down. Then I wonder why she poured me a glass when she knows I don't drink.


1. We drove down from up north and stopped by my daughter's boyfriends parents house. only in the dream they lived on the west side. We were hanging out on their patio and there was a dust storm. In the aftermath, there was piles of sand against their patio windows and their white carpeting had black footprints all over it. We were packing our bags and getting ready to head out.

2. I was bombing around with Wally and we picked up Jim D. and we stopped by a beer garden behind some store in The Village. We were with a girl and I was figuring out what to order.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...