Saturday, November 9, 2019


1. I'm in a large room and there's a contest to se how many pests you can identify. There are wasps, yellow jackets, rats, etc. wandering around the perimeter of the room. I get bit by a yellow jacket and comment that I didn't think you had to get bit by them all to enter the contest! There's a bum/drunk crawling around on the floor. I tell him he should watch out for the pests.

2. I'm running in a sort of indoor marathon. I complete the 10k part of the race and look at my watch. I ran from around noon until 2. Someone tells me I finished in 3 hours and I tell them, according to my watch it was 2 hours.

3. I'm gathering information to write an article about a car dealership. At one point I[m driving on Gratiot Ave. and some woman is going the wrong way on a turnaround. I talk to a manager at the dealership on the phone and he tells my he has a ton of information for my article. He was planning on calling me over the weekend only it's Ukrainian Christmas on Saturday and he was going to go out to the Cadieux Cafe. I tell him "Merry Christmas" in Polish and he says it's a different phrase in Ukrainian.

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