Sunday, June 30, 2019


This was a long and involved dream that had a melancholy feel to it. It was graduation time and there were a bunch of kids, mainly hippies, who had set up camp inside a huge warehouse At one point, someone got up and played guitar and sang a sad song.  I had to take a leak, and when I started to pee, a pretty young girl asked if she could use the toilet. I said sure and continued peeing on the ground. She noticed that I was circumcised and asked if I was Jewish. I told her that almost all boys in the U.S. were circumcised these days, but in fact, DNA testing showed that I was 3.9% Jewish. I wandered around and various groups had set up scenes like old time grocery stores and I was going to photograph them.


We were going on a trip to Greece and were making arrangements to have our bike shipped over there. Jim from Atlas Travel was making the arrangements for us.


There was a golf tournament taking place in the backyards of homes in suburbia. Someone showed me a golf ball that had a "Cleveland Fire" logo on it. Heather Ohare offered me some otter pate sausage and I took some, but before I could take a cracker i woke up.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


1. I knew a couple women who worked at REI and they wanted me to be interviewed by their bosses so they could get raises.

2. Someone was throwing a huge "Nabokov and Desserts" party in a school cafeteria. The theme was you could pick a Nabokov novel from a pile of books and also take a dessert. There were all kinds of desserts which were brought out every 10 minutes or so. An old friend Thad was scamming the party and stockpiling/hoarding desserts. There was a table with big bags of chocolates. I made a comment that I'd read all of the books and was just going to concentrate on the desserts. At one point Thad approached the table and said, "So where are all the whale oil candies?" Janet and Andrea were sitting at a table and I made sure they got samples of the treats. I noticed some small teacakes on disposable tin trays and I though that it was quite a waste of metal.

Monday, June 24, 2019


This one only made sense in my sleep. It involved making heart stickers as in "I heart...". You could apply this stickers to real life scenes. situations that you loved. (You could stick them to the air?) Not quite sure how to explain it.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


1. We were having pizza with the Marnas and Wally was with us. It was a pretty rough part of town and even Wally was a little dubious. We drove around the block and all the buildings were falling apart and we noticed a beautiful old movie house and figured that it was just a matter of time before it was rehabbed. Inside the pizza parlor, we rode up an escalator with the owner of the building who was giving us a tour. The escalator sort of ended in mid-air and we decided to walk down and bailed. The family was sitting at a table eating pizza and Wally was complaining that it wasn't as good as New York pizza and I explained it was just a different style. A young girl was sitting next to Libby (possibly her sister) and apparently she was my girlfriend.

2. Our family was staying at our friend Ann S.'s house and my wife and kids were at a baseball game which I was watching on tv. Before they got home I made a green kambucha-like drink.

3. We were waiting for a bus and one passed us by, even though we tried to flag it down. Our family was some sort of jazz/ragtime group and we ran after the bus. Finally we caught up with it  and when the driver opened up the door, I hopped on and gave him a lecture. It was a tour bus and I told him that if we got on the bus, we'd play some tunes for everyone and his passengers would enjoy the free entertainment. By the time I was done he had come around and was smiling. We got off at the riverfront which was a trailer park. I suggested we look for some place to eat, and my wife said we should get out of the area because it was smokey.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


I was walking trough a building that was like the old downtown Hudson's department store and ran into Mr. Button, my high school journalism teacher. He said to meet him at the #2 elevators. After a lot of searching, I finally found it. His colleague met me there and said he's waiting fir me along with Jane (didn't catch the last name) and some other people.


1. I was in Southern California on a business trip and my old Chevy Impala broke down. I stopped into a dealership to get a new car. We ended up riding on large paint buckets to go see the new vehicle.

2. I was working downtown and an old friend, Maecy F. called. I told her I had to leave and I wrote her number down and was going to call her back. After I left I called my secretary and asked her to go into my office and look for Marcy's number.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


I was going to do some work for St. Paul's church. I showed up with a rake and put in the back of the church while waiting for the priest to tell us what to do. I could hear him talking in the sanctuary.


The entire city was involved in an emo-fest. Only emo was more of an electronic music themed festival combined with art and goth dress. Artists would paint and color peoples homes with decorative designs--mainly the trim around windows and the sides of homes. If the owners liked it, they would finish painting. Or if they didn't like the new design, the artists would repaint it the way it was.

Monday, June 17, 2019


David and Mary H. were over for dinner. Mary wasn't feeling well and she laid down on the sofa in our living room. David started licking her from head to toe. I took my wife in the kitchen and mentioned that it looked like it was going to be an early night. This was the second couple in a row who had gotten sick at our house.


1. This was one of those long, tedious dreams. We were hiking down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and it was taking seemingly forever. When we got near the bottom there was a short, gravel road that lead to a beachfront.

2. I was with my dad's friend Biro, the artist. He ga ve me a chocolate croissant that was absolutely incredible tasting. And somehow, it had coffee in the middle. He said it was from Montenegro. When I asked him where that was, he thought it was somewhere in Spain. He was going to write out a cheque to me for $10,000 to pay me back for money he owed my dad, but I told him to pay me later.

Saturday, June 15, 2019


1. Some classical music was being played and I was laying down with a sheet over my face. A rattlesnake was trying to get under the sheet to bite me and I held it tightly to keep it out.

2. I was staying in a motel room with Linda M. and old friend and neighbor. She was taking a shower and I was going to sleep a bit longer. Neither of us were embarrassed about being naked. I rigged up a harmonica with a string on it and she was going to pull the string when she was done with her shower. Somehow, the harmonica was going to play a note.

3. I was going to a substance abuse meeting but for some reason we couldn't have it at that location. One of the leaders said we could have it at her flat. So we got in our cars and drove there. After I parked my car, I noticed some people at a picnic table. An older woman had her dog on her lap and she was letting it lick her face.


I was driving around the Neighborhood Club tennis courts and I was going to practice my serve. My daughter's friend Emily needed someone to play with, but the courts needed to  be tilted to drain the water that had collected in one of the corners.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


1. We were staying at our next-door neighbors cottage up north and were searching for the big bag of yeast I bought the previous year. I was making something in a crockpot where half of the dish was vegetarian and the other half had cubes of meat and potatoes in it. We needed to add yeast for it to ferment. Everyone was angry about the missing yeast.

2. I was marching in a parade and my sweatpants kept falling down. I figured it wasn't a big deal since I was wearing a winter coat and no one behind me could see my butt. I ended up holding up my pants while marching.

3. The first part of the dream involved cooking a steak medium rare. Then it evolved into picking out a protest sticker from a sheet of them. They looked like arrows and were brightly colored.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


1. I was with the Michigan State basketball coach and he was analyzing a recent game. My job was to turn the crank for the video player and he would go over every play, move by move, frame by frame. It was excruciating after a while.

2. I was living in an area called The Cabbage Patch and was about to go on a date. I was afraid I'd smell from whatever work I had recently done (smokey?) so I rubbed some pizza sauce on my chest. Then I noticed there were pizza sauce stains on the t-shirt I was going to put on.

3. I was on the banks of a river and was discussing various techniques for kayaking. including doing some white-water rapids. My friend Randy sold me one and we were in his garage which was loaded with various vehicles. He shuffled them around to make room to get the kayak out. Then he mentioned that even though I had painted yellow lines on my driveway where the kayak was going to go, I had to repaint them and make them further apart.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


1. I think I was in a stairwell and there was broken glass everywhere. I came to a semi-conscious state where I realized I was dreaming and tried to find a way to spin the situation to make it seem okay.

2. I was in a lunchroom helping Mariam fill some coffee cups to take to a meeting. I kept trying to fashion pieces of paper to hold the coffee but it kept spilling. I finally gave up and used paper coffee cups. I noticed there were a couple cherry pies and was looking forward to having a slice later. I walked down the hall and noticed some people were using my office and I walked away. Just then, I realized I hadn't submitted a time sheet in a week or two and was trying to figure out where I was going to put my hours.

3. We were at the K's cottage and I volunteered to use some of my advertising contacts to shop their son's head sheet and sample vocal reel around. In mid-sentence, he walked away and M. just shrugged her shoulders as if to say, "Oh well."

4. I was wading in Lake St. Clair and someone was trying to drown me. But the water was so shallow I couldn't[t figure out how it was going to work.

5. I was in the bathroom at the K''s trying to shave with a straight razor. I kept messing up and my beard looked like crap. I started washing off the shaving cream (which was black) and was going to finish the job in another bathroom with my own razor.

Monday, June 10, 2019


The plot of this one was about whether or not Grosse Pointe was involved in producing arms during WWII. And did they use the name Grosse Pointe on these weapons. We were at the main branch of the library looking a video footage to solve this mystery.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


1. I walked in on the beginning of a wedding ceremony which was taking place in what looked like my parents family room. I was hanging out in the back. The maid-of-honor was getting ready to walk and she was wearing a pretty light blue dress and appeared to be about 12-years old.

2. I was with an old high school friend Brian S. and he was selling used cars. He took a magic marker and changed the license plate number of someone's car and was going to resell it! As we drove down Woodward he mentioned that our friend Wally was in town and he had a 36' yacht that we should go out on. We entered a small yellow Japanese car that was filled with all sorts of gizmos and was totally cramped.

3. We were going to go to hear the DSO with my wife's book club friend N. and her husband but they decided to break up so only she showed up. My older daughter got into the car with us and as we headed downtown I explained that it was "Bucket Day" which was an event that happened around the 20th of every month where restaurants and places like 7/11 give out free cups of Pepsi if they feel like it. We passed a number of abandoned buildings that had old logos for various beverages on them.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


We were taking Donald Trump around on foot and showing him all the sites of rural area. I noticed he didn't have any bodyguards, which I thought was unusual. The whole tour and lecture had a leftist agenda to it. Somehow, pork and beans was somehow an overriding theme to the dream?!?!


I was working in a small ad agency in a rough part of tow. We went out for some kind of a field trip and on the way back almost missed our agency, because it was behind a totally nondescript building without any windows. Inside, someone unfolded the liner notes for a heavy-metal Ukranian CD. Looking outside, we noticed a couple of very ornate buildings that were empty. Someone mentioned that the owner had neglected them and was now in the process of rehabbing them.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


1. I was in D.C. pushing Alexi around in a wheelchair. He was a Russian hockey player partially paralyzed from the waist down. We went to a party in an apartment building and ran into Pounder, an old friend. Then we were sitting with my Grandma Bruske and I introduced he to Alexi and someone else ( I can't remember who). She wanted to play a board game and I offered to pay the $10.50 it const to play. I gave Jeff a twenty and a fifty-cent piece. It was quite large and Jeff mentioned he would be adding it to his collection. At this point, I sort of regretted giving it to him.

2. My wife and I were dropped off in the sticks of Siberia and were told we had a "boogie". It was either a book or a junker car. We were given a junker to drive that was a shell of a vehicle. My wife followed the guide thinking we were getting a better vehicle.

3. I was at a Red's baseball game with my wife and older daughter. A foul ball landed in a gutter above us and it dropped down just in front of us and someone else caught it. I had a feeling I'd win something at the game and the announcer said an American Express cardholder named Mark Domin just won a prize. My wife mentioned that I should have seen myself on the Jumbotron and I said, "I know what I look like." As we were getting ready to leave my wife said, "I need to take this ten off my head." Apparently it was some sort of headpiece she was wearing.

Monday, June 3, 2019


I was driving around Eastpointe. Someone mentioned that my dad owned two dental practices and that he was going to sell one of them. I arrived at one of the offices ahead of our guests and looked for something to serve them. I found an old loaf of chocolate bread. Some of the pieces were dried out and I threw those out. I sampled some of the remaining loaf and it was just barely edible.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


1. I was in a fighter jet being chased by someone who was in a plane that was only the cabin and didn't have any wings.

2. We were in a hotel and were shown into our tiny room. There was a keypad on the wall to open the bathroom door. The bellhop brought in several trays of desserts and he told us we'd get all our meals if we were staying for a month. I though maybe I should have had my dad stay here. One of the bellhops looked just like Rowan Atkinson.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...