Sunday, June 23, 2019


1. We were having pizza with the Marnas and Wally was with us. It was a pretty rough part of town and even Wally was a little dubious. We drove around the block and all the buildings were falling apart and we noticed a beautiful old movie house and figured that it was just a matter of time before it was rehabbed. Inside the pizza parlor, we rode up an escalator with the owner of the building who was giving us a tour. The escalator sort of ended in mid-air and we decided to walk down and bailed. The family was sitting at a table eating pizza and Wally was complaining that it wasn't as good as New York pizza and I explained it was just a different style. A young girl was sitting next to Libby (possibly her sister) and apparently she was my girlfriend.

2. Our family was staying at our friend Ann S.'s house and my wife and kids were at a baseball game which I was watching on tv. Before they got home I made a green kambucha-like drink.

3. We were waiting for a bus and one passed us by, even though we tried to flag it down. Our family was some sort of jazz/ragtime group and we ran after the bus. Finally we caught up with it  and when the driver opened up the door, I hopped on and gave him a lecture. It was a tour bus and I told him that if we got on the bus, we'd play some tunes for everyone and his passengers would enjoy the free entertainment. By the time I was done he had come around and was smiling. We got off at the riverfront which was a trailer park. I suggested we look for some place to eat, and my wife said we should get out of the area because it was smokey.

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