Saturday, June 15, 2019


1. Some classical music was being played and I was laying down with a sheet over my face. A rattlesnake was trying to get under the sheet to bite me and I held it tightly to keep it out.

2. I was staying in a motel room with Linda M. and old friend and neighbor. She was taking a shower and I was going to sleep a bit longer. Neither of us were embarrassed about being naked. I rigged up a harmonica with a string on it and she was going to pull the string when she was done with her shower. Somehow, the harmonica was going to play a note.

3. I was going to a substance abuse meeting but for some reason we couldn't have it at that location. One of the leaders said we could have it at her flat. So we got in our cars and drove there. After I parked my car, I noticed some people at a picnic table. An older woman had her dog on her lap and she was letting it lick her face.

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