Saturday, June 8, 2019


1. I walked in on the beginning of a wedding ceremony which was taking place in what looked like my parents family room. I was hanging out in the back. The maid-of-honor was getting ready to walk and she was wearing a pretty light blue dress and appeared to be about 12-years old.

2. I was with an old high school friend Brian S. and he was selling used cars. He took a magic marker and changed the license plate number of someone's car and was going to resell it! As we drove down Woodward he mentioned that our friend Wally was in town and he had a 36' yacht that we should go out on. We entered a small yellow Japanese car that was filled with all sorts of gizmos and was totally cramped.

3. We were going to go to hear the DSO with my wife's book club friend N. and her husband but they decided to break up so only she showed up. My older daughter got into the car with us and as we headed downtown I explained that it was "Bucket Day" which was an event that happened around the 20th of every month where restaurants and places like 7/11 give out free cups of Pepsi if they feel like it. We passed a number of abandoned buildings that had old logos for various beverages on them.

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