Sunday, March 27, 2022


I'm in a bar and Charlie Bishop is playing a sax quietly along with the band. I tell him he should do a solo and he's says he really can't. He's half in the bag. I ignore him and start chanting "Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!"Some of the patrons are old Y&R folks and they tell me to knock it off. Finally Charlie takes a solo and he's terrible. He makes the sax quack and can't get a decent sound out of it and I totally embarrass him. Mary Grahms and a couple others glare at me. I apologize to Charlie. 

I'm walking down Jefferson near the city limits. A black car pulls up and it's filled with Jewish guys wearing black Yarmulkas. They get out and attack some guys and knife them in the crotch. I start running and climb up a tree and just as they get to me I wake up. 


I'm back in high school. I'm running late so I decide to skip school. My dad says it's okay because I'm receiving radiation treatment. I come in the back door and my brother is having a party. He does this very afternoon. I've been gone for a while and when I walk in Lizzie jumps up on my shoulder because she missed me. This is the first dream that Lizzie has appeared in. 

I look out the window and the sky and clouds are absolutely amazing. I try to take a picture but a lot of trees are in the way and it only lasts a couple seconds. The sun is still an hour or two from setting and I comment that we should take another look at it later. 

We visit David Detloff. He's living in a huge old GP mansion. We go around he back and he comes out to greet us. He gives me a big hug. Then we go inside and he shows up the bar. He tells us he has a special stash of wine hidden in another room. 


I'm upstairs talking to Joe when all of a sudden a bunch of people are downstairs. They're friends and family. I go downstairs and say "Goodbye" to everyone. 

We're downtown at Hart Plaza for some kind of music festival. It's around 5 or 6 o'clock and I want to go home. Joe wants to stay down to hear some band that goes on at around 9:30. We only have one car and busses don't run on weekends. I head towards Cobo Hall looking for the information booth I find it only it's been turned into a fancy restaurant. A couple of young women try to help me. They find an old play phone in it's original box. we can figure out how it works because it doesn't have an actual dial. I end up in a car with some strangers and we're driving around on the west side.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


It's like I'm in a National Geographic special. I'm gliding just above the surface of the ocean and I can hear a narrator pointing out the various creatures and coral reefs under water. Then I'm in a seaside town. A penguin-like creature is walking down the street and people are petting its fur. I join in and pet it as well.

I'm working on some project with a couple of young women. One is a beautiful blonde named Julia. I drive down Rivard from Mack towards my old home. Julia is riding her bike alongside me and we're having a conversation. When I get to my old home, we go inside. I want to introduce her to my mom. I can see her, she's blond and is old looking. She's doing laundry in a room on an upper floor and we have to crawl through a tiny tunnel to get to her. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


I take Denise Mercier out to dinner to a restaurant on The Hill. Mary shows up with her family and there's some kin=d of burger competition. I help make a hamburger. 


I'm sitting with Hannah sipping on a glass of wine. I largely ignore it only I have a little buzz going. 

I'm in London. I'm going to fly home in a couple days. I take a train to Liverpool and I'm with a crazy bum. I'm only wearing pants and the ground is quite muddy. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get back to London to catch my flight home. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


I'm with John Engstrom and he feels bad because he's supervising me being arrested for something I did years ago--and I can't even remember what it was. m put in a jail cell and the floor is like beach sand. I keep pacing back and forth nervously. A cellmate comes in and sits down at a computer and tells me not to sorry about it. Then I'm taken through a series of buildings and end up downriver on the water. I'm supposed to swim to a new location (freedom?). I'm supposed to raise someone's kids and it's part of a witness protection program and I'm going to have a new identity. I look in a mirror and somehow, they're changed my face. 

I'm presenting my art project and the teacher is going to critique my work. I've taken several beige towels and spread them out. Then with a stamp which I've inked, I make blue waves on them, only the ink runs out about halfway through. By the time the teacher arrives someone has collected the towels and I have to explain my work. I think that it might have been more effective if I used blue towels and painted white lines on them. This takes place on GP South's front lawn. 


A young woman and I are being interviewed for a job. At the end of the interview I tell them about how I interviewed for a job advertising feed corn and how I was over-the-top enthusiastic about it. Then I put on my Harris tweed jacket. Tom Campbell comes in and I pat him on the back and say, "Ask Tom, he can vouch for me!" 


I'm at some event and they're giving out tchotchkes. All the good stuff is gone and I end up with a bookmark. Then I get a large hunk of parmesan. Later we're driving in a car and I'm in the back seat and I tell everyone about the event. We drive up a hill and there's a spectacular sunset ahead of us. I take a picture with my iPhone and I ask them to pull over so I can get some more pix, but the best part of the sunset is already over. 

I'm in London with a young girls and I see some of the amazing cathedrals and I want to show her them. 

I'm at some gathering where people can meet the pope. Judy from Y&R is at the entrance and won't let me in. But I met him earlier so I don't really care. 


I'm in a bedroom at night. I'm looking at the stars and there are a bunch f tiny shooting stars which are just barely visible. Most of them are near the horizon. Then I spot a spaceship. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


I'm with Lauren Sargent and we're both studying to be RNs. We're outside a lecture hall and I ask he to go in and ask the other students if it's worth it. 


I'm with Linda Minella and Chris Hume. There's an old olive tree that's almost completely dead except for one branch. I comment that we should cut it down to the ground and see if it comes back. I keep flying up in the air and returning to them. Then I'm in some kind of factory and a bunch of kids including Dave Still are pushing a cart around. It keeps hitting the walls and a bunch of the bricks fall out. 

I'm waiting for some concert to start. I'm standing outside of a store that's giving out free temporary tattoos. A woman is standing in front of a rack that looks like a display of records only they're tattoos of various metal bands. I ask if they have one of the MC5 and she says no. I don't recognize any of the bands. 


I'm in a bar and I'm having an argument about a magazine. I say something about if there's an article about cars in the New Yorker I'll subscribe to it. But if there's an article about wine, I won't. I get into a big fight with some guy about it. 

I'm in love with a woman who looks like Jane George. We're in a duplex movie theatre. We're in one theatre but we unlock a door and go into the second one. People are already siting there waiting for the movie to start. Several Y&R people are there including Bob Packlaian, Kargs, and Mary Grahams. The Jane lot-alike sits several rows behind me. 

I'm at a team building session. I'm spreading Dijon mustard on large carboys filled with mustard. 


I'm in downtown East Lansing and it's all industrial. I ask someone where the MSU campus is and he says it's upstairs. I walk through this huge factory and emerge on campus. It's pretty small but it has some beautiful old buildings and I take a bunch of photos of them. 

Friday, March 4, 2022


I'm back in my old job, working on the LMDA account. There are three young women in the traffic department. I can never remember their names. So when one leaves my room and another one comes in, I ask her what the other one's name is. I have a computer and when I scroll through the numbers, most of them are red, but some of them appear in blue. This somehow indicates that someone on the account is skimming money off the top. I ask Charlie Bishop about this and he says he's busy. Then I ask Kent and he says he'll get back to me. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...