A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Pounder and I are staying with a rich Great Aunt who looks like Helen Mirren. The two of us are shopping for beer and I decide I'm going to drink over the weekend but will quit on Monday. Then I'm walking around the Village barefoot. I'm wearing a dress shirt and tie and my pants are rolled up. I run into my aunt and her lady friend outside the Jacobson's Home Furnishing store and she wonders why I'm not at her house for dinner. I tell her I need to change. Then I go into the restaurant across the street where Pounder is finishing lunch. I tell him we need to go. He takes one last sip of wine and leaves a half full glass on the table. We both decide that we don't need to drink.
I run into Dave Stoll and he looks the same as he did in our college days. His brother Peter shows me where he lives, which is a small space on the landing of a two family flat. Peter and I go into a dinky party store and pick out a bunch of exotic IPAs.
Monday, January 25, 2021
I'm at some kind of event (wedding?) doing a photo shoot. Someone steals my camera and camera bag with all my equipment. I rifle through my Uncle Tom's room and I find various pieces of photo equipment when he walks in. I feel guilty about doing it, but I'm pretty sure he's the culprit.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
I'm at a shopping mall and there's an Asian trade fair going on in the basement. I do an Asian type painting of some flowers on a moistened piece of white silk. It looks amazing until it accidentally gets dumped into some water. I look around to buy some more fabric only every booth is filled with scarves and dresses. I finally find a shop upstairs filled with absolutely beautiful Japanese paintings of flowers.
I'm at some kind of sports banquet and I'm standing around with a bunch of guys. Marty MaMilan is the and he's old looking and hunched over. After he leaves, someone mentions how sad it is that he's in such bad shape.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
I'm in Manhattan staying at a posh hotel. I wander around the streets a bit. Then I end up back at the hotel restaurant. The waitress explains the menu which features a seafood pasta dish. There are three versions of the dish, the first one starts at $33 for a 1/2 order.
A bunch of kids are in our garden. They're picking green tomatoes and I get really pissed off at them and start swearing at them. Some of them have whole baskets full of the unripe tomatoes.
I'm at some kind of ceremony. It's at St. Paul's along the fence with the Academy. It's grassy and there are a bunch of seats set up and it's pretty crowded. Some people yell to get my attention and I'm pretty sure they're people I went to grade school with. On the other side of the fence are a bunch of people as well, I know some of them but not sure here I know them from.
Wally and I are in the Village shopping. He buys a bunch of dvds of Jimi Hendrix. I hear him playing and see a few clips of him and Wally is really talking him up. Then we're in a parking lot. It's a brief slice in time where it's iced up but I know it won't last long. I do some skating where I'm only wearing shoes. Another recurring theme. I mention to him that I had a dream about the kids picking green tomatoes.
I'm at one Krogers and have a bad experience. Then I'm at a small grocery story that's actually another Krogers. The butcher/cashier mentions that this is the better Krogers.
I'm working out at a gym with Randy. It's a weird routine where you sit on a rowing machine with hand weights for the first part. Then you get off and do another routine with the weights. Kathus is there only she's a little girl. She's not wearing a top and I give her an awkward hug. Then I see Lisa is on the rowing machine starting a workout.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
I'm downtown at a huge jazz festival. I walk around and hear the music from various stages.
I'm in East Lansing for Paul Kondak's graduation. We go into the factory where he worked part time and he demonstrates the equipment he worked on. Then I'm in an open-sided bus taking a shower. Liz Flood is there and I'm in love with her. Her ex boyfriend is there. Then I notice she and the people she's with can see me showering only it doesn't bother me. Then we're on a bus heading home. Her ex is with another girl and we're at the back of the bus. I put my arm around her and it's pretty awkward. I call Sue and ask her if Paul brought the cookies I sent home with him. She's on speaker and everyone can hear our conversation.
I'm in Spain and I tell the people I'm with they should take the language test. It's testing them in Spanish Portuguese, and Latin. They'll get a real cool certificate just for taking the test.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Monday, January 11, 2021
Friday, January 8, 2021
I'm in a restaurant and a woman is carving up some steaks and putting them on my plate. The pieces are huge and about 4 inches thick. I comment that I'm not a vegetarian but I really don't eat much meat and that just one of the pieces would be more than enough.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Monday, January 4, 2021
I have a new job and one of the first things I have to do is go downtown to the Renaissance Center and attend a wedding. I'm with someone else and we're all dressed up. We're riding tricycles and I ask about parking which is very expensive. We take some tickets from a machine and it includes three free coupons. I ask the guy I'm with if we can just use one of the free tickets. Then we're on Lakeshore and peddling hard to make our trikes go.
I go into Pointe Hardware. All the lights are off and I realize that it's closing time and they forgot to turn off the lights.
I'm on a sailboat in a harbor. We see a bunch of older couples who are heading out on their fishing boats to do some night fishing.
I'm in a meeting at an ad agency and tell the group that they hate all the ideas I submit because they're mine. I present my own stuff and it's all great.
I'm invited to an open house at an agency and rob and Jan are going to go, only they're standing around on their front lawn drinking. I tell everyone we need to hit the road by 4L30 or the traffic is going to be too bad. I can see a bunch of cars on the road and they're going in the opposite direction.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...