I'm with some woman and she's talking about these two bushes that are growing on the side of her house. She says they're basil plants. They look like bay leafs. They're growing out of a big tree stump. I pick a leaf and smell it and it sells like basil. When I come back, she's trimmed it down almost to the ground. Then I'm on a bike trying to figure out how to get back to the east side.
A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
I'm house sitting for Liz Walsh who lived behind us on Washington. The UPS guy drops off a package and I chat with him. Turns out Liz is at home conducting a meeting in the back of her house. Her little daughter is there. She's about 2 1/2-years old and people keep asking her how old she is. I tell her to say she's "Number B" years old.
Then I have a dream that I'm writing the dream down so I can remember it the next morning.
I'm sitting on a hill and I have a piece of cake in a clear plastic box. Someone sneaks up behind me and steals it. I chase after him and he drops it. I take the cake out and break it into little pieces and drop it on the ground. We both swear at each other.
I watch a commercial that was supposed to take place at the old Yankee Stadium. I talk to the team that filmed it and say that the stadium didn't have brickwork behind home plate. I ask where it was filmed and someone says "Arkansas."
I'm playing football in a gym. We're using a black rubber football.
I'm in a class. We open up a package advertising recruitment for the armed forces. It includes several brochures and some cds that won't play. No one understands the message and the teacher dismisses the class.
Joe and I are at a wine shop. She's buying some beer and wine. In the back of the shop an afternoon tasting is going on. I sample some very old cognac. It's super smooth and the guy conducting the tasting describes it as, "It's like getting a hug. From the inside."
Monday, September 26, 2022
Then I'm in an office building in Barcelona. It's mostly empty because people are working from home because of the pandemic. It's a wide open space and is decorated with attractive white furniture.
Then we're on a train going through the city. It's huge and is quite hilly. We point out various landmarks like old churches and castles.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
I ordered a Duke Ellington Greatest hits cd where I work. The guy who usually hand out mail isn't there because he works nights. Another guy goes through his drawers and finds it for me. He hands it to me. There's a small plastic bag attached to it and it contains what looks like a tiny pearl.
I'm driving my new car. Instead of a traditional steering wheel, it has this V-shaped thing. I ament the fact that steering wheels have gone away but resign myself to the fact that you have to change with the times.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
I pay $10for a bag of blue edged chips. It's too much money. I put the bag back and get on a buss. "Fuck that!" I say.
I'm on a bus trying to get to a new job at C-E. I tell the bus driver it's on Van Dyke. She drops me off 2 miles away. I walk. When I get there I immediately get an assignment. It's on a small easel. I have 15 minutes to come up with a headline. It has something to do with gemstones.
Using a huge file, I file my toenails.
Julie VanderWater is going to get me a deal on tires for my car. 50% off but I can't let Sal Lumetta know. Then I'm waiting outside church/school to give Laurie Saleno a lift. A huge Italian Cultural festival is going on. People are leaving with bottles of herbs. I go inside. There's Italian music and dancers. I can't find Laurie so I wait in the street next to some parked cars.
I'm at an all-day GospelFest for some female preacher who had died. Someone complains that there was almost no press about her. I have some chicken fingers that were really shoestring potatoes. Jeff Montgomery sings a spiritual.
I'm making deliveries for Kent Drugs. I stop to play tennis with the Tonemeister. We play terribly. I'm then looking for Prentis Road.
I'm in the hallway at GPS high school. I remember where each class is--I'm not lost. I look into the various classes and recognize my classmates. It's last hour and a mom is subbing. There's a final exam and it counts for 1/2 our grade.
I'm at some kind of celebration. A UFO has visited or something. But it's proven false. But there's still a celebration going on at Mack & 7 Mile. There are a bunch of food stands selling hummus, etc.
I'm in a big room at an agency (C-E?). I have to pound out a drumbeat on the walls and lockers. I'm going to be graded on my performance.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...