Thursday, September 29, 2022


A bunch of us are eating outside at a Greek restaurant. Nick is sitting across from e. When the kids go to the bathroom he tells me that he wishes he gave up drinking years ago. I ask him if he feels better now the he doesn't drink and he says,  "Not really."  The kids each have a big styrofoam cup of coffee or iced tea. I shout "Kale nikta!' as we leave. Then I'm driving in a car only it's open like a convertible. It's hard to drive because instead of a steering wheel, there's a rod. It makes the car go in the opposite direction of where you point it. There's a pile of snow in the middle of the street and I drive right through it and the kids in the back get sprayed. I'm trying to get to Grandma Bruske's and we're on Grand River. Only we're out in the country and it's all hilly. 

I'm with some woman and she's talking about these two bushes that are growing on the side of her house. She says they're basil plants. They look like bay leafs. They're growing out of a big tree stump. I pick a leaf and smell it and it sells like basil. When I come back, she's trimmed it down almost to the ground. Then I'm on a bike trying to figure out how to get back to the east side. 

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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...