Tuesday, December 29, 2020



I'm at a driving range with my dad and he's working on my swing. He keeps telling me I need to follow through with my swing. I see my brother Paul and he's tapping the ball with his driver. 

I'm outside the St. Ambrose gym where they're having a fundraiser. They only let a couple people in at a time. I sit down and notice I'm next to Terry. He has grown his hair out and I comment on it. He pretends he doesn't know who I am. Jaime is sitting next to him only he looks like he's Pakistani in the dream. I really want Terry to admit I shouldn't have ben let go, and he sort of smiles in acknowledgement of it. Then he let's me into the gym. It's quite small and chairs are set up against the four walls. Each section represents a type of prize you win. I find an open seat and realize this section is for kid's video games and I think that if I win, I can always give it away. 

Monday, December 28, 2020


The kids and I go and visit Pounder. He won't come downstairs. Then he leaves so we pack up or bags and get ready to leave as well. His dad is there and wan't to make breakfast for us. 

I'm in a music class and have to write an essay about a two cd set I have. It features various classical composers and is paired with various wines from their countries. I start figuring out how I'm going to write it. I start playing a soundtrack for a movie and someone asks me to skip the ear worm/popular song from the soundtrack which I do. 


My dad and I go to a bakery in East Detroit. He buys his stuff and leaves. He's going to wait outside in the car. I ask how much a slice of cheesecake is and the salesgirl tells me it's $25.  She keeps licking her fingers as she paws at the baked goods. I pass. When I go outside, I find out my dad left. A greaser puts up and I ask him if I can borrow his phone to call my dad. He says no and I call him a jerk. We get into a fist fight. I wake up and when I fall asleep, the dream starts over I ask the sales guy how much the cheesecake is and he lets me it's 25 cents. I don't want to alter reality so I pass a second time. 



Hannah calls and tells us that Lizzie took a big bit out of Sunny. I tell her that her hormones were messed up from the surgery. She tries to pet her and Lizzie growls at her. Lizzie has gotten kind of fat. 

Diana buys the kids a bunch of lottery tickets. She gets several kinds and there are several big sheets of paper with the numbers printed on them. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Hannah and Libby decide to have a big plant sale. They buy a ton of divergent kinds of pastries from Costco. When the sale is over we're in the kitchen with John and Marna and are dividing up all the leftover pastries. 


We go to the Dickenson's who live in a 50s modern apartment in Troy. We're with Andy & Deb. The Dickenson's have a young daughter and they tell he to put herself to bed and we go out to dinner. The restaurant has these rickety cantilevered stairways that drop down so you can get up to the second floor. I joke with Andy about how fun it must be to watch the drunks try to navigate them at the end of the night. When I enter the restaurant it's dark and I don't recognize anyone. Then I see Anne there in a pretty light pink dress. Then I notice the entire Kondak family is there and it turns out that Diana has arranged a surprise birthday party for me. Michale is there from Hawaii and he starts to tear up. I do to and we give each other a big hug. I tell him, "I can't believe Diana pulled this off!" 



I'm jogging out in the country on rural lanes. Diana is in a dune buggy with John and 'Carol Austeberry driving around. They keep making wrong turns and they eventually start following me. 

I'm in NYC with my dad. We go out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and I decided I need to put on a dress shirt and tie and go back to the hotel room across the street. The door has some security buttons next to it and they look like buttons on an elevator. I press the code 975 and it doesn't work. I try to call my dad to tell him what I'm taking so long. My phone looks like a credit card. 


My dad decides he needs to go to the hospital, so we drive up to Pontiac. Lindsey is in the same room and I give her a hug and tell her I'm not hitting on her, we're just friends Then, someone has given my dad some drugs and he's all wiggy. He tells us he drove al the way from Hastings NY to get here. I think, "Oh no! Here we go again with him acting crazy. 

I'm visiting some Jewish friends in NYC. Some old ad guys from my D'Arcy days have married into the family and they're there. We decide to get some food from a deli in another borough, and it's the best food in NY. I've eaten there in a previous dream. Their place is crowded and we have a great time reminiscing. 


I'm working in the Renaissance Center and a bunch of the workers have moved to a new office. I'm told that I can have the first window office. Then someone tells me that Tom Davidson gets it, since he's the boss. I get the second office and it has a great view of the river and Belle Isle. 

A bunch of us are driving around Seattle looking at these unique big calico cats they have there. We and up at a restaurant that's in an old house and there are these huge cats at the front door. We go up to the second floor and are all sitting around. Linda Minella and Diana are there and we have this great conversation about movies. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


I'm the pitcher on an Old Time Base Ball team--ike the ones that play at Greenfield Village. We're playing in front of a huge crown and I notice Tom and Eleanor sitting in the front row. I'm doing a great job managing the team and serve up pitches which get hit and keeps the action flowing.  


In this dream I invent this revolutionary new light source. It's like a rope that gives off light and you can cut it into any size piece you need. And it doesn't need to be plugged in or anything. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020


On a lunch break at school, I decide to go climb a mountain. The view of the mountain is spectacular, depending on which way the fog is blowing. I/we visit a rich kids parents mansion. Out in the garden I accidentally knock over an ancient column. A bunch of pieces are knocked off and I'm gong to throw them in the garden but the kid tells me his dad will find out and I should put them in my pocket and dispose of them later. We go inside to meet his parents. His dad is a total snob and won't shake my hand and pretty much ignores me. The mom has a space-age hairdo that has some fiberglass strands laced into it. I end up back in the hallway of the school--it's a small elementary school--and as usual, class has already started and I'm trying to figure out what class I'm in. 

We're on vacation in Ireland and drive up to a B&B on the coast. I park on a hill and make sure to put on the parking brake. There's a beautiful view of the sea and an island can be seen in the distance. Coach and Caren were supposed to join us but bailed. we're going to call them and tell them to come. Andy and I walk into a small ad agency run by three or four younger kids. The walls have small posters of various French Canadian bands. I tell them about how at the Detroit Festival of the Arts, they featured at least one Quebecois band. 

Friday, December 11, 2020



I start up our car. It's parked in the driveway but is partially on our neighbor's lawn. I have to scrape ice off the car and it's all over the rear license plate, which is the fuel filler door. I'm going to ask him what the proper mixture of oil and gas is and the car starts rolling down the driveway. I hop in and jam on the brakes. I decide I'm going to sue Ford for this and I get a phone number for an attorney at Ford. 


I'm in a cafe in Germany with my dad. He's drinking white wine. I ask him if he wants me to buy him a bottle of red wine and he does. He gives me a wad of German Marks and they're odd denominations like 68 an 124 Marks. I go out and there are a number of quaint gift shops. I finally go into one that has a deli counter. The saleswoman is dressed in a folk costume and speaks perfect English. She describes some huge raspberries and tells me that they look impressive but the smaller ones have more flavor. Then she recommends a red wine. 


I'm supposed to play second base for the Tigers for just one game. I'm really nervous because I haven't played baseball in years. In the cafeteria, someone hands me a strap. I ask what is it for and am told it's part of my batting helmet. Then the game is called because of rain and I'm off the hook. 

I'm driving around near the DIA looking for a parking spot. Pat Metheny is going to play an outdoor concert. I somehow lose the car and go to the concert. It's on the riverfront and is so crowded we have to go to a smaller stage to hear someone else play. Then we're at Wendy Moy's house and Joe mentions that she hasn't washed her face in several years. When she comes over and sits near me I get up and go into the kitchen to avoid her. Jenny Czjaka is dating Paul from down the street and they're both at the party. 

I'm in a sports car with Brad the Private Eye and he drives the car off a dock into the water. It's shallow and I plash water at his girlfriend. Then we're siting around having dinner. They run out of wine and Joe asks me if I want to split a bottle of champagne. 

I'm at a party with Andy and Deb. Andy's either really high or drunk and he keeps leaning on women. As we're leaving I describe a pumpkin pie I had from Sister Pie. It had Manchego cheese on it and sriracha sauce in it. 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020



I'm with my cousin Johnny Tomaszewski and he's showing off his new digs. It's a cool apartment building on Belle Isle and the interior is all brick and he's in the process of rehabbing it. He's also buying a place in New Orleans. I ask him if he's planning on moving back to Detroit and he says maybe. My mom is upstairs drinking white wine and I'm about to pour myself some but opt for a big glass of water. My dad's downstairs and he's having some kind of fit. I tell everyone that it'll pass and he'll be back to normal in a few minutes. 


I'm at some event that involves putt putt golf. Steve Ockerman is there and I explain how, I'm somewhat athletic and I'm okay at football and baseball, but when it comes to putt putt golf, I'm absolutely horrible. I mention that the last time I played I shot something like a 250! Just as I'm about to tee off, I wake up.  



I'm on a flight and there's a layover. The plane takes off with my luggage and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. I'm not ever sure where I'm going and I look at my ticket to se if there's a phone number I can call for help. 



I'm in a Chines restaurant. The owner, a fat white guy starts to rant a bunch of right-wing hate peach. We storm out in protest and call the police. There's an APB out on us and we're in the Lincoln being chased. 


I'm driving in a car looking for the 50-50 Highway. I look at a map to try to figure it out. Then I'm on a bike riding around the west side. A big black guy hops on behind me and I throw him off. Then I'm on foot and the streets are crowded. It's about to turn violent and I'm a tad scared. 



They're serving cake on the 10th floor. The pieces are huge!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


I'm driving around in a Jeep with my brother Paul. We're going down snowy hills in Grosse Pointe. I want to show him a dirt lane in GPC. We talk about how Uncle Tom is dating someone. I end up in someone's living room. They're hillbillies. A guy is playing a guitar and it's sort of the ending to the soundtrack to a movie. I walk through a series of people's hoses that are interconnected. 

I keep trying to get on an elevator but the door would open and the elevator would be several feet up. The gate would come down and the go up before I could get on. Finally one of the doors opens and the elevator is sort of a raft and I jump on. I almost fall off and someone hands me a flotation device. Schmengie is on the raft/elevator and she's singing a show tune--she was recently in the production of a musical. I get off and I'm in an agency and people were returning from some craft fair where everyone was selling their goods for a charity. Tonce was there with his family. Then I'm on the executive floor.  It's absolutely over the top luxurious.As I'm leaving one of the secretary recognizes me from the old days and she says Hi. 

I'm on 696 heading westbound near where the Lodge joins it. I'm in a two-seater sports car and I'm about to blast off. I'm behind a yellow Corvette. 

I'm sitting in the Engstrom's car. Nance Atcheson drives by and I yell at her. She backs up to chat. 

We're hosting a party. John Engstrom shows up and we're about to hug and then remember we have to social distance. I tell him about seeing Nance Atcheson. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...