I'm at work and have an elaborate, multipage Cajun menu. I walk around the room and there are copying machines set up and I make a copy of each spread on separate copiers around the room. Someone mentions that they're doing the same thing only upside down and I say it really doesn't matter-you can just flip the pages when your done! I'm thinking of publishing it as a cookbook. Cher, who I used to work with, comes up to me and asks if I'd write something for the cover and would I do an illustration for it. I'm not a great artist and figure I can hire someone to do the illustration.
A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Friday, October 30, 2020
(Recurring dream)
I'm in a classroom at my old high school. I'm not sure what class I'm supposed to be in but this isn't it. I notice my oldest daughter is in the class. I go down to see my counselor and ask for Mrs. Castille. The secretary corrects me with "It's MISS Castille." When I see her she has these bizarre black lines painted under her eyes.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Amy stops by and she's drunk. She want to take a 15 minute nap. It's her birthday (October 26) and people at work forgot about it. There are a bunch of ham and cheese sandwiches and chips. I'm eating some chips and a guy stops by and wants to have a ham sandwich. Then he asks me about wine glasses.
I'm sitting at the counter of an Italian restaurant. It has a huge menu and I can't figure out what to order. The woman sitting next to me orders the sushi sampler. Finally, I ask the server if they have Linguini with White Clam Sauce and they do. So I order it.
I'm near Wayne State University and I'm trying to walk downtown. I keep going into abandoned buildings. I walk into one that's almost empty, but a guy is sitting at a desk working on a computer.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
All my grapefruit plants are out of the sun in our house and have turned a pale yellow. I figure I need to move them in front of windows.
I'm t Chandler Park Golf Course and they have hiking trails. I'm meeting my brother Paul and I want to hook him up with a cool younger girl I know. Then, a bunch of us meet up a couple miles away on Mack Ave. in the Farms. Aunt Kathy, Joanne, and Susan are there and we have to walk to Chandler Park. We're hiking through some snow and I'm wearing brown dress shoes/boots. I tell them the I can't hike but decide I'll go part of the way with them. I explain that there are two trails, one is pretty level but the second one is at least 1,500 feet up, which surprises everyone. When we get to the entrance, a park ranger gives us a long green sheet of paper with a bunch of dots on it. It is some sort of guide to the trails and explains what we'll see.
I'm in New Mexico or Arizona and go to Mass. Jackie Kennedy is the speaker. I try to get back to the school and end up in a mall where a bunch of kids are trying to buy pot and beer. Then I'm in a stockroom of a sporting goods store. Tom Campbell is there and he shows me his squash moves. I ask him the best way to get back--Uber, Lyft, or a taxi? He doesn't know and drives away.
A crew comes out to hook up cable from our neighbor's house through ours. There are a bunch of wires going through the trees and across our roof. It looks terrible.
I leave work early, around 2 p.m. and go to P.F. Changs and then TGIFs for happy hour. I want a Coke but it's $3 so I get a glass of water. There are two tables full of people and I try to find one with people I know. Dave Main and Barry Hull are there. Barry asks me why I'm drinking water. One of he tables looks like an AA meeting. I decide to go back to work and then head home.
I go into a coin shop and ask if they have any Roman coins. They only have a couple and they're really cheap, like 10 or 15 cents. One of them is in absolutely perfect condition, and it looks like it's made out of gold.
I'm up in the mountains and I can't get down. Charley Bishop is there and I think he's been promoting a dealer commercial he's recently filmed. The theme line is "Buy the Book."
I'm walking through an agency heading out to lunch. I accidentally pick up a portfolio and someone points it out to me and I return it and apologize.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Wally is in town and we go to Ann Arbor to visit Kathy and Angelos. A bunch of us are going to the beach but Wally wants to go to Greenfield Village. I'm looking for my pass and can't find it. I look at the various cards in my wallet which is actually an old metal toolbox.
We're out of town for a meeting. Maybe in Grand Rapids. We're with Jim & Margo and Bill & Sue. We went out to a fancy dinner the night before and the company paid for it. The next day Jim makes it clear that the company isn't going to pay for lunch. So we're wandering around looking at a bunch restaurants and bakeries. I was going to load up on sweets at the bakery. Sue shows ey a big loaf of bread she bought. In the side of the loaf letters are scratched into it. She asks me what they spell (it's in Cyrillic) and I tell her it's the word Kaimaki, which is Ukrainian for bread. It's actually a Turkish or Greek word for the foam on top of Turkish coffee.
I was in some kind of factory and I had a beer machine that I hadn't used in ages. It was full of dried yeast. here were some maggots and rats hiding in there too. A guy came to check it out. I was going to clean it and noticed there was an espresso maker next to it. I poured some water into it to make some espresso.
I'm at a big party. I sit down at a table and Dave Stoll shows up and does a bunch of magic tricks for the kids.
I got a job in an ad agency downtown. There wasn't any work and we were al sitting around shooting the breeze. Tom Campbell was there. I drank a big glass of scotch. We were supposed to take someone to Toledo to the airport. The owner of the agency played a promo that featured a sax player.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Thursday, October 1, 2020
We're going to go for a drive in our old station. It's just snowed and the front window was left open. So we have to brush off all the snow. Then, when we open the front door, there's a whole pile of snow on the front seat and the dash. My dad is with us.
I'm going on a guys night out for a bachelor party. Dave Still is with us and we're all wearing matching shirts.
A ton of branches have come down. I go out in front and pile them up near the curb. There are a lot of branches in front of everyone's house on our block.
I drink a bunch of wine. Then I try to figure out how to drive home safely.
I'm at some kind of religious service. It's outdoors near my Grandma Bruske's house. I'm sitting down and realize my pants and underwear are pulled down. I try to figure out how to stand up without being noticed. The theme of the service has to do with the Lamb of God.
Diana want's to buy a house in Hamtramck. We tour the place and it's okay. The back lawn is in rough shape with tons of weeds. We go inside and someone is living in the front of the house. He's the previous owner and he gets to stay on. He tells us we have to keep Kosher because Jews and Muslims may rent forms in the future.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...