Tuesday, October 20, 2020


I'm in New Mexico or Arizona and go to Mass. Jackie Kennedy is the speaker. I try to get back to the school and end up in a mall where a bunch of kids are trying to buy pot and beer. Then I'm in a stockroom of a sporting goods store. Tom Campbell is there and he shows me his squash moves. I ask him the best way to get back--Uber, Lyft, or a taxi? He doesn't know and drives away. 

A crew comes out to hook up cable from our neighbor's house through ours. There are a bunch of wires going through the trees and across our roof. It looks terrible. 

I leave work early, around 2 p.m. and go to P.F. Changs and then TGIFs for happy hour. I want a Coke but it's $3 so I get a glass of water. There are two tables full of people and I try to find one with people I know. Dave Main and Barry Hull are there. Barry asks me why I'm drinking water. One of he tables looks like an AA meeting. I decide to go back to work and then head home. 

I go into a coin shop and ask if they have any Roman coins. They only have a couple and they're really cheap, like 10 or 15 cents. One of them is in absolutely perfect condition, and it looks like it's made out of gold. 

I'm up in the mountains and I can't get down. Charley Bishop is there and I think he's been promoting a dealer commercial he's recently filmed. The theme line is "Buy the Book." 

I'm walking through an agency heading out to lunch. I accidentally pick up a portfolio and someone points it out to me and I return it and apologize. 

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