A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
A long, tedious, and frustrating dream. I'm on the west side of Detroit in an unfamiliar neighborhood. I'm trying to get back home and am having trouble with my phone. I want to call someone to ask for directions but can't.
I'm on an open-air bus with a bunch of my daughter's friends, who are in town for her wedding. We're on the west side of the city and cross over a long bridge, which spans a wide river separating the east and west side of the city (which doesn't exist in real life). Someone suggests I give an tour and tell everyone about the history of the city. I do so but am interrupted by my daughter's friend L, who starts talking about what a crappy childhood she had and what a jerk her dad was. Someone tells her it's inappropriate, so she apologizes, and I continue telling about the history of the city.
Monday, February 24, 2020
This was one of those long, exhausting dreams. I'm on my bike and making my way from St. Clair Shores to Grosse Pointe South HS along Lakeshore. I pass by a big project. It's heavily forested and there are several old mansions on the property. I can't tell if they're being torn down or restored. A bunch of kids are playing on the property. I was through several elementary schools and notice it's almost 8:30 and I'm going to miss first hour.
I spend the day wandering all around NYC and Brooklyn. I end up meeting Wally at a gun club. Some guys are there and make some racist comments. I tell wally I'll tell him what they said later. They all have handguns and hide them behind their backs and go into a side room. I know trouble is about to erupt.
1. Our family has this big debate about Hannah spending $500 on an oriental rug.
2. I'm driving from mid-town to downtown Detroit. There are a ton of people on the streets--it's probably a holiday weekend of some sorts. We're trying to go to a big antique show and pass by a stadium that's below street level. It's filled with people attending a revival or concert.
1. My parents we working on a project on the street where I grew up. They had bought several hoses and were refurbishing them and were going to turn them into one house. It was this huge project.Then a woman came up to me and told me she wanted to give a lecture about the project and she wanted to play some var tapes but couldn't play them. I told her about several ways that she could convert them to various other media. She gave me a hug and told me I was a genius.
2. I was working at an ad agency and Colleen Wilberding and Zander had just started working there. There was this huge party to welcome them.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Several of us were sitting around chatting. I had a razor in my hand and scratched my chin with it. Then I realized that I had shaved off half my beard. One of the people smiled at me and thought it was pretty funny. I was thinking about what I was going to do. Should I shave of the rest of the beard and just leave the mustache and a soul patch?
Monday, February 17, 2020
I was at a party where there were a bunch of kids. Sarah hands me a a large green beer bottle. I think it was a Rolling Rock. I take a couple of swigs and it was pretty good. A large older woman comes up to me and says, "You really don't want to do that, do you?" I tell her I was only gong to have one. Then she gives me a lecture about how someone she knew drank himself to death. I'm pissed at first, but then calm down and realize it's probably for the best. There's music playing in the background the whole time.
1. I went to visit Kent and Nance at their apartment, which was in a high-rise on the Detroit River. A new marina was being built in from to their place and I pointed out that it was going to ruin their view and access to the river. I tried to call Joe but there was no service. I went out and wandered around downtown because I wanted to buy some halva for Kent to try I first went into a tiny Greek store about the size of a phone booth. The guy didn't have any but directed me to an Arabic neighborhood downtown.
2. I was traveling around England and had just returned to London. I went into a pub and the word "welcome" was on the ground outside it, formed by a bunch of sticks.
1. I was in the kitchen at my parents house. There was a jug of white wine in the fridge and I had snuck a couple big gulps from it. My wife and kids were in the living room and I was trying to sneak a couple more swigs from the bottle. They kept coming into the kitchen to keep an eye on me. I said I was going to make a lunch for the next day and opened the fridge to get some lunch meat. The kids came into the rom and I had to postpone drinking again.
2. I was in Japan and had stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom The toilets were outdoors which I thought was pretty funny. Then I had to wash my hands and it was a real novelty because it had the coldest water in the world. People were lining up to experience this and were cracking up as soon as they felt how cold the water was.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
This was an extended dream but quite fuzzy. It was very movie like. I went up in a balloon and I think I was a woman. There were some possible battle scenes. When the balloon came down I was now an observer. The person in the balloon had been transformed into a man and was approached and kissed by a woman. And then they were going to plan a trip/vacation?
We decide to surprise our neighbors, Vikte & Phil by cleaning their house. It was more like the inside of an up north cabin than what their house actually looks like.
1. I was in Iceland on vacation. I run into my sister-in-law Sue who was looking at all the beautiful sweaters. We go to Rejkyavik and go to the town square. It's sort of like a mall and is largely under construction. I order a beer because I wanted to taste the local beverage. It tasted pretty good and I commented that it was my first beer in a year and a half.
2. I was on the Mississippi River. I was on a sailboat A health inspector comes by o a barge. He hooks up with the sailboat and turns it over in the water. There was a dark brown sea creature--a dead fish of some sorts. He was going to check it for some disease linked to some local deaths. I see a cat that is dyed bright pink. I pet it and it purred although it was pisses, probably because of being dyed.
I'm in a classroom with my two daughters and we're sitting in the back. The guy next to me looks familiar but I can't remember his name. Bruno, he tells me. Hannah keeps telling us not to talk. Finally, the teacher makes me move my dest closer to the front of the class.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
1. I'm on a hike in Napa Valley with Coach and a baby in a stroller. At one point the trail is only a couple feet wide and is on a rocky ridge. A part of the cliff breaks off and I decide to go back and skip the hike.
2. I've just arrived someplace and realize I left my glasses at home. I panic because I can't drive without them.
A Jewish lay minister gives a speech. Then he encourages a group of us to take free stuff that's set out on a bunch of tables.
Monday, February 3, 2020
1. I was at an old-timers game at Tiger Stadium. I looked around and said, thank God it was left untouched so now we could preserve its history and reuse it.
2. I was at a dinner party. In the kitchen I snuck a couple gulps of wine and was in there for a long time. When I returned to the dining room, I was way more drunk than I thought I was.
I was at work. Some folks were going to go out to lunch to a restaurant called "313" which was a inside another restaurant/bar. Steve Ock didn't want to go with them, so I suggested we go to an A&W where we could sit outside, since it was a beautiful sunny day.
I was in a classroom and had a briefcase with $500 in it. After class I looked for it and someone had stolen it and replaced it with another one that looked a little like it.
1. A bunch of us had arranged a surprise birthday party for my old mentor and teacher Jack Summers. He was a real Pink Floyd fan(in the dream) and we had gotten Roger Waters the lead guitarist of the band to sign a banner which we placed over a building we rented on Mack and Cadieux. When he arrived in a blue pickup truck, he was so excited the vehicle spun out of condo and almost hit me. After he got out, I gave him a hug and told him how much I appreciated what he'd done for me. 1. He taught me about composition. 2. He helped turn e around hi high school.
2. I wa in a car in The Village. It was in a driveway although it looked like LeeLee's driveway. There was a big cooler in the car filled with water bottles. Everyone was getting ready for Sarah's wedding. Then I ran into my wife's cousin Susan. She took me aside and tole me she was having some medical issues and was having tests done. She started crying and we hugged.
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...