Friday, June 30, 2023


I grabbed my toothbrush to clean up some grease. Then after using it I realized there were a bunch of old toothbrushes I could use. So I cleaned up my toothbrush and put it back in the brush holder on the sink. 

I'm at a party sitting with Nick. I have a full glass of red wine and Diana comes by and comments that I shouldn't be drinking. I tell her I'm only having one glass and she's okay with it. We're snacking on desserts and there's a spray can full of some chocolate that Emily S. brought. I spray a little out and it hardens. It tastes amazing and Emily walks by and nods her head as if to say "Isn't in incredible?"  

Our cat Lizzie is scratching the back of our sofa. I yell at her to stop and I smack her backside and she runs away. I feel terrible because I've never hit her. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023


I'm at an agency eating in the cafeteria. I'm talking to Ken Palzinski and I'm telling him about how many times I was laid off. Then I walk through Stone & Simon's. Someone gives me a pastry she baked. It's coated powered sugar. There are a whole bunch of toys of them. I'm thinking about asking Ken if I can get a job with him and he tells me he just hired a couple of young guys right out of college. 



I'm at a celebratory dinner at the Schumaker's house on Washington near Charlevoix. I'm sitting at a table and some expensive wines are being served. I ask if I can have a tiny sip and someone says, "Absolutely not!" I'm a bit pissed off and I say  might have to leave because I'm really tired. Then I'm served a platter of huge shrimp. I cut into one and eat it, shell and all. It makes a crunching sound. A girl sitting next to me is really bothered by it and she's about to puke. I figure maybe I should scoop out the insides and eat it. There's a mixture of rice and chopped shrimp inside it and it tastes fantastic!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


I was at work and I received a whole bunch of chocolates as a gift. They were huge bars and I spent a lot of time unwrapping them and putting them in a large box that had treys for each piece of chocolate. When I was done, I picked it up and put it under my dest. I thought maybe I was being selfish and perhaps I should give some of them to my fellow employees. The box weighed a ton and I thought I'd take them home a few at a time. 

Monday, June 26, 2023


We're visiting some people who live way up in some northern suburb of Detroit. The woman looks like Liz Wall. We're there with her, her husband and three boys. One of the boys has some ailment--he's up and about and then he has to lie down in a hospital bed. The house has a lot of antiques and I comment that I thought they'd live in an old house instead of a modern one. The husband demonstrates his old radio that has incredible sound. I mention that I read an article about a new sound system from Dolby and he mentions that his old radio sounds just as good. It's getting late and I wonder how we're getting back home. The busses have stopped running. Maybe we'll have to take a Lyft. The boys are going to play some sport in the backyard. Hockey?

I'm with Hannah and I'm going to show her this interesting courtyard of an old church. We drive in and I mention it was the scene of where someone had abducted a kid and hid him/her inside the abandoned church. This location has appeared in my dreams before. 

Monday, June 19, 2023


I was dressed up as a female flamenco dancer and was walking around the block (on Rivard).

I'm at a party and was going to mix up some chemicals to get high. I was going to put them in a briefcase. Wally was there and some kid mentioned that he was a dick. 

I'm fishing with my brothers and my dad. It was in some sort of huge shed. I can see a bunch of huge fish underwater coming towards the dock. I cast my line out and almost immediately catch a fish. I reel it in. I get excited and ask my dad what kid of fish it is. He tells me to keep it down so the other fishermen don't hear and come over to our spot. Paul scales it and theres a big cooler to put it in. I need to go get ice for it. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023


I'm installing an acoustic ceiling in the basement with Jeff and Kim. We're bringing one panel at a time downstairs, putting it in place and then painting it with a fire retardant. Someone has a great idea: to install all the tiles, then paint them. I notice Jeff brought a six-pack of beer in a brown paper bag. 

Friday, June 16, 2023


This was a real long dream. I'm in a jazz bar and a musician lets me use her conga drum. I accompany the band but the threads on the surface of the drum start coming loose so I give it back to her. Then I'm outside a house with Rick Spangler and we're discussing buying a conga drum. I ask about a large one and he tells me it's $100 per square inch and I figure it's way too expensive. Then the percussionist and her friend pull up in a Jeep and ask me if I want to go get some coneys. I tell them I haven't eaten one in several years but I'm game. We drive to the mall and there's a National Coney Island. Across the way there used to be an American Coney Island but it's been taken over by National. I tell the couple that American has way better coneys. A guy who looks familiar is walking through the mall. He goes to the same place for lunch every day and he tells us the American Coney Island has moved and it's about teen block away and he points out the direction to us. 


I'm trying to get back home from Southfield. All the highways have been renumbered and what little signage there is doesn't make any sense. At one point I'm on foot inside a cavernous building. I wonder if I have dementia. 

I run into Michael Julian and the Hawk. Mike had some books he was going to give us. I pull my car in front of them to block them. This took place on Washington near Maumee. Tom was going to see a Star 'Wars movie because it was in a special 2X format. Someone was having a garage sale even though it was the middle of the week.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


A bunch of us are walking to East Lansing to attend the World Series there. We're walking through fields. Then we come upon a farmhouse and we go inside. Only a few have tickets to the game so the rest of us are going to watch it on tv. I look up and through the trees I see a turret from a castle. It's grey and looks a little like Windsor Castle. The Union Jack is flying and there are some marching bands. 


I'm driving across town with Marge. We keep making out and we keep getting more passionate while we keep agreeing that we're not going to get emotionally involved and that this is just a friendship 

I'm hanging out with Belitsos and we talk about how we should do hard drugs when we're kids. We should start out doing heroin. The switch to coke and uppers and downers. Then when we're old, we should just smoke pot and drink beer. Then I'm outside smoking cigars with Dave Still. I have a hard time keeping mine lit and I have to repeatedly relight it. 

Monday, June 12, 2023


I was at my Grandma Bruske's house. We were having a discussion about why I took a job working in a movie theatre. I said it was so I could watch the same movie over and over and learn to pick out the inconsistencies in the films. Then I went on to mention how there were continuity experts working on movies who took photos of every scene and made sure everything was accurate between breaks. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023



Tom tells me I should do a pastel painting for his sister Denise.

I'm with a bunch of people and we're playing pool. 


I'm with the Hawk and Dave Wassner at Balduck Park. There's a food truck there. We order some big bottles of grape pop and they order some food. We sit down and wait for the food. I wasn't going to have any but I change my mind and dig into my pockets looking fo some money. 


I was in Europe drinking heavily.I comment to someone that I was going to quit cold turkey when I got home. 

I'm trying to cross Kercheval. There's lots of traffic. Some guy tries to run across the street and almost gets hit by a light blue car. 

I'm at my parent's house on Rivard. We're having the Kendalls over for dinner. The kitchen was all white, very stark with some white Christmas lights. I put some leafs into the dining table. My dad pulls up in his car. It's loaded with groceries from the store. There are tons of cases of pop. We unload it and put everything into the garage. There's a statue of Goofy dressed in a Christmas outfit. He tells he pid .26 for it because it was summer. Paul says it was .26 tens and we discuss why that was wrong. 


I'm working at a long table with some other people. We're putting a car catalog together. The table is full of pages for the spreads. I totally forgot to do my spread and am called out on it.  


There's a rickety stereo stand in our living room. Hannah & Max are there along with some other folks. I tell them I'm going to play the happiest album ever and I put on a Dollar Brand album. 

I'm filling out a job application for some free-lance work. I run into Belitsos. He shows me a commercial about a missing dog. We're at Bill & Sue's house. I tell him an he doesn't believe me. The Sue walk in and tells him it's her house. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...