Monday, October 31, 2022


I''m out at a bar with Sarah and Alex. There's a band playing and people are dancing and we're having a great time. I look at my watch and it's 1:30!

A bunch of us are at a Coney Island having lunch. After everyone's done eating I order a meat pie and a small beer. Then everyone pays. Sarah and Hannah are in line at the register. When it's my turn I give the cashier a $10 bill. Someone had cut ut the presidential portrait and I hope the cashier doesn't notice She puts it on top of a stack of bills and tells me she doesn't have change for a hundred. I explain that it was a ten. She gives me some change with includes a coupe of colorful foreign bills that are wrapped in clear plastic. (Colorful foreign money is a common occurrence in my dreams). 

Sunday, October 30, 2022


I'm walking across town on 8 Mile Road. It's all built up like Midtown Manhattan. There are skyscrapers and the buildings are all banks and investment firms I've never heard of. And there are tons of people out shopping and walking around. Then I enter a more desolate part of town. There's a huge pile of palettes with various goods on them. I climb up it and discover there are tons of goods that have been stored there to create shortages, so the big corporations can price gouge. I find packages with two huge Hershey's Kisses in them and all sorts of other stuff. I start yelling down to the people who are gathering to go get the news crews and investigate. We keep shouting, "Get the news reporters!" because we fear that if it doesn't get exposed, we'll get bumped off!

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Right before I went to bed, I read a passage in a book that dealt with a girl getting high on weed for the first time. She gets real paranoid and tries to calm herself down.Then, in my dream, someone was passing around a tiny hash pipe. I took a couple hits off it and got a little buzzed. Then I tried to feel normal again, a bit like the passage in the book!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


I'm on Belle Isle with a group of people. They're sitting around a big table playing some kind of game. I walk away to take some photographs. I have a 2 1/4 square camera. I take a picture of some birch trees and some fishing rods on a bridge. I'm at the end of the roll and I go into a gift shop owned by the Illitches. The film is super expensive--$15 for an 8 exposure roll and $17 for a 12 exposure one. Jeff is working at the store and I say out loud that I'm not wild about giving money to the owner of the store, but I buy a roll anyway. 



I'm traveling around England and my camera is stuck on the 25th exposure.

I'm riding on the Magic Buss with a bunch of hippies. We end up way ut in the middle of nowhere.

I'm at work and I was supposed to write an essay about myself. Someone asks how fresh the ketchup is. "Steve Noxon brought it." I said there was some old stuff but it was thrown out. If you're going to puke, do it in the corner where Steve sits. 

Friday, October 21, 2022


I was outside a bar and I was going to recite a poem or sing a song about booze. !/2 the folks were going to focus on not drinking and the other half were going to focus on drinking. I was going to pretend it was about not drinking and then switch!

Then I was in a bar and we were getting ready to leave. The guy I was with was getting ready to pick up the tab. On our way out, a there was a table full of people we came with. 

I was in Paris with Andy. We had just gotten there and were trying to find our way to the hotel. I found a hotel and went into a room. There were a few glasses 1/2 filled with booze and ice. It was someone elses room and was about to be cleaned. I left, and then we were in a car looking for a gas station. They all seemed to be either closed or out of business. Finally we found one that was owned by an Arabic guy. He gave us both a bowl of soup. It was basically broth with small pieces of meat in it. As much as we tried to finish it, the bowl somehow remained almost full. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


I'm at some people's house who live on University at the corner of Vernor. I notice there are safety pins on all the sheets. I ask if it's a Grosse Pointe thing and they tell me it's a Jewish tradition and people are carrying it on. As we go to leave we start talking about food and I mention they we're both foodies and that we're sure to start seeing each other in the near future. Their names are Bill & Mellissa. I look for a business card to hand to them. 

Monday, October 17, 2022


I'm driving out west, headed to California with Wally. We're in the mountains, even though we're only in Kansas or Nebraska. Wally gets a phone call from Joe that his car needs some service. We're supposed to drive back to Detroit to get the work done, and Wally's going to fly to California. And we're going to drive the car out for him. Then I'm at Maryanne's house (She's living back in Michigan). Emmy and Maddy are there and one of them has a huge bottle of wine in a pretty blue bottle. I look around for a glass and I intend to get drunk.  

Saturday, October 15, 2022


I'm with Eleanor Setrich at the DIA and I'm showing her the highlights of the museum. Someone directs us to a third-floor balcony with a great view of the city. Then we're back at Tony's place and I'm helping her get ready for school. 


We're at Wendy Moy's house. It's really huge and Joe is hitting things into the indoor swimming pool
with a large yardstick. I ask Wendy what the quiet thumping noise is and she says it's her mom's ovulating machine--some sort of holistic medicine thing. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


I was a writer for a newspaper and I wanted to learn how to do layouts. Tom Davidson was the art director and he was sitting at his computer. I watched as he put a layout together. I think we were outside. 

The Dickensons were over and Brian was teasing Lizzie, our cat in the living room. I told him to stop it because we never do that to her. 

Wally was in town and we were hanging around near Balduck Park. Peter and Patty Dodge were with us. We stopped in to Allemons and the owner was there. He was wearing yellow rubber boots and was hosing the place down. He mentioned that he was the new owner and that there were only three owners of the place. I was trying to get to my car. There was a new public works type building that was fenced off so I couldn't get through to Mack. There were small houses and they all had fences so I couldn't get through. I finally arrived at an indoor bike track. It was covered with a  cushiony rubber material and a bike race had just begun. I ran out on the track, knowing I could get through to Mack. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022



I'm hanging out with some goth female musicians. It's nighttime. Someone asks me to do some freeform poetry. I do some riffing. Then we're on a lawn, packing up our equipment. 

I'm with Kathleen Kargula and someone wants to meet her dad. I tell them he's a famous artist. 

I'm at a Jewish wedding and I'm looking for some styrofoam containers to take some food home. Then they run out of everything. I grab some candies and a couple big bags of Better Made potato chips. 

There's some kind of creature living behind our garage. It's all overgrown so I can't see it. I spray it with water either to melt it or make it go away. 

Monday, October 10, 2022


I'm downtown and several of us decide to raise money to buy a race horse. People are handing me wads of cash and I make a mental not that we have to keep track of all the money. 


Joe's on a business trip to London and the kids and I tag along. While she's in meetings we're taking some kind of art class, working on a project. When we're all done, we get a bill and it's for 3 million dollars! I get on a phone and am having trouble calling her. 

Monday, October 3, 2022


 Wow! What a full night of dreams!

I'm hanging out in NYC with Marcy, and old girlfriend. We wander around and then visit her brother Phil. He ives on the second floor of an apartment building. There are incredible views of the city skyline. Someone hands me a big round mirror. If you hold it over the edge of the building you get even better views. 

I'm helping set up for a fund raiser at Nick and Ann's. There are a bunch of tables outside with a range of sweets on them. People are eating in the dining rom. I sit down and eat some salad. When I stand up someone says "See you tomorrow!"

I'm in a big cafeteria. Someone is passing a big jug of vodka around. They hand out flutes to drink it out of. The person next to me isn't drinking and she says "We don't need any". 

I'm in line at a window at Krogers. People are turning in a form and they get a small page of coupons. I hand mine in even though iI'm not done filling it out. The person asks for my ID. They give me my coupons and tell me to finish filling it out. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022


My brother Dave and I were visiting Marge at her sister's place. It was near Metro Beach. The two of us were riffing off each other in a long string of funny lines. We were absolutely hilarious.

I was with Bob Wilson and I was demonstrating how to wash and chop weeks. 


The Hawk jumps into a river that's covered with ice. He breaks through. Someone else jumps in after him. They climb onto a structure in the middle of the river. Yjis all takes place at ( & Mack. I call 911 and tell them the location. When I look again the road is all gravel and there's no sign of the river. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...