Monday, October 3, 2022


 Wow! What a full night of dreams!

I'm hanging out in NYC with Marcy, and old girlfriend. We wander around and then visit her brother Phil. He ives on the second floor of an apartment building. There are incredible views of the city skyline. Someone hands me a big round mirror. If you hold it over the edge of the building you get even better views. 

I'm helping set up for a fund raiser at Nick and Ann's. There are a bunch of tables outside with a range of sweets on them. People are eating in the dining rom. I sit down and eat some salad. When I stand up someone says "See you tomorrow!"

I'm in a big cafeteria. Someone is passing a big jug of vodka around. They hand out flutes to drink it out of. The person next to me isn't drinking and she says "We don't need any". 

I'm in line at a window at Krogers. People are turning in a form and they get a small page of coupons. I hand mine in even though iI'm not done filling it out. The person asks for my ID. They give me my coupons and tell me to finish filling it out. 

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