A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Monday, November 30, 2020
I join a walking tour of Grosse Pointe City. We meet outside a new city hall below Jefferson. There are a bunch of old wooden houses there on the lake. On of them is the home of an artist and looks quite funky.
I get a pizza, and the restaurant isn't used to cooking for a ton of people. When I open up the box I complain that the onions are raw, the cheese isn't totally melted, and the dough is undercooked. I figure it'll be okay when I reheat it.
I'm at a Basque-themed festival which it taking place outdoors. There's a weird sculpture which in Basque forms several words and makes a sentence which I explain to the folks I'm with. A big part of the festival is flowers and I help put vases of flowers on all the long tables.
Monday, November 23, 2020
I'm in a gym waiting for some meeting to start. There's a table with desserts on it and I grab a paper plate and pick a crumbly apple cake and an almond pastry. There's a box of beautiful desserts from the Grosse Pointe Dems.
I'm driving and I se Terry behind me in a huge, wine white Jeep. He's tailgating me and pretends to pass me in the left turn lane. He drives someone off the road. When we get where we're going I tell him how dangerous that was.
I'm on a business trip with Pounder and we're staying with his parents. We get changed out of our suits and head into the dining room for dinner. His dad pours us small glasses of wine. I start to tell a jazz drummer joke to his dad, but I need a minute to think about it because I haven't told it in a while. It has something to do with a jazz drummer going to a rock show and seeing a wild drum solo. His response is something like "I can do that but at half the speed and twice as quiet." His dad keeps going into the kitchen so I don't get to finish telling him the joke. His mom serves big plates of food which includes breaded pork chops. I ask his dad for some more wine and he pours some white wine out of a huge pitcher.
Friday, November 20, 2020
I'm at a lake and a little girl jumps off a dock into the water. She immediately sinks because she won't paddle with her arms. I have to dive in and save her. As I bring her onto the shore I tell her she's no longer allowed in the water.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
I'm in the back room of a Coney Island restaurant and I deep fry some shrimp. I put them in a brown lunch bag and take them outside. Diana is there with a black, female friend and I ask them if they want some shrimp.
I'm near WSU's campus and I'm trying to figure out how to get home. I could take a bus, but that would take forever. Or I could take a cab, but that would be real expensive. Then I figure out I can get an Uber. My phone isn't working properly and a red light keeps blinking. A couple young students approach me and tel me the filter needs to be changed on it. I ask them if they can call an Uber, and I can pay for the ride with a credit card. While waiting for the u\Uber, one of they guys goes inside a store and buys a squirt gun, made of Legos. I keep an eye out for the car and I see a big van going the wrong way down the one way street. He backs up to go around the block, and I figure it's probably the Uber,
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
I run into Dave Still and then Jack Fillion. I haven't seen Jack in years and I give him a big hug. The I realize that he doesn't go by Jack anymore but calls himself Jacob. I tell him I want him to met my family.
I spend the weekend with some friends at their cottage. At the end of the weekend, some people are giving me hugs and kisses and I'm trying to keep my distance because of the pandemic. A couple of us discuss this, how we need to social distance.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
I'm at an ad agency and they're remodeling the offices. I joke that one of the bigger rooms with a big window is going to be mine. They move a bunch of us into a 10x8 space and we joke about how we could start our own agency with the group we have. Some of the folks are doing their time sheets and I tell them I haven't done one in years, and no-one in management seems to have noticed.
I'm near a rive and a bunch of rare and unusual pecies of fish are going to be introduced. But the river is going to be dammed up with nets, so they can't get free.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
I'm at the Corbin's and Zuzu tells me she likes the band Autreche. We discuss the band and I show her a sheet with a bunch of tracks listed on it by various similar groups. I tell her there's a station on the net where she can sample all kinds of music. Then I tell her the band's coming to town and I'll take her and Mallory to see them. I joke with Kim that I'm going out on a date with his two daughters. We have to stop by my house first. We go to the Rivard house only it looks totally different. I ask Zuzu to confirm that it's my home. I notice the workers are there blowing in insulation. I walk through the house and all the rooms look totally different. Then we're in Grand Rapids where the concert is gong to be. We need to buy tickets before we go out to dinner. We're in a car at the top of a parking structure and my brother Dave is driving. He almost crashes into the side of the structure while changing the station on the radio. I yell at him to concentrate on driving.
I'm at Tom's Tavern, a dumpy basement bar on Detroit's west side. I'm drinking a NA Stroh's in a brown bottle and I start to explain to someone how I quit drinking. The scene shifts to Livonia. There's a house that looks normal from the outside, but it's a huge coney restaurant on the inside. I continue telling the story about going into rehab, etc.
I'm at a wine tasting. I try several reds and the guy pouring tells me I'm not going to like this next one because it's way too heavy. Then I get on a rowing machine and do a strange circular motion while rowing
It's a Friday afternoon. I'm sitting around drinking with my brother Pau;, pretending I'm not drunk. My Uncle Tom is going to meet us later and we're going to go to a wedding together
Thursday, November 5, 2020
I watch as some folks are playing doubles tennis The court is real tiny. Then I se where you can play singles. Iy's this weird vertical net that goes from the ground to the ceiling and I can't figure out how you play.
I'm playing some one-on-one basketball. I'm great at stealing the ball, but I miss ever shot I take.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
I was going to start dating Jenny French for started to date Carpie instead. I immediately regret it and want to get Jenny back. I work downtown and we get in a car and head north on Woodward. It's an area known as Germantown and we talk about how Detroit is being revitalized. There are all kinds of high-end shops and upscale restaurants. The we're getting dressed to go to the opera. I put on a suit, but decide to wear a cheap, checked jacket and some old shoes. But I put on an expensive scarf and overcoat. I figure since we're going three nights in a row, I'll save the fancier clothes for the second and third night. As we're walking, Jenny walks with my brother Paul, be we start to chat and realize how much alike we are and how much we have in common.
I'm in a bar that has a small swimming pool in it. I want to take a dip and ask the lifeguard if there are any suits in the lost and found. He's Rob Lowe and is sort of like the character he plays in "Parks N ec". He finds a suit but says it's a boys size six and demonstrates that it won't even fit over the head of some fat guy sho is in the pool.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...