Wednesday, July 29, 2020


1. It's early evening and I'm in the tv room with our cat Lizzie. Pobutnick is outside and he doesn't want to knock to come in, he just wants to walk around hoping we'll notice him. The two of us ignore him and pretend we're asleep

2. I'm in a conference room and a creative brainstorming session is going on.. Someone is drawing the ideas on a big chalkboard and everyone's throwing out ideas for a car commercial. The ideas ore totally crazy and I feel totally out of place--like the young kids have taken over

Saturday, July 25, 2020


1. I'm at a jazz festival. Ingred Jensen has just performed. Due to social distancing, the crown is pretty thin. She's sitting a few rows ahead of me. She turns around and we smile at each other, knowing that if times were normal, we'd give each other a friendly hug.

2. I'm in a bar somewhere up north. A bunch of us have lunch. Afterwards, I go into the bathroom and wash my hair. I go outside to rinse it with a garden hose. I'm wearing an MSU sweatshirt and in the corner of the shirt is the name of some small progressive college. Some guy keeps coming up to me and makes some joke about the name. Then we're waiting a small plane, waiting to board it.


I'm at a work party and am hanging out in the crowded upstairs bar. I have a glass of white wine and a shot of Jim Beam from a small, black plastic flask. I go downstairs where it's a lot less crowded and Jim the bartender waits on me. He brings me a glass of wine and shows me that the flask broke so he gives me a shot of Jim Beam in a shot glass. When I go to pay, I'm given a whole pile of bills. I explain that I only had a couple drinks and they agree that the bills are someone else's.


1. I'm at our friend Howie's place. He has a bunch of fire pits going on around his swimming pool.

2. I'm in a meeting at the Tech Center. It's a briefing about a project that clearly I'm not going to be a part of. I interrupt the meeting to call them on it and leave the meeting.

Monday, July 20, 2020


I'm in a room in a hospital. Somehow my shoes get lost and they make a pair of expensive, handmade leather shoes for me. After they give me the new shoes, I discover my old ones under a blanket, but I don't say anything. My new shoes are in a box and they're black with white and red swishes on them. Outside I run into Gary Nester and we start joking around. Wally shows up and he has a short, feminine haircut. Gary gives him the business about looking gay. Wally's in town to touchup a painting he did that won all sorts of prizes. We're on the set and there's a long grand piano. Wally is going to take some pix of the pianist and the rest of the trio, and I decide it would be a good idea to document the whole process.


1. I'm in a cafe in an art museum. They're giving out free pizza. It's a crappy, thin slice but I take one anyway. The place is pretty packed and I'm concerned about social distancing so I go outside to eat.

2. Not sure where I am but a woman wants me to breath on her arm to test me for Covid. My breath is warm and she says I may be testing positive.

Friday, July 17, 2020


I''m downtown walking down Michigan Avenue towards Woodward. I'm amazed at all the beautiful historic buildings. When I get downtown, I think I might walk out Grand River to my Grandma and Grandpa Bruske's old home. Then I run into the kids and we visit a small train station. It was some other old building but converted to a train station. There is one small waiting room for people headed to Rochester, NY and one room for people going to Chicago.


1. I'm hanging out at an ad agency. Not sure if I still work there or not. But I go on and on about the value of having a mentor around, even though he doesn't do any other work. Then I run into Liz Pence there.

2. I'm driving down Gration Ave. near 15 Mile Rd. and there are all these interesting barns there. I take some photographs of them to use for paintings. There's a kid in the car with us and he's acting super hyper and we decide we ned to get him to a doctor.

3. John (Bakalis?) takes us out on his boat.

4. There's a huge structure being built. It's has a 19th century French look to it. I run into Marge who's on an elevator. I mouth the words "We need to have lunch together" which she understands.


I meet a girl who lives in Hawaii. I tell her all about Michael Constantinides and the whole history of all the places he's lived and visited. Then we're non the inner city of Detroit. All the houses have been knocked down and only the shell of the buildings remain. Inside, there are piles of rocks, all lined up in a row. We look through the rocks and I decide I need to document them with either my camera or my iPhone.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


1. I'm at an ad agency and there's an important meeting goin on in a conference room in the basement. All the bigwigs from the agency are there and a guy called with Noz or Naz is making a presentation. He's the former lead singer of some rap group.. He looks really weird because he has this huge, misshapen forehead. Some goofball mentions something to a woman in the meeting who is wearing a dress. She reaches under her dress and pulls off her panties and hands them to him. He puts them on over his head and starts talking, which cracks everyone up in the meeting.

2. I'm in Rome and have a flight to get back to Detroit later on in the day. So I have the day to goof around. I run into my dad and his friend Dr. Goerke. We go out to lunch and they're serving shrimp and a big pie of baby back ribs with some kind of mustard sauce. Before we can pay,  a woman comes in and picks up the tab. It turns out that it's some sort of scam where people pay for you meals, and then end up writing it off on their taxes and it's being done all over Rome. At one point I look over a map of Rome and try to figure out what to see before I have to head out to the airport.


1. I'm in England with Fred Hoeper, and we're in a car picking up Dorris. She comes out dressed in a fancy pink top and skirt and she's smoking a cigarette, which other surprises me.

2. I'm at a huge part and Gus & Freda's. I ask my dad if I can get him a Bud, and he says sure. So I get one out the fridge long with a 16-oz. Bud for someone else. I'm talking to several people and finally my dad comes in the kitchen to get his beer because I'd taken too long. I give the beer to some guy who has gassed back hair and he tells me it's some sort of ritual with hi and a couple of his buddies to drink 16 ouncers. I see Jim Parsons whole dying on the floor in sort of a bean bag chair. He's on oxygen and mentions that he's recently had surgery. I go back to the kitchen to get something to drink. I really want a beer but there re a bunch of orange pops, and I figure I'd have one of those.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


1. I met this pretty blonde and we really hit it off. We were at the library and it was sort of up in the air whether we were going to start dating or not. She seemed to be high school age and even though I was much older, we were meant for each other.  There was a short girl there with dark brown hair. She wanted me to attend a meeting of hers that was some sort of Jewish club or something. Maybe a Girl Scout troupe? I was supposed to wear a red sash across my forehead. I told her she needed to send me a reminder because I was probably going to forget.

2. I was in Chicago and I think my dad was with me We were at a crowded beach. The we took the El north to an even nicer beach which was near Evanston. I saw an old ballpark that had a small group of fans in one small section. I asked about it and was told that it was an old soccer stadium and the owner fixed it up for baseball--and it was perfect considering the whole Covid thing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I was in a building on East Warren which might have been an ad agency. Belitsos was there and he had a shopping cart full of food. He was going to make some jambalaya and I told him I had the best recipe for it that I'd share with him. In his cart he had a giant ham and a package of mushrooms. He told me he'd give me a lift home but I couldn't find my shoes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I'm just abut to go on stage and scat sing with a jazz group. Dizzy Gillespie is back stage and I do some scat singing for hi and he gets a real kick to of it.


Somehow I accidentally started erasing the data on my computer. I caught it as it was hitting about 40% done. Then I tried to restore the data.


I got a job working at D'Arcy downtown. Someone explained to me how they had a 13 point plan for every day. Then at round 3, everyone started going home. I think the office was under supervised and people were taking advantage of it. I wanted to find the chef and get him or her some good recipes for the cafeteria.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...