Sunday, July 12, 2020


1. I'm in England with Fred Hoeper, and we're in a car picking up Dorris. She comes out dressed in a fancy pink top and skirt and she's smoking a cigarette, which other surprises me.

2. I'm at a huge part and Gus & Freda's. I ask my dad if I can get him a Bud, and he says sure. So I get one out the fridge long with a 16-oz. Bud for someone else. I'm talking to several people and finally my dad comes in the kitchen to get his beer because I'd taken too long. I give the beer to some guy who has gassed back hair and he tells me it's some sort of ritual with hi and a couple of his buddies to drink 16 ouncers. I see Jim Parsons whole dying on the floor in sort of a bean bag chair. He's on oxygen and mentions that he's recently had surgery. I go back to the kitchen to get something to drink. I really want a beer but there re a bunch of orange pops, and I figure I'd have one of those.

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