Tuesday, October 29, 2024



I'm playing with Lizzie in my bedroom I find a bag of marbles and I pick a couple out and toss them under the bed. Lizzie starts playing with them and then I notice she's choking on one of them. I panic and try to give her the Heimlich maneuvre and think maybe I should call the emergency vet. 

I go over the the Moss's to borrow something. A stranger answers the door and discover Phil doesn't live there any more. The guy at the door implies that he had a long-term affair with another teacher and he lost his job and had to move. 

Someone asks what Dave Stoll would name two birds if he had them as pets. I say"Asia Minor and Asia Major." (Minor or Minah, get it?) Then A bunch of us are in a big circle on a parking lot and we're passing and kicking basketballs to each other. Dave's there and I go up and give him a big hug. 



I've just come back from a quick space mission. I have a red coffee mug that I took with me. I accidently drop it and it breaks. Then I pick it up and throw it down and it pulverizes because it was made from recycled paper. I talk with a young guy who wants to get drunk. I tell him I'll buy a six-pack of some IPA and he can have a shot of some bourbon I bought before. I end up in a cozy house--it's sort of like a quaint old Irish pub. People are playing cards. A vocal group picks my brain for music. I tell them about the various types of folk music I enjoy. Then I tell them my real love is jazz and classical. I start to worry about getting back for a second space shot. I feel for my phone and I figure Joe would call if I'm too late. 


I've swallowed some string so I start pulling it out of my mouth. I keep pulling it out until there's a huge wad of it. I finally give up and cut it with some scissors and just swallow it. 


I'm at a law firm and the boss tells me he wants me to work on a project. I can't figure out what he wants me to do so I start dusting. Then we drive to the back entrance of a small airport. It's sandy like a beach and he sits down to ponder life. I sit next to him. There are a bunch of people already sitting so I have to squeeze in. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024



I open up the fridge and pull out a huge cheesecake. I start cutting a massive slice for myself and my younger daughter comes in. I decided maybe I'll eat it later and put it back. 

Friday, October 11, 2024


I'm on a date with a heavy-set young black woman. We go to a movie downtown. It's very moving and I'm going to review it Then we go to a small jazz club on Jefferson. They tell me who's playing--it's a bunch of musicians I've never heard of. People are eating some great food including fried chicken. I think it's free. 

I'm with someone who looks like Jamie and she's one stop ahead of me in various restaurants. I keep trying to catch up with her and we keep texting each other. It's super frustrating. 

I think I'm in Theo's bedroom. Water keeps getting spilled on the wooden floor and I grab towels and clothes to wipe it up. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 I'm at a hotel and I spot Wally. He has a big B&W afro. After saying "Hi" he pretty much blows me off. Then I see him go up to a trio of gay guys and he gives one of them a kiss. I guess he's finally out of the closet. I look for Joe and try to find out what room she's in. There isn't a front desk but the receptionist is somewhere in the lobby and she has a phone to deal with guests. I can't locate her. 

I'm in the Cabbage Patch and there are a bunch of hipsters who've taken over the neighborhood. they're doing all kinds of work on the houses. 


They're shooting a movie inside Groves HS. I wander around and see a few actors that look familiar. I'm going to drive home and I look at a map to find a rout I haven't taken before--maybe there will be some old banks I haven't photographed. I spot the highland route near 11 Mi. Rd. It's black and white checkered on the map. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024


This was sort of like a scene in a movie. There's a movie star standing on the balcony of her mansion. Here hour is for sale and she's commenting that she hopes it goes to someone who'll take care of it and give the house the love it deserves. Her maid who's standing next to her say, "It will." Then it dawns on me/the viewer that the made's bought the house and it puts a big smile on my face. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024


I'm on the set of a movie shoot. A reporter is wandering around looking for someone to interview for a story. I stare at a corner of the ceiling. She asks me what I'm doing and I reply, "When I stare at nothing, I see everything." I'm hoping she'll interview for the story. 

I'm working at an ad agency in S.F. and I get a writing assignment. The only info I have is a piece of paper with a photo of a jazz group on it and some bios of the musicians. The assignment is due on Friday and it's Thursday. The A.E. shows up and asks me how it's coming along and I tell her I need more direction and information. Then I'm washing the floor. It's looks a bit like our basement. I have a metal salad bowl and it gets real dirty with rusty water. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


I'm on Jefferson near Belle Isle. I explain to someone what Belle Isle is. Then I'm trying to cross the road. I have a phone that has a cassette player on it. I'm trying to get it to work to see if there's a message from Schmengie on it about needing a ride home. 

I'm in front of my Grandma's house on Asberry Park. Someone's hitting balls that look like round Kalamata olives. One goes really far. 

My dad takes me and two other guys to play golf. The only tee times are in the evening and it's for a course that my dad isn't interested in playing. So we go to the driving range. It's near Port Huron on the river. He takes us one at a time to give us some lessons. I see them off in the distance. I tell the guys he's a real good golfer. Afterwards, he's thinking of going to the O'Hare's cottage and spending the night there. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 I haven't updated this blog in a while. So rather than sit down and try to update all the dreams from September, I'm just going to start fresh on October first, and try to update it every day. Or ever day I remember my dream(s) from the night before. 

Last night my dream was about classical music. I was in a classroom and someone showed me a recording of some famous symphony. The three movements were written on the LP and I was told that a famous conductor conducted the first movement. And two other conductors handled the next two movements At each table there were a bunch of kids and they were examining various mediums related to classical music. It included 8mm movie film, still photos, and other stuff. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...