Wednesday, May 26, 2021


I'm drinking ouzo in a small kitchen. It's like the one we had on Woodhall only it's Paul Kerber's. I continue to sneak sips and then fill a glass with ice. There's a big ice bucket and the cubes are tinged with different colors and look like crystals. 

I'm in an office building and I wander around. There's a Buscemi's and you have to sort of crawl through a tiny door to get into it. It's set up cafeteria style. I grab a couple things to eat and the slice of apple pie has almost no filling in it so I put it back. I thought the guy was going to give it to me for free. 

We're in Venice. It's cocktail hour and all the high rollers are showing up at this super posh hotel bar. We hang around and listen in the the conversations. It's so lifelike I feel like I'm actually in Venice. 


I mix a vodka and tonic and drink it. Then I mix a second one and Joe gives me a dirty look so I pour it out and fill the glass with water. 

Hannah is sheltering a bunch of cats in her basement.  


I'm in an airport waiting for a flight. Kathus is there and has a talking doll that doesn't work. I strip naked and change my clothes. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I'm in a bar and I need to get some Dewar's Scotch for my dad's birthday. I call Marge who's working at another bar. When she answers I say "Mrs. Schmengie?". She doesn't respond so I just say, "Hi Marge". They have a special going on where you get a pint, fifth, quart, and half gallon for $40. Then I ask her if she'd like to go out for a drink and catch up. She says no. I ask her about getting a cup of coffee and she doesn't respond. I tell her I'm not trying to hit on her, I'm married and all and she doesn't say anything, so I tell her to just forget it. 

I'm on a bus leaving Tiger Stadium. I'm trying to get home, which is at 16 Mile Rd. and (Gratiot?). I push my way up to the bus driver and ask him if I'm on the right bus. He tells me the bus is going to 16 & Van Dyke and then to Lakeside Mall. If I catch the last bus It'll go closer to home. I figure I'll just get off at Van Dyke and either walk the rest of the way or have someone pick me up. I call my dad and ask him if he'll give me a ride but he says he's not going out again that evening. At one point the driver opens up his window and says hi to a restaurant owner who's in the window of his restaurant. 


There's a new road off Lakeshore Dr. near Newberry called Angelus Rd. It has been undeveloped for ages but there's some new construction going on. Tree

s are being bulldozed and there are a bunch of ugly new houses being built. I drive down the winding road and one of the workers asks me the time. 

I'm trapped in a building. I wait for the elevator and the floor beneath me is collapsing. There are whole rooms filled with dead people covered with mud. 

The kids and I visit Pounder. He has a pile of model train equipment and I was going to set it up for him. Joe is waiting to have a sofa delivered. It's Pounders birthday and he says we should go out for some beers. I tell him he should wear his birthday hat and he'll get some free drinks. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


This was one of those epic dreams. I'm in Saudi Arabia and I meet this young girl who falls madly in love with me. She's part of the royal family. She wants to learn how to play baseball, and I show her how to hold the ball and how to pitch. Over the years we correspond and keep in touch. She's not allowed to tell anyone she's in love with me or we'll both be killed. At one point, I unravel a bunch of manuscripts she's sent me. They're written in Arabic and they're love poems. The script is beautiful and it includes English translations. Then it's later on in life and even though I'm married and have kids, we still have a bond. We're sitting at a table for some sort of banquet, and we have a stealth conversation about how, even though we're still in love, we can't mention in publicly. 

I arrive at a kitchen where several women are assembling fruit salads. I pick up a blue and white bottle of dressing and ask about it. It's Scotch and we wonder if it would be a good dressing with pineapple. Then I notice Jeff is there and he has a bowl of grapes. I touch them and a couple stick to my finger. We laugh at how weird that is. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


We're in St. Pete Florida visiting the Dupuis--friends of Bess's. We're going to do a day sail down to Key West and back. Several of us have to drag the boat to the dock. At one point there's a big hill we have to drag the boat up and I look around for a path that's level. I get sidetracked with something else and miss them taking off. 


This was a series of dreams where I was freelancing at various ad agencies. I get an assignment where the account folks are really vague about the direction. I figure out that they want a couple of retail radio spots. Then I'm at a new agency. It's a big open area with a ton of desks and is super crowded. It's extremely loud. I run into a couple of young guys who look vaguely familiar. They're working at a startup agency and I give them some business cards to pass along to their boss. I wonder if I should send him a couple bottles of wine to butter him up. 


I'm driving down Van Dyke and I tell some young kid not to go into packaging design. I'm looking for some excellent donut shop. I get to this strip mall and it's next door to a coney island restaurant. I go to the back door and it's closed and the baker is leaving. I ask if I can still buy some of the famous donuts. There are only three left and they look like giant chocolate chip cookies. Right next to them are these triangle shaped Mexican pastries that look fantastic. 


Bob Packlaian visits us and he drags all kinds of mud and drips water throughout the house. I grab a mop and a bucket and start wiping it all up. 

Monday, May 3, 2021


I'm having lunch with a bunch of people in a restaurant. Mr. Dickenson is at the head of the table and is collecting money for the meal. I have a bunch of bills and give him $5. I notice a stack of essays in front of him. I look and see that one of the women wrote about Anne, a horrid Art Director I worked with at Campbell-Ewald. In the tie I noticed the word "Sodomy". As we leave I try to walk next to this woman and try to engage her in a conversation about her experiences with Anne. 

I'm driving Margo to her car on the WSU campus. I open up a can of sardines and the two of us eat them right out of the can. When we get to the parking lot. a bunch of her friends are waiting for her. 


I'm hanging around Pounder and we're doing fake Russian accents. The two of us are laughing so hard we're crying. 

It feels like there's a har in my mouth. So I get some scissors to cut a hair that's sticking straight out of my tongue. I look in the mirror and open up my mouth. There's a whole bunch of sod growing in my mouth!  


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...