Monday, July 31, 2023


Someone steals my bike while I'm in a store on Mack. I find it in their garage. I take it back. They threaten me and I tell them if they harm me, every cop in the Farms will shoot them. 

Mice are everywhere. In the basement they're in a big vt of olive oil. I was looking for some peanut butter. Dad was in another room drinking with his friends. 


Having dinner at Nick and Ann's. We're having a kind of rolled roast. It's in the microwave. Jean Dolson joins us for dinner. I take a picture of the group and it's the last shot on the roll of film. I pour some wine and the bottle is almost empty. Ann tells Nick to go down in the basement and get some more. 

I go to a record store with Paul to buy a Christian Rock cd. We find a 5-disc set. We only buy one for $16. It's Easter Sunday. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023



I'm crossing the border from Windsor to Detroit. It's like at the tunnel only it's above ground. They're looking for a certain number on the passport but mine is okay. I have an insert that says $200 which is what I have to pay to get back into the country. 


I was dressed up in some sort of crazy costume. I have an app on my phone where I can press one of four buttons and it plays chords. I sing a song/poem that I'm making up on the spot. I'm in our Escape in front of the house. I back up while trying to pick up tiny pieces of paper in the car. I drive past Matt's truck and may have sideswiped it. A policeman comes over. He mentions that he's going to IU in the fall. I tell him that Sarah went there and that the kids used to call Indi Indianaopolis! He tells me that maybe I shouldn't drive while wearing a costume. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


I'm hanging around Eastland and I'm trying to pick up the actress who plays the main doctor on "Green Wing." My car is downtown and I'm trying to figure out how to get it Then I'm helping Steve Zerwick cut someone's lawn.  

Monday, July 17, 2023



I'm at a convention where Trish Fresard is running for Governor. A photographer is there taking pictures. Amy Hathaway is there with Kathus. I have my picture taken with Kathus. Then I go up to the bar and reach over to get a Mountain Dew. I look for the spritzer that has a Mountain Dew logo on it. 

I wake up. When I go back to sleep the dream continues...

Trish has been elected Governor. Everybody is celebrating. There are a couple women who think their hot shit because they're back stage. Trish comes up to me and gives me a hug. Then Dod does as well. I look over and grin at the women. 


I'm working at an ad agency in the Renaissance Center. I'm working on an ad campaign and I'm not sure if I'm freelancing or not. I go up to the 9th floor. I used to have an office there. I look for Belitsos.  


I'm asleep for ages. Then I wake up and take a huge dump.  It's shaped like a snake and has eyes. Some people drive and they decide they're going to take me to their home in the South. 

I'm in some sort of huge building. There are lots of people around. I was showing someone the sky app on my iPhone. It has a small cube that's an antenna that clips on it. A guy adds a string of Christmas lights to it for better reception. It's projects a picture on the tv. I take it off and the small beads that ar on top of each bulb fall off the they[re everywhere I'm in a recording booth at Y&R and I have to sweep them all up. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


I'm staying in a big dorm room/hostel. I get into the shower and a woman comes in and takes a shower with me. It's totally innocent. Later I tell Diana about it. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


I'm at a huge wedding. Every time I pour a glass of wine, there's a woman giving me a dirty look. I wander around. It seems like the wedding is winding down. Some people have their own 1/2 bottles of wine which they carry around with them. Most of the bottles on the tables are empty. Then some Indians are on top of a building. They're trying to start a rebellion and are shouting down at the crowd. They toss small sandbags down to the people. I spot Joe eating some red velvet wedding cake and she has a big glass of red wine. I go into another big room and they have piles of cookies that they're putting on silver trays. I grab a napkin and take some cookies to sneak out with me. 

Monday, July 10, 2023


I'm with the hawk downtown and we're trying to get a bus home. I mention that we can take a 610. 615, 620, or a 625. Tom goes across Jefferson and I mention if he gets a bus there, it's going to turn around at Woodward and head back along my side of the street anyway. Then I'm on the west side waiting to get a bus home. It's sort of a dicey neighborhood and I start walking fast. A couple guys try to rob me and I have some money in my left from pocket and a big wad of bills in my right back pocket.  



I'm with Stu at Eastland. He fakes being shot and stabs a poker into the asphalt parking lot. I meet a bunch of people including my dad and I have to fake being sad. 


There was some sort of creative competition. I wrote a poem for it and a baker wrote it on a series of cakes. I bring a tray with the cakes on it and set it up outside the building that's hosting the competition.  

Monday, July 3, 2023


I'm in a palace in England. One of the rooms is empty and they're bringing in furniture. In another huge room they're playing baseball. I get up to bat, and the bat is made of two thin metal rods. I hit a line drive single, and then take second on a hit by the next batter. The game is called "3-2-2" and it involves betting on individual players. Some guards come and break the game up. I wander outside and the palace is under construction and I spot a big garden area that needs attention. 

I'm driving around Belle Isle giving one of my tours. Several cars drive by and honk their horns. The passengers wave to me and I can't figure out who they are. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...