Thursday, December 22, 2022



I'm at a Democratic Party planning meting. I have a big book with details all the plans for the Republican plans. I come up with a brilliant plan--we're attend the next Republican meeting and when they mention some of the crazier ideas, we'll shout our approval. I'm in a big hall and am trying to present my idea, but several people keep talking and interrupting me including Peter and Patty Dodge. When they finally leave I start to present my idea. 

I working with a crew fixing up some apartment buildings in Midtown Detroit. I'm patching some holes in the walls. Rick Steiger is there and he want's me to copy some color negatives he has. Then we meet with some friends of his. They have a bunch of brochures and I'm trying to figure out if they want me to retype them or go through them and edit them. 


I hop into the water near Belle Isle. I'm sitting on a shovel and paddle around the island. When I get out there's a crowd of people. I say hi to Bill & Sue and they pretend they don't know who I am. Then they let on that they were prancing me. 

I have a camera with three senses. The wide angle is falling apart. I go into a camera store and look at some display cases filled with cameras I've never heard of. They have some really cool designs. 

I'm the best man for some young kid I don't know It's a three-day celebration. We're driving around in a convertible and I'm getting dropped off at the house I'm staying at. It's early Sunday morning and it's starting to get light. There's another wedding party on the front lawn. I need to get some sleep because there's another ceremony of some sort on Sunday afternoon. 


A bunch of us are eating in a restaurant. We're at a large table and everyone is served the same thing. It's a bowl with three tings in it and they're skimpy portions. Somehow it's been decided that Teagan is going to have my baby. 

I'm in Marianne's backyard. I'm arguing with y dad. It starts to get smokey and then a forest fire quickly encroaches on us and we have to flee I'm thinking about going back inside the home to get my camera equipment. I notice a dog is trapped inside the home and I try to break the window to get him but it won't break. 

John Lapp is failing. I'm in a room with him and Steve Ockerman. John tries to get up but is too weak. He starts crying because he knows he's dying. I put a pillow behind his head to make him more comfortable. 


I get a job as an extra. It's going to be filming in the Renaissance Center. I rent a room in the hotel across the street to change in. I go to the set, but I need to go back to the room to get my stuff so I don't get charged for overnight. 


We're supposed to drive up north for the weekend. But first we have to rebuild a bunch of beds. We lay down some slats, then newspaper, then pebbles then sod. I don't know what I'm doing but there's a pro there who's super fast at it. Then I'm riding behind a vehicle stilton on some slats. We're driving up on Friday, staying Saturday and returning on Sunday. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022



I'm looking at a book about me. I'm a famous painter and inventor. 

I'm with a couple people and I spot Justin Bieber inside a mall. I go inside and chat with him for a bit. He tells me he wants to go to a book store and I point out where it is. 

I'm in the basement of some famous girls house. I'm busy doing their laundry. 



I was in a brainstorming session where we were trying to figure out how to get people to slow down driving on a certain stretch of the road. We only have $500 to work with. I come up with the idea of putting the image of a fire engine on a sign. I keep bragging about what a brilliant idea it is. 


I was going to help David Detloff move from East Lansing back to GP. First we had to take a bunch of his boxes to Lauren Sargent's place and I told him if he went swimming instead of helping, I won't help him move. I spot him swimming so I quit. Then I'm in a tent and there's a Christians vs. Pagans hockey game only each side only has one hockey stick. I'm on the sidelines and take a couple shots and score the winning goal. 



I was with a bunch of women and we were discussing religion. One woman had messed up hair and we talked about being an Orthodox Jew.

I was with Mike Mengdan and we were talking about the MC5. I looked down and my foot was all bloody for no apparent reason. 



I'm checking out the GPYC for a slip. It's $800 a month. There's a waiting list. A black guy gets one. In the dining room he's informed that he has to spend $200 a month on meals. Theres a new pier going in next door. I walk through the club. I'm in a huge room where you wait for your car. There are old tiles on the walls--it's probably going to be repainted. I walk into a big room where Jeff is conducting an auction. There's all sorts of stuff for sale. He gives me a small wooden chair and a kneeler from 1909. 

Joe and I are going to a Star Wars movie. There's a long line for tickets. I take a dump but don't have time to wipe. The theatre is in an outdoor mall and I see a bunch of portapotties. Then I spot Joe--part of the theatre is in a bunch counter. 

Friday, December 2, 2022



I get a job at a small ad agency at Northland. They only have one small account. (A stage play?) I go over to D'Arcy and I was freelancing there for 3-1/2 years and run into Greg Moy. I give him my telephone number. Then I get a haircut. I look like a prisoner--it's super short on the sides. I go back to D'Arcy and joke about the haircut. 

I meet a guy who's from Plymouth, MI. I ask him if he knows Tony Ruda and he doesn't. Then we're waiting for some act to go on an Tony's. He's having a jazz festival in his yard. 


I'm out in the country. We're exploring a tunnel with a river inside it. At the opening there is a pile of trash. We get to one the has a bunch of blue tackle boxes in it. When we open up one of them there are two tiny benches in it. We turn it right side up and when it's exposed to sunlight a message appears on it. It tells us our fortune. 

Someone gives me a bottle of cologne. When I smell it it smells like perfume. Someone says to let it breathe and it'll smell more masculine. 


I'm in Germany shooting a wedding. I'm arranging all kinds of different poses involving a dining room table. I photograph the bride and grooms hands touching. I keep fore=getting the groom's name and I fake it several times. 

I'm in college and everyone is going to Chicago for a big annual blowout weekend. Then I'm at Gorman's Furniture. Doug Stone works there I talk to him and a writer who does their ads. I mention some of the best ones I did. Then I go back and meet  Doug and I say, "Can you guess who I am"? We talk about old times. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...