Sunday, June 13, 2021


My cousin Dana is going to get married. We're not sure whether the big shower is on a Tuesday or the following weekend. Someone tells her that there's a rumor that I'm plotting to disrupt the wedding and I find out she's on her way back to PA. I'm trying to reach her to tell her I totally support her. 

I'm in some big public area and a woman is going around taking a survey. She works for an English restaurant chain. She has a clip board and asked you your name. The she tells you about a new drink they're come up with and how do we feel about it. There are samples of the various fruits that are in it and she asks me if I want to sample them. There's a small town of cut apples and some other fruit. And there's a mound of some bright blue paste that's coated with sugar. I sample it and it tastes like nothing I've ever tasted before. I ask her what it is and it's something like Agave, only spelled differently. 

I eat a bunch of pastries/cake that has a ton of red food coloring in it. Later, when I'm peeing I notice it's a bit red. 

I'm out in public some place and there are a couple piles of the Chase ballpoint pens I've been hoarding. I grab several and stuff them in my pocket. Then I see a bag on the ground and it has a bunch of pens in it including some multi-colored ones. I start to reach in to take some and I realize it's a nurses bag. There are a bunch of drugs in it and some hypodermic needles. I figure if I get caught I'd be in big trouble so I eave it alone. 


I'm with Molly Andrew and I'm explaining some modern classical music we're hearing live. We're in the hallway of a school and there are several choirs singing in various classes. Then we hear some African drumming. 

We meet at the Dickenson's apartment and we're going to go out for dinner with a bunch of folks. I start driving and realize I forgot Joe. 

I'm a Nino Salvaggio's getting a bunch of groceries. I sample some prosciutto. I see someone has framed a pro-abortion picture/poster. I end up leaving without paying. Joe has a brand new red Dodge and it's her company car. Some guy brings her groceries out to her car. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Sarah & Hannah and I are staying with Gloria in Penna. It's early evening and I want to drive home only the kids insist they watch some parade on tv which won't be over until around 9 pm. So I hop on a bike and ride into town. I can see an ancient stone tower looming over the town and I'm on a dirt road. I go into a shopping mall and wander around for a bit. As I leave I get a flat tire. I can see a round bulge in the tire. I'm going to call Dana and ask her if she can give me a lift back to her mom's house. 

I'm at an outdoor jazz concert. There's a female sax player who plays this incredibly sexy song as she lays down on her boyfriend. I start talking to a young family sitting behind me and they tell me their uncle (who is standing next to the stage) is the mayor of the town the sax player is from. I ask them the name of the town and they're not sure. They keep throwing out names of various cities including Sydney. At this point I can feel Lizzie lay down next to me and I become semi-conscious. 


I'm at Nick & Ann's for a ProMusica concert. Out back there's a screened-in porch only it's huge and you have to step down to get into it. There's a huge crowd seated at rows of tables. Someone is playing a "Best of Guster" cd, which is kind of weird considering the age of the crowd. 

I'm at a birthday party at some rich people's home. There are a couple of cakes. One is this real fancy multi tiered one with edible silver beads on it. Another one is rather small and plain and a woman (a birthday girl?) is sitting in front of it. I sense she's not super popular. I see a woman who has a pile of cake on a plate and she's eating it without a fork. People are singing some odd songs I'm not familiar with and I try to get everyone to sing "Sto Lat". 



I'm at Kent Drugs and I accidentally spill a bunch of candy on the floor. Max tells me to clean it off and put it back on the shelf. 

I'm looking for a used car. I go into this huge garage and there are a bunch of cars there. Only they don't have their bodies, they're just the chassis. I try to envision what they'll look like. I'm interested in a Cadillac. 


Someone has a small bag of diamonds. They came out of a hollow pick handle. I look for a coat hanger so I can get the rest of the diamonds out. 

I'm a Senior in college and a high school girl has a crush on me. I'm friends with her mother. We're working on a project together. I decide that next year I'm going to tell her I'm in love with her. 


My two daughters come home from an outing with my Grandma Bruske. A bunch of folks come over and we're in a huge room. I put on some jazz. 

I'm at the Detroit Lion's training camp. The Hawk and I went to get our uniforms. They're serving breakfast to all the players. There's a huge pile of ham and other food. I grab a box of cereal. I'm going to be a starter and I put on my uniform and go over to where the Hawk is sitting. I volunteer to get coffee. It's just starting to brew. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...