Thursday, April 29, 2021


I'm on some kind of wild trip/outing with people from work. We're on a bus heading to Port Huron and I think we're going to go to Canada. We end up on a small dirt road and are apparently lost. We cross some railroad tracks and a two car train zooms by, narrowly missing us. I can see the freeway in the distance. Then the dream changes and we're on a train going on a causeway out into the ocean. At one point the tracks go under water and they make a loop heading back to the mainland. I get out and look at the rocks by the side of the tracks. I spot a fossil but look for a small blue rock to take as a souvenir. Most of the rocks are huge, and some of the have diamond shaped blue crystals on them. Then I go into an underwater restaurant gift shop. It's tiny and there are some posters on the wall for various jazz acts. Apparently a musician who performs there was on the train with us and had recommended the restaurant. 


I'm in some big room with a Japanese guy. He hits a golf ball which ricochets off the wall and ceiling and it lands in a hole for a hole in one!

I determine that we have enough money to consider ourselves wealthy. So I decide to buy the camera of my dreams--a Leica! I go into a camera store and they show me several models which are all goofy looking. They're round and look like toy cameras. It's kind of frustrating. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


I'm going to the library with a girl who lives down the street. 
I have a small glass of beer which I chug down. Then Joe gives me a dirty look. 

I'm going to a concert with a jazz giant. It's someone like Count Basie only I'm not sure who he is. I don't want to ask him his name because that would be embarrassing. We talk briefly about being sober and he asks me if I go to AA. I tell him I do SMART meetings. Then we arrive at the venue. It's a relatively small space and we climb the stairs and go to our seats.  


There's some kind of natural disaster and there's been a bunch of looting. I discover that no one has stolen any of my paintings and I'm a little disappointed that none of them were stolen. 

Monday, April 19, 2021


We're staying in a hotel in downtown Chicago. I go out and ride my bike. I ride into Marshall Field's which is totally packed on a Sunday morning. People are gathering for a parade. A kid runs into my bike. Then I'm back at the hotel in an elevator. We're on the 12th floor only the button has broken off the panel in the elevator. Then we're with Howie discussing stocks. We talk about how you can make a lot of money on boring stocks like Wal-Mart but kids like flashy stocks. We get into Howie's huge Buick and a young Francis is there with a friend. The back seat has been folded down.  


The Hawk and I go over to Windsor. Apparently when we were much younger we got some girls pregnant and we have kids living there. Then we're having trouble getting passports to get back into the U.S. They were confiscated to the border the they print up some temporary ones for us. 

I go the a photoshoot where they're going to shoot a car. There's all kinds of equipment there for the professional photographers. I have a camera but there isn't a car there. I call to inquire about the situation but I can't really hear the person on the other end. Finally she shouts her phone number. I write it down and am going to call her back. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


I'm in Japan and go into a small crowded party store. One Japanese gentleman tries to tell me in broken English that he's been to Detroit. Then, an American who's living in Japan starts talking to me about Detroit. 

I'm in a small room and there's a bake sale going on. Several woman are cramming their bags full of cookies. I ask if I can make a donation and put together a care package as well. Then I pull out a wad of money. It's all crumpled up and has a ton of Canadian money mixed in. 

I'm at a party out in Rochester. It's a night and I go out on a beer run. I put a mixed case of beer on the counter and somehow, it's only $2.75. When I get out to my car, I realize the bottles are all empty. I look into the back of a truck parked next to me and there's an open cooler with a couple six-packs of beer in it. I swipe one and take off. The guy chases after me and I hear someone yell that I'm the guy with a mustache. I'm suddenly in a store and the guy runs towards me only he bangs his head on the corner of a shelf and falls down. I run up to him and kick him a couple times in the head.  

Monday, April 12, 2021


I'm in an office in the Renaissance Center and I'm trying to retake the LSAT. Someone rifles through some files and finds my exam. When I look closely at it it's dated March something and it's not the most recent test. I get frustrated and leave. When I get outside I realize I don't have my wallet and I don't have a mask. Most of the people aren't wearing masks. I ask several people if they have and extra one, because I'll need to wear one for the bus ride home. 

The siding guys are working on residing our house. I do some experimenting with staining some pieces of siding. They're red, yellow, and green and they put them up on the side of the house to see what they look like. 


I'm hanging around Cadillac Square in downtown Detroit with John and Bill Austeberry and The Hawk. Bill is going in for an interview and we tell him not to worry because it's just a courtesy interview. 


I'm on a train and it does a loop and ends up in a cool area of train works. There's a big Greek restaurant and I go in. I want to photograph it but the last tour has already left. I ask to speak to the manager. 

I'm playing in the basement with some girls. There's a table with three sets of holes in it on either end and we each have some marbles. The object of the game is to roll the marbles down the length of the table and get them into the holes. 


We're in Troy and trying to get to a river. To access it we have to go through some lady's backyard. There's a huge line at her front door with people who want to go there. She's letting them in one at a time at her front door. 

I'm taking Lizzie to a cat show and she keeps slipping out of her cat carrier. 


I'm in NYC with Joe. I end up in a jazz bar that's a performance space on one side and a restaurant on the other side. It's real old and I realize I've been there all day and forgot to contact Joe. So I borrow a phone to call her. 

I have a wagon and I[m delivering some flowers to a woman who looks like Halley Barre. I discuss how I have a small garden and it would be more impressive if I had three of each variety instead of one of each. The plants are expensive=$8 for each annual. 


I run into Sue Barass, a girl I knew in high school. She's super sweet and I want to invite her over for dinner. She lives in Livonia. 

I'm putting on a concert and we're in a room practicing. There are a bunch of tables set up in a square. I sit next to Gary Nester and we're playing with some mallets. 


I'm at a restaurant and I order a sandwich. I ordered a panini and when it comes it the wrong one. I pick it up at a carryout window and the sandwich is corned beef and it's really skimpy on the meat. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...