Thursday, April 29, 2021


I'm on some kind of wild trip/outing with people from work. We're on a bus heading to Port Huron and I think we're going to go to Canada. We end up on a small dirt road and are apparently lost. We cross some railroad tracks and a two car train zooms by, narrowly missing us. I can see the freeway in the distance. Then the dream changes and we're on a train going on a causeway out into the ocean. At one point the tracks go under water and they make a loop heading back to the mainland. I get out and look at the rocks by the side of the tracks. I spot a fossil but look for a small blue rock to take as a souvenir. Most of the rocks are huge, and some of the have diamond shaped blue crystals on them. Then I go into an underwater restaurant gift shop. It's tiny and there are some posters on the wall for various jazz acts. Apparently a musician who performs there was on the train with us and had recommended the restaurant. 

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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...