Friday, February 19, 2021


I'm with a crowd of people and someone announces that if we're interested, we can sign upend receive a Covid vaccine within the hour. So I'm all for it and we're ushered into a room that looks like a school cafeteria. People are sitting at tables and we are going to proceed through some curtains to various stages of treatment. Then I'm on a sailboat and the captain is demonstrating how quickly it can bring in the mainsail manually. Then it gets snagged and he climbs the mast. I mention how glad I am that I don't have to do it. 

Monday, February 15, 2021


Five of us go back in time about ten years. We're sliding down the outside of a tall building downtown, and I tell the group not to look down. The we tell people we're from the future and try to warn them about how dangerous Donald Trump will become. 

I'm heading home down Lakeshore Drive near the lake. Traffic is horribly backed up and I ride my bike along the narrow space next to the curb. There are semi trucks and a couple large jets in traffic. A government official gets out and grabs me. I can hear his walkie-talkie and I drag him into the lake. As we go under water I hear his walkie-talkie die. 

I'm in a hall looking at art that has been in an awards show. Jack Summers is taking me around showing me the winners. The art is in boxes and I look for my handwriting on the outside of the boxes. The Hawk is there and he's giving out cookies and candy from last Christmas. 

I'm downtown in a bar for a work party. Most of my workmates stay just long enough to make an appearance then cut out. I stay a bit longer as the place fills up with regulars. I'm watching some event on tv. Then I go out and try to figure out where I parked my car. 


I'm staying at my childhood home in Mt. Clemens. I want to take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood and keep begging them to join me. Diana asks them if they want ice cream on their hamburgers. I give up and walk around the neighborhood. I was going to visit Sunnydale School and then St. Thecla's. Phil Thomaszewski drives by and I explain what I'm doing to him. I see Ann walking back from the bank and she's pretty mad. I end up at a medieval cathedral and there are a bunch of tour groups walking around. And there are kids playing on the playground surrounding it.  

Friday, February 12, 2021



I go to my advertising job which is located in in area of the Hudson's department store at Eastland Mall. When I get there I realize it's been turned back into retail space. I go outside and some of my coworkers ae there. We're all trying to figure out where our jobs have been moved to. I spent Belitsos but I don't ask him where we're supposed to go. I figure we'll get a couple of days off. 


I'm going away and I leave it for someone to take care of it. It's a big, yellow beetle and it's in a display case. Then the guy goes inside the display car and gets the bug all worked up and it stings him a bunch of times. 


I win a contest making exotic egg rolls. Then I have to make a bunch more for the judges to eat. 

I'm in a basement playing floor hockey with the Constantinides. Susan's pants rip and her butt is bared. Then a Joey Bottafucco-type guy who is a bank manager does a commercial. He has a tiny car parked in the driveway and I sit down in it and check it out 

Monday, February 8, 2021


I go to my high school class reunion and it's pretty crowded. I don't recognize anyone there. Someone tells me I should have gone to the one on June 17th. I don't know anything about that. Wally show up, which takes me by surprise. For a gag, he's having someone wrap his head with bandages and smears fake blood on his face and head. 

I'm riding my bike home from work and I get a flat tire. It's sort of out in the country. I'm not sure what to do so I go into a motel and call a cab. When it takes me back to work I realize I have my car there only I don't have the keys. Randy is there and I ask if he has keys--which he doesn't Then Sarah and Hannah show up with the keys. 


Diana and I are driving with y cousins Carol and Thadine. We stop somewhere and Carol and I tae some photos of an old monument on 8 Mile Rd. Then we go back to their place for dinner. It turns into this huge party and I talk to all sorts of interesting people. They're a bunch of Bohemian types and I'm drinking iced tea out of a plastic cup. I'm pretty tired and Diana asks me if I want a beer but I tell her it'll just make me more tired. A few of the people mention they know Oliver Hoffman. 

Friday, February 5, 2021



I'm being let go from my job. A couple guys ask me to come into their office to sign some papers. On a white board I see a couple statements that are part of what I'm agreeing to and it involves me being part of a conspiracy and that I'm responsible for a multitude of people dying. Then I see a bunch of people who are being laid off. They're supposed to sign documents as well. I tell everyone to hold off and that I[m gong to look into what they're signing. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


A bunch of us were attending a jazz concert. Between sets, we went to Greektown to get something to eat. We were sitting around a big table and I talked about the first band, which was local, and was made up of a loose group of musicians. I told the Hawk that it featured a rare appearance by a musician who played the human head (a skull?). Kenny Garrett also played in one of the bands. Patty Brown had a half tray of baklava someone made for Emily that was made without butter, so she could eat it. Some kid kept bugging her for a piece and she was going to give him one. Then I told her if she gave him one, then I wanted one too, and eventually, there wouldn't be any for Emily. She agreed and put the piece back. The Hawk left to get Eleanor who was shopping. I walked back to the venue with Bill Swessinger who was smoking a cigarette. I was telling him a story about how much better homemade baklava was. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


I get a gig playing piano in a jazz trio. It's at a swank new club on the west side--maybe in Southfield or Farmington Hills. I have my doubts that I can fake it, but I sit down at the piano and start playing chords that sound pretty convincing. 

I'm in Rome with Hannah. The rest of the family and some friends are at the Colosseum attending the opera. We arrive at the parking structure of another building and I discover that I don't have my car keys, wallet, or phone with me. I tell one of the parking attendants and suggest I call Diana and maybe someone can come and get us. Then I reason that it'll take too long and it might be better if we walk. There are several maps and I keep asking the guy to show me how to get there. It's only about 20 minutes away and I keep losing him and Hannah. I figure the Colosseum is big enough that we'll be able to find it easily enough. 


I'm working on a lettering project and I notice the ink in the pen keeps clotting up. I empty it into a tub and I realize that tiny black worms are the cause. When they hit the water they get huge. 

I'm on a ship and have a battle with pirates. Later on I get on a small boat that's going out for a scenic tour and someone tells the group that I fought some pirates. I say, "I'll tell your the story later." 


Keith Kaminski asks me to look for a couple tenor sax players to join him for a world tour with a band he's in. When I approach various players, I have to explain that he was in Bob Seger's band because they don't know who he is.  


There are a whole bunch of relatives and they're walking around Aunt Ann's casket not knowing they're not included in the will. 


We were visiting Pounder and we brought our pet taster. It was in a sort of cage/harness so it could run around but be protected. Someone was explaining how we could give it body tattoos, but couldn't do tattoos around the whisker area. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...