Monday, February 15, 2021


Five of us go back in time about ten years. We're sliding down the outside of a tall building downtown, and I tell the group not to look down. The we tell people we're from the future and try to warn them about how dangerous Donald Trump will become. 

I'm heading home down Lakeshore Drive near the lake. Traffic is horribly backed up and I ride my bike along the narrow space next to the curb. There are semi trucks and a couple large jets in traffic. A government official gets out and grabs me. I can hear his walkie-talkie and I drag him into the lake. As we go under water I hear his walkie-talkie die. 

I'm in a hall looking at art that has been in an awards show. Jack Summers is taking me around showing me the winners. The art is in boxes and I look for my handwriting on the outside of the boxes. The Hawk is there and he's giving out cookies and candy from last Christmas. 

I'm downtown in a bar for a work party. Most of my workmates stay just long enough to make an appearance then cut out. I stay a bit longer as the place fills up with regulars. I'm watching some event on tv. Then I go out and try to figure out where I parked my car. 

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