Monday, September 28, 2020


 I'm hanging out somewhere near the WSU campus. Someone calls me and leaves a message. It's a wrong number and the guy is standing about 10 feet away from me. I point it out and we ge get a kick out of it. The I head over to the WSU book store. I notice that I'm on 55th Street, which I need to remember because that's where I parked y car. The book store is a smaller satellite store and I need to go to the main bookstore because I need to leek at some history books. 

I'm at Andy and Deb;s house. She has a surprise for me. (Maybe for my birthday?) I go into the living room and there's a little black kitten for me. It's kind of scruffy with messed up hair. I pretend I'm happy, but I'm also kind of sad because we already have a kitten, Lizzie, that we really love. 



I'm at an all-day band camp competition. I play the tuba, only its this really long skinny instrument. 


 I'm at Union Street with a friend. I order a beer and start drinking it. We decide to go down the street to another bar/restaurant. On the way I remember that I quit drinking so I leave the half full bottle of beer on the sidewalk. We go into the restaurant and Diana is siting at a table with Eleanor Safie. Then the Hawk and a bunch of our old friends come in and sit down. We look at the menus and try to figure out what to order for dinner. 



A racist shooting occurs. Hundreds of people are shocked and they gather on the front lawn. They lie motionless for hours. Finally I get up and go to work. 


I was visiting my Great Aunt Gertie at her apartment. We had just finished dinner and ai was washing her salad bowl and was going to put it aside for her. Then, someone down the hall started threatening her. It turns out it was a misunderstanding. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



I'm with Dan Mosier and he plays a a selection of "The Concerto Per Gentlehomme" by Rodriguez. Several people comment that it's not really classical music and we have a long discussion about this. 


 I'm in NYC and I take a bus from uptown to midtown. I wander around and someone keeps calling me. He's going to come to New York and give me some direction to my life. 

I'm at a party and a bunch of us are eating cake. A really pretty young girl walks by me and sits down next to me. 


I'm in a band and we have to shave our heads bald. I start shaving it with some electric clippers but ask for help because I keep messing up. 

I'm backstage and there's a reformed alcoholic there and I have a small flute of vodka. I sip it, knowing that I can control myself and not get drunk. 

a young version of Hannah is there and her hair is all messy. I mention that you can always tell it's Hannah because of her messy hair. A big band starts to play on a stage and Wally goes up and pretends to start a fight with one of the musicians. It's all staged and someone else (Art?) joins in on the fight. 


 I'm helping with an ongoing experiment with birds. The object is to get them to peck at a bel and get a reward. Judy Evola is here and she mentions that you can always tell that I've been there because I always leave a book I'm reading. 


We have a newborn baby. It starts babbling and then starts forming words. And then, miraculously, it starts talking in complete sentences. 

I'm in a public park and there are six phone booths. I try to call Hannah but it's a long-distance number. Then I'm in an office building and I run into Deb who is in town for some reason. 


 My Dad bought Sarah a huge flat-screen tv. It actually had two screens built into it and had a chrome tube on the edge. Several of us wrestled with it to carry it up a flight of stairs to her upper flat. 

Friday, September 11, 2020



1. I'm in a beer store with Doug Wood. I ask the owner if they have any NA beer and he directs me to a cooler, which only has a couple different kinds of beer in it. I ask him if any of them actually taste like beer and he tells me to try the Polish NA beer. It's $25 a case, which is rather small. To my amazement, Doug has never heard of NA beer.

2. I'm at Y&R in the Renaissance Center. I've been let go but I'm still at work. Terry has a bunch of people in his office including Bob Packlaian. I tell Terry I'd like him to confirm that I wasn't fired because I wasn't doing the job and that Josh was the one who had it in for me. He would say anything and followed me around the office until he came to the entrance. Josh's office was the first one and Terry sat down and I asked him if Josh was the guilty party and he smiled and nodded his head. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

9/1-9/8 2020

 I'm playing golf at Balduck, in the field there with Jim Wilson On the way home I remember that my dad bought the Harvard Grille and turned it into a Coney Island restaurant so we stopped there. I Introduce Jim to everyone A bunch of the Kondaks are there. Teagan asks me how I like it and I mention Nathan's hot dogs and she says they're too tough. 

I'm in Spain and I park the car near a bunch of donut shops. I go into one and hang out for a while. When I go back to the car, it had been towed. someone in a van says he'll take me to the parking structure where the car is. It's been towed to make way for other cars and I wouldn't get a ticket. I ask about tipping him. 

I'm hanging out with a 14-year old girl. We're good friends and it's strictly a platonic relationship. We're in a small village and we wander out into the country to take some photos. It's beautiful with rivers and fields. 

I attend a ski jumping contest where a bunch of the coaches wipe out. Lisa Repicky is there and it's a Wednesday night. I remember hat we've invited a bunch of the old gang over for dinner. When I get home, Brian and Molly are there and we're serving tacos.

I'm leaving an event on the west side and Sarah and Alex are n the car. We're trying to figure out how to get to the freeway but the map in the car is all ripped up. We decide to take surface streets back to the east side. We're sort of on foot for a bit and are in the middle of a police raid of some sorts. Someone yells that the police "said a bad word about my ankle!" W're driving through an area with big old buildings and see a huge Orthodox church with huge spires. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...